Poll resultaten: Ik...

30. Je mag niet stemmen op deze poll
  • heb/zal mij laten testen en zal het vaccin nemen

    7 23,33%
  • heb/zal mij laten testen en zal het vaccin niet nemen

    5 16,67%
  • heb/zal mij niet laten testen en zal het vaccin nemen

    3 10,00%
  • heb/zal mij niet laten testen en zal het vaccin niet nemen

    12 40,00%
  • heb/zal mij laten testen en neem het vaccin misschien

    1 3,33%
  • heb/zal mij niet laten testen en neem het vaccin misschien

    0 0%
  • ben anders, namelijk...

    2 6,67%
  1. #121
    MVC Lid


    Layster het zal doden regenen

  2. #122
    MVC Lid


    Gelukkig zijn er scholen die echt nog inzitten met hun leerlingen:

    Schoolleiding verbiedt Covid-19 gevaccineerden hun school te betreden


  3. #123
    MVC Lid


    een cyberaanval wat de duivels een reden zal geven om het financieel systeem te resetten

    werd reeds getest in 2020 (scopex)... net zoals de pandemie werd geoefend in 2019....

    de zon geblokkeerd

  4. #124
    MVC Lid


    self spreading vaccines

    Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could possibly go wrong?


  5. #125

  6. #126
    MVC Lid


    Beter dan je sci fi en turkse serie samen:

    t .m e/M E LD PU N TV A C C I N ATI E SC H A DEV L A A ND

  7. #127
    MVC Lid


    Overzichtsstudie bevestigt dat de vaccins bijdragen tot ontstaan van mutanten, waarbij sommige varianten sterker worden en de immuniteit ontwijken.
    Met dank aanonderzoeker, dr. Adam F. Feyaerts (microbioloog), voor de extra peer-review



  8. #128
    MVC Lid


    Nog een Duitse wet erdoorheen gejast, deze zegt dat je mensen mag injecteren met iets wat andere mensen ook besmet


    self spreading vaccines


    je wilt niet meedoen, maar deze demonen willen je gewoon niet met rust laten

  9. #129
    MVC Lid


    Climate lockdowns are coming ya way
    uit oktober 2020 al

    "governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently."

    wat ons te wachten staat

    kijk alleen al wie die site sponsort: ikea, bloomberg, kellogs, basf, shell, pwc, bmwgroup........... .

  10. #130
    MVC Lid



    Man zet via bluetooth apparaten in gang na injectie met AZ
    Waarom verschijnt die melding over AZ op de tv
    Waarom verschijnt uberhaupt een melding

    Fake or not

    Pfizer idem:
    Dat het mobieltje kleeft aan de bovenarm is ondertussen niet meer speciaal, gewoon het nieuwe normaal

    Factcheckers kom even zeggen dat het niet waar is aub

  11. #131
    MVC Lid


    6 000 000 pond gaat hiernaar:
    Waarom worden er in Engeland en Schotland voor veel geld verschillende opslagruimten gebouwd voor grote aantallen dode lichamen bij extreme situaties? Verwachten ze binnenkort veel doden?

    Check de notie voor gebruik van zulk service vanaf 10/06/21 gedurende 4 jaar


  12. #132
    MVC Lid


    Aansluitend op vorig bericht:

    Mensen uit "hogere" HR-kringen houden steeds meer rekening met werknemers die zouden kunnen overlijden over zo veel jaar
    Die doen dat niet voor de fun of als tijdverdrijf

  13. #133
    MVC Lid


    ik hoor al 1 week suraat al furqaan in mijn achterhoofd, gewoon door de dag heen
    en heb mij al een tijdje niet meer beziggehouden met die soera

