1. #1
    Bilal El-Khattabi


    De Jonge Huwelijksleeftijd Van ‘Aa-isha (En) en de weerspraak van Jamal al-Banna (AR)


    De weerspraak komt uit dit boek:

    Hierin onderbouwd de geleerde Jamal al-Banna رحمه الله dat ‘Aa-isha رضي الله عنها niet negen jaar was maar achttien toen het huwelijk geconsumeerd werd. Zie de eerste link voor de screenshots uit het boek, onderin.

    Wallahu a’lam


    الحال - الحول\حول - الحيلة : لا -حول- ولا قوة إلا بالله (الحوقلة) الحمد لله (التحميد) اهـ
    S.John 12:25 He that loveth his life, shall lose it: and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternall.

  2. #2
    MVC Lid


    Citaat Geplaatst door AbuMuhamad Bekijk reactie

    De weerspraak komt uit dit boek:

    Hierin onderbouwd de geleerde Jamal al-Banna رحمه الله dat ‘Aa-isha رضي الله عنها niet negen jaar was maar achttien toen het huwelijk geconsumeerd werd. Zie de eerste link voor de screenshots uit het boek, onderin.

    Wallahu a’lam

    Gaan we de overleveringen ontkennen die Aisha in eigen persoon heeft overgeleverd?
    Verheug je op het goede maar wees vooral voorbereid op het slechte

  3. #3
    Bilal El-Khattabi


    Citaat Geplaatst door Mediterraneo Bekijk reactie
    Gaan we de overleveringen ontkennen die Aisha in eigen persoon heeft overgeleverd?

    Bron: https://abumuhamad.nl/508#weerspraak

    الحال - الحول\حول - الحيلة : لا -حول- ولا قوة إلا بالله (الحوقلة) الحمد لله (التحميد) اهـ
    S.John 12:25 He that loveth his life, shall lose it: and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternall.

  4. #4
    Bilal El-Khattabi


    'Eid mubarak iedereen, en de 9 jarigen in het bijzonder haha.

    الحال - الحول\حول - الحيلة : لا -حول- ولا قوة إلا بالله (الحوقلة) الحمد لله (التحميد) اهـ
    S.John 12:25 He that loveth his life, shall lose it: and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternall.

  5. #5


    MVC Premium MVC Premium
    Als eerste broeder, wie is Jamal al Banna?

    En waarom ontkent hij authentieke hadith omwille van rekensommen en wie van de Salaf wist wat hij weet over de leeftijd van ‘A’isha radia lahu 3anha?

    En waarom 18, omdat het westen claimt dat volwassenheid pas vanaf 18 jaar is?

    Wat als het westen volgend jaar claimt dat 21 jaar en eronder onvolwassen is en het strafbaar wordt en pedofilie wordt genoemd als je trouwt met een vrouw of man van onder de 21?

    Alhamdoelilah er zijn authentieke Ahadith en daarmee klaar. De Salaf hadden meer kennis over de islam dan de khalaf. Maar wie is Jamal al Banna, is dat een ikhwani of iemand anders?

    Het is toch te gek voor woorden dat ALLE geleerden van de Salaf deze kwestie mis hadden maar deze personen van vandaag doen een nieuwe ontdekking? Waar zal dit aan leggen denk je, waarheid laten zegevieren of de kritiek van het westen niet kunnen handelen en dus zoeken naar iets om het westen tevreden te stellen?

    Ibn Kathir zei:

    The words “he married her when she was six years old and consummated the marriage with her when she was nine years old” are a matter concerning which there is no difference of opinion among the scholars, as it is proven in the Saheehs and elsewhere, and the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) consummated the marriage with her two years after he migrated to Madinah.

    al-Bidaayah wa’n-Nihaayah (3/161)

    At-Tirmidhi (2167) narrated from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah will NOT cause my ummah to agree on misguidance.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami‘ (1848)

    ”De redding bevind zich in drie zaken: het nuttigen van halal, het nakomen van de verplichtingen, het volgen van het voorbeeld van de profeet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam”