  14. #134
    MVC Lid


    Ismail Abdoola
    From 2 years ago, worth repeating:
    A. Majid Katme, MBBCh, DPM (medical doctor)
    Spokesman, Islamic Medical Association (UK)
    January 21, 2011
    We are giving our innocent children haraam (forbidden) substances and harmful chemicals that destroy their natural immune systems, causing disease, suffering and death. All Muslim doctors and parents should be aware of vaccine ingredients, and of the failed efficacy of vaccines. The harm is clearly greater than the benefit. The time has come to take a stand for truth.
    Vaccine Ingredients
    Vaccine ingredients include heavy metals, pus from sores of diseased animals, horse serum, calf serum, faecal matter, foetal cells, urine, macerated cancer cells, sweepings from diseased children, formaldehyde (a carcinogen used in embalming fluid), phenol (a carcinogen capable of causing paralysis, convulsions, coma, necrosis and gangrene), lactalbumin hydrolysate (an emulsifier), aluminium phosphate (an aluminium salt that is corrosive to tissues), retro-virus SV-40 (a contaminant virus in some polio vaccines), antibiotics (e.g., neomycin tm) that lead to antibiotic resistance, chick embryo (as a growth medium for the virus), sodium phosphate (a buffering salt), and foreign animal tissues containing genetic material (DNA/RNA) from the growth medium. Vaccines are also contaminated with mycoplasma, bacteria, monkey viruses and various adjuvants. Heavy metals include thiomersal (mercury) as a preservative and aluminium as an adjuvant. Mercury and aluminium have each been proved to damage the brain and nervous system. In some cases, thiomersal has been replaced by another neurotoxin known as 2PE. Vaccines also contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), sorbitol, and gelatine. Many of these ingredients are not allowed for Muslims, Jews, Hindus or vegetarians.
    A Fatally-flawed System of Intervention
    Vaccination is based on the long-discredited theory that stimulation of antibodies in the human body equals protection from disease. This theory has not only failed to be proved, but has been repeatedly disproved. Stimulation of antibodies does not equal immunity and certainly does not equal permanent immunity. The presence of antibodies is merely a sign of exposure to a disease, which is just one small aspect of what makes up the immune system. Children, with underdeveloped and immature immune systems, receive today about 25 separate vaccines by the age of 13 months. There is no doubt this irresponsible system disrupts and can even destroy the development of their immune systems forever.
    Vaccines commonly given to children in the United Kingdom today include – TWO MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + pneumococcal (six components, two needles); THREE MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + meningitis C (six components, two needles); FOUR MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + pneumococcal + meningitis C (seven components, three needles); 12 MONTHS: HIB meningitis and meningitis C (two components, two needles); 13 MONTHS: measles, mumps, rubella + pneumococcal vaccine (four components, two needles). This reflects a grave medical assault inflicted on the small, weak, defenceless bodies of our innocent children.
    Just a Few of the Monstrous Problems
    Unthinkably, vaccine studies do not include placebo groups. Instead, they use other vaccines in “control” groups, making it impossible to properly note actual rates of adverse events between a test group and real control group. No research has been done on the long-term effects of vaccines. Post-marketing data of reactions, injury and death go ignored. Moreover, the system lacks individualization. Apparently, one size fits all. There is no pre-screening for immune problems and allergies. Overloading the human body with infections and sub-infections will irreparably disrupt and destroy the immune system. Chemicals in vaccines induce allergies, asthma, and autoimmune disease, including autism. By the way, don’t let any indoctrinated doctor tell you vaccines do not cause autism. Do your own research. Sexual immorality and adultery are stirred by offering our daughters HPV vaccination against cervical cancer. Notably and incredibly, the HPV vaccine is shown to make some recipients even more susceptible to cervical cancer. According to many scientific reports, there is additional concern that some vaccines cause infertility and are used for clandestine population control. The proper role of medicine is to work to find and prevent the root cause of disease, not treat symptoms or fill the body with chemicals and vaccines.
    The case against vaccination is first an Islamic one, based on Islamic ethos regarding the perfection of the natural human body’s immune defence system, empowered by great and prophetic guidance to avoid most infections. The case against vaccination is also a medical and health-related one. Incredible evidence, unbeknownst to most, has emerged in the West regarding the many serious health hazards that affect those who have been vaccinated.

  15. #135
    MVC Lid


    Ismail Abdoola
    From 2 years ago, worth repeating:
    A. Majid Katme, MBBCh, DPM (medical doctor)
    Spokesman, Islamic Medical Association (UK)
    January 21, 2011
    We are giving our innocent children haraam (forbidden) substances and harmful chemicals that destroy their natural immune systems, causing disease, suffering and death. All Muslim doctors and parents should be aware of vaccine ingredients, and of the failed efficacy of vaccines. The harm is clearly greater than the benefit. The time has come to take a stand for truth.
    Vaccine Ingredients
    Vaccine ingredients include heavy metals, pus from sores of diseased animals, horse serum, calf serum, faecal matter, foetal cells, urine, macerated cancer cells, sweepings from diseased children, formaldehyde (a carcinogen used in embalming fluid), phenol (a carcinogen capable of causing paralysis, convulsions, coma, necrosis and gangrene), lactalbumin hydrolysate (an emulsifier), aluminium phosphate (an aluminium salt that is corrosive to tissues), retro-virus SV-40 (a contaminant virus in some polio vaccines), antibiotics (e.g., neomycin tm) that lead to antibiotic resistance, chick embryo (as a growth medium for the virus), sodium phosphate (a buffering salt), and foreign animal tissues containing genetic material (DNA/RNA) from the growth medium. Vaccines are also contaminated with mycoplasma, bacteria, monkey viruses and various adjuvants. Heavy metals include thiomersal (mercury) as a preservative and aluminium as an adjuvant. Mercury and aluminium have each been proved to damage the brain and nervous system. In some cases, thiomersal has been replaced by another neurotoxin known as 2PE. Vaccines also contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), sorbitol, and gelatine. Many of these ingredients are not allowed for Muslims, Jews, Hindus or vegetarians.
    A Fatally-flawed System of Intervention
    Vaccination is based on the long-discredited theory that stimulation of antibodies in the human body equals protection from disease. This theory has not only failed to be proved, but has been repeatedly disproved. Stimulation of antibodies does not equal immunity and certainly does not equal permanent immunity. The presence of antibodies is merely a sign of exposure to a disease, which is just one small aspect of what makes up the immune system. Children, with underdeveloped and immature immune systems, receive today about 25 separate vaccines by the age of 13 months. There is no doubt this irresponsible system disrupts and can even destroy the development of their immune systems forever.
    Vaccines commonly given to children in the United Kingdom today include – TWO MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + pneumococcal (six components, two needles); THREE MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + meningitis C (six components, two needles); FOUR MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + pneumococcal + meningitis C (seven components, three needles); 12 MONTHS: HIB meningitis and meningitis C (two components, two needles); 13 MONTHS: measles, mumps, rubella + pneumococcal vaccine (four components, two needles). This reflects a grave medical assault inflicted on the small, weak, defenceless bodies of our innocent children.
    Just a Few of the Monstrous Problems
    Unthinkably, vaccine studies do not include placebo groups. Instead, they use other vaccines in “control” groups, making it impossible to properly note actual rates of adverse events between a test group and real control group. No research has been done on the long-term effects of vaccines. Post-marketing data of reactions, injury and death go ignored. Moreover, the system lacks individualization. Apparently, one size fits all. There is no pre-screening for immune problems and allergies. Overloading the human body with infections and sub-infections will irreparably disrupt and destroy the immune system. Chemicals in vaccines induce allergies, asthma, and autoimmune disease, including autism. By the way, don’t let any indoctrinated doctor tell you vaccines do not cause autism. Do your own research. Sexual immorality and adultery are stirred by offering our daughters HPV vaccination against cervical cancer. Notably and incredibly, the HPV vaccine is shown to make some recipients even more susceptible to cervical cancer. According to many scientific reports, there is additional concern that some vaccines cause infertility and are used for clandestine population control. The proper role of medicine is to work to find and prevent the root cause of disease, not treat symptoms or fill the body with chemicals and vaccines.
    The case against vaccination is first an Islamic one, based on Islamic ethos regarding the perfection of the natural human body’s immune defence system, empowered by great and prophetic guidance to avoid most infections. The case against vaccination is also a medical and health-related one. Incredible evidence, unbeknownst to most, has emerged in the West regarding the many serious health hazards that affect those who have been vaccinated.