  6. #6
    Bilal El-Khattabi


    About Gamal AI-Banna

    Gamal AI-Banna

    2011 / 2 / 12

    About Gamal AI-Banna

    Gamal Al-Banna was born In Al-Mahmoodiya, a town at around 50 Km from Alexandria, on the 15th of December 1920. He was born into a family known for its dedication and achievements. His father, Sheikh Ahmad Abdel Rahman AI-Banna, single-handedly compiled the 24 parts “Masnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal” - The biggest encyclopedia in “Hadith” (the sayings of the Prophet); and his older brother is the Martyred Imam Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of the “Muslim Brotherhood”.
    From his early childhood Gamal Al-Banna became fascinated with reading and study. So much so that his coal in life was to be a writer. He published his first book, (“A social study of Egypt and the effects of poverty, ignorance and disease on its backwardness1”), in 1945.
    Gamal Al-Banna writes in a refined style, in terms of both subject matter and content, in three different: spheres. He writes on Islam and has so far published thirty books dealing with various topics, especially the contemporary Islamic movements. His two books (“Post the Muslim Brotherhood”) and (“Letters from the Young Hassan Al-Bönna to his Father”) are considered among the best material written on the Muslim Brotherhood. He opened a very important and sensitive new area when he published his (“Towards a new Islamic Jurisprudence”), in three parts, edited from 1995 to 2000, This is seen as the most daring project in the 1300 years since Al-lmam Al-Shafei wrote his book “Al-Risala” (“The Message”) in 200 AD with which he laid down the origin or references of Islamic Jurisprudence. Gamal Al-Banna’s works have presented a new understanding of Islam those delis with the challenges of the age. After have publishing this book Gamal Al-Banna launched the Islamic Revival Call.
    The second sphere that Gamal AI-Banna writes in is workers and trade unions. He lectured in the Cairo Institute of Trade-Union Studies for thirty consecutive years from 1963 to 1993. This Institution is for the education of syndicate leaderships. He also lectured in the Workers University from its opening in 1990 to 1993.
    Gamal Al-Banna has provided The workers library with Its references such as the three-parts, 750 pages, (“Freedom of Associationös”), (“The History of the Egyptian Trade-Union Movement over one Hundred Years”). (“Comparative Trade-Union History”), (“The Birth and Development of the Trade-Unitöon Movement”), (“The Trade-Union Organization”), (“The Trade-Union Structure”), (“The International Labor Movement”) and (“The Trade-Union Mömovement is a Humanitarian Movement”). He also wrote about “Workers opposition in the time of Lenin”, something that little is known about internationally. He has also translated from English for the International Labor Organization Its recommendations and conventions into three huge volumes. He also translated the constitution of the Organization and some of its books, such as the books presented by the Committee for the Freedom of Association on the state of trade-unions in Britain, the USSR, the US, Sweden, Malawi, Burma and workers management in Yugoslavia.
    It is also of note that In 1981 Gamal Al-Banna founded and became President of the International Islamic Confederation of Labor, which was established in Geneva and Includes a number of Trade unions and Unions from the Islamic world.
    The third sphere that Gamal Al-Banna writes in is the political one. His first book in this sphere was (“A New Democracy”) that was published in 1946, in 1957, he published (“The Stance o f the Arab Intellectual on the New Political Ideologies”); in 1970 he published the 600 pages (“The Rise and Fall of the Republic of Weimar”). This was published in the aftermath of the Egyptian defeat of 1967 and he wanted it to be the first of three books on the Soviet Union, Germany and Turkey - the three countries defeated in the World War one - but the second two books were never published.
    Gamal Al-Banna has loölooked at the Issue of government from an Islamic point of view in several of his books. These Include (“The Theoretical Roots of the Islamic State”) and (“The Five Fundamentals of the Islamic State”). Gamal Al-Banna’s writings have exceeded a hundred in number.
    It is also of note that Gamal Al-Banna founded The Egyptian Society for the Care of Prisoners and their Families in 1953. It was the first of its kind and a leader in the provision of social services in this sphere.
    Along with his sister Fawziyya he established the Fawziyya and Gamal AI-Banna Foundation for Is/am le Culture and Information, in 1997, The foundation has a library that includes a Number of rare volumes, be that in terms of publication In India a hundred years ago or in terms of the subject matter. The library also contains a number of documents and books on the Muslim Brotherhood movement and original hand-written manuscripts and letters. This is a unique source of information for researchers. The library also contains nearly five thousand books on trade unions and politics, as well as Britain, the US, the Soviet Union the countries about which Gamal Al-Banna has published some books.
    The years from 2000 to 2005 were full of activity. Gamal Al-Banna published some of his most important works such as :
    • (“Al-Higab”) “The Veil”.
    • “Islam as religion and community and not religion and state”.
    • “Al-Jihad”.
    • “Islam and Plurality”.
    • “Our stand towards secularism, socialism and nation
    • “Islam as presented by the Islamic Revival Call”.
    • “Revolutionarization of Quran”.
    • “Interpretation of Quran”.
    • “Reconstruction of Islam”.
    • “Girls circutncision is a crime”.

    Nevertheless this activity, the Islamic Revival Call does not aim at establishing an association or a foundation. It wants to be a free vision, everyone who believes in it can consider himself as a partner.

    الحال - الحول\حول - الحيلة : لا -حول- ولا قوة إلا بالله (الحوقلة) الحمد لله (التحميد) اهـ
    S.John 12:25 He that loveth his life, shall lose it: and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternall.

  7. #7
    Bilal Fara-id


    Soera:73(Al-Muzzammil) Vers:17

    فَكَيْفَ تَتَّقُونَ إِن كَفَرْتُمْ يَوْمًۭا يَجْعَلُ ٱلْوِلْدَٰنَ شِيبًا

    Hoe ga jij je dan veilig wanen wanneer je plotseling (hun) waarheid bedekt, en de jeugdigen er wit haar van krijgen. [17:73]-M. F. Abdasalaam

    Fakayfa tattaqoena in kafartum yawman yajAAalu alwildana sheeba



  8. #8
    MVC Lid


    Ik denk dat aa-isha doelde op het feit dat ze al op jonge leeftijd een echtelijke relatie ondervond zelfs ook al was het ‘huwelijksfeest’ niet voltrokken en dat met het bovenstaande boek bedoeld wordt dat de ‘huwelijksfeest’ op haar achttiende tot stand kwam waardoor ze officieel op haar 18de was getrouwd.

  9. #9
    MVC Lid


    Citaat Geplaatst door AbuMuhamad Bekijk reactie

    De weerspraak komt uit dit boek:

    Hierin onderbouwd de geleerde Jamal al-Banna رحمه الله dat ‘Aa-isha رضي الله عنها niet negen jaar was maar achttien toen het huwelijk geconsumeerd werd. Zie de eerste link voor de screenshots uit het boek, onderin.

    Wallahu a’lam

    De chronologische leesvolgorde begint bij de laatste afbeelding en opwaarts.

    {وَيُعَلِّمُهُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَالتَّوْرَاةَ وَالْإِنجِيلَ} [آل عمران : 48] "And Allah will teach him The Book and Wisdom, The Law and The Gospel,"