1. #1
    MVC Lid


    Politie arresteert onschuldige Marokkanen met getrokken wapen bij tankstation (VIDEO)

    link video: https://www.dumpert.nl/embed/7097999/4f2fa7a5/

    UTRECHT - Drie Utrechtse jongens kregen woensdagavond de schrik van hun leven toen de politie met getrokken pistolen op hen af kwam en hen hardhandig in de boeien sloeg. Ze werden verantwoordelijk gehouden voor een mogelijke liquidatiepoging op de Vleutenseweg.

    Toen Soufiane (18), Amin (21) en Mohamed (20) aan het tanken waren in Leidsche Rijn verwarde de politie hen met iemand anders. Ze zijn zó hard aangepakt dat ze stappen willen ondernemen tegen de politie.

    Zo kregen ze niet alleen een pistool op zich gericht, ook werd hun kleding stukgetrokken en zijn ze hardhandig aangepakt. Dat is te zien op videobeelden die één van de jongens maakte.

    "Jullie worden verdacht van een liquidatie", schreeuwt één van de agenten. "Je gaat nu je telefoon wegleggen."

    Kort voor de aanhouding heeft een man een wapen getrokken bij een café op de Vleutenseweg. Om nog onbekende reden dacht de politie dat de Utrechtse jongens verantwoordelijk waren.

    "Ze hebben mij gewoon uit de auto getrokken", zegt Amin. "En mijn hoofd over de grond heen laten sleuren." Na ruim zes uur in de cel werden de jongens vrijgelaten.

    De politie bevestigt dat de drie kort na hun aanhouding weer zijn vrijgelaten. Ze zijn niet verdacht meer. Volgens het OM gedroegen de drie zich verdacht en zijn ze daarom opgepakt.

    Overigens loopt de échte dader, of daders, nog vrij rond.

    Disclaimer: Dit bericht is niet bedoeld ter belediging of provocatie van wie dan ook. Ook is het bericht niet racistisch bedoeld, elk ras, volk, religie enz, zijn in de berichten inwisselbaar gelang het voorbeeld. Reactie is een mening en geen feit.

  2. #2


    Black people THREE TIMES more likely to be stopped and searched by police
    Officers stopped and searched black people in the region 2,653 times last year


    ByRob GrantNick McCarthy

    16:46, 28 OCT 2016Updated10:21, 31 OCT 2016

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    A West Midlands Police officer searches a suspect
    A West Midlands Police officer searches a suspect


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    Black people in the West Midlands are still three times more likely to be stopped and searched as white people, new figures have revealed.

    Officers stopped and searched black people in the region 2,653 times last year - meaning they had a one in 62 chance of being stopped when compared to one in 197 for white people.

    Across the country black people were more than six times more likely to be stopped according to the latest Home Office figures.

    Last year the Birmingham Mail revealed that use of the controversial stop and search powers had fallen in the West Midlands by 50,000 stops in just three years.

    There were 14,000 stops made in 2014/15, which is down from the 64,000 made in 2011/12.

    During the same period the arrest and caution rate increased from four per cent three years ago to 26 per cent in 2014/15.

    But figures for 2015/16 has seen the number of stop and searches increase again from 14,000 to 17,993.

    West Midlands Police was one of the first forces to fully sign up to a scheme to record all outcomes, to measure how many led to an arrest and to introduce a community complaints trigger.

    It has also rolled out new training to officers and has started mapping the areas where stops take place.

    The measures followed the “clear inequalities” that were highlighted in stop and searches in 2013.

    The city council’s social cohesion and community safety watchdog committee heard claims then by charities and campaigners that young black men in Birmingham were 28 times more likely to be stopped than young white men and young Asian men were 8.7 times more likely to be stopped.

    Chief Superintendent Chris Todd told the West Midlands Strategic Police and Crime Board last September that the powers are a vital tool in the fight against crime. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news...-more-12093956

  3. #3


    Dat etnisch profileren loopt de spuigaten uit dat is niet alleen in nl .

  4. #4


    Citaat Geplaatst door Wouldcha3b Bekijk reactie
    Black people THREE TIMES more likely to be stopped and searched by police
    Officers stopped and searched black people in the region 2,653 times last year


    ByRob GrantNick McCarthy

    16:46, 28 OCT 2016Updated10:21, 31 OCT 2016

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    A West Midlands Police officer searches a suspect
    A West Midlands Police officer searches a suspect


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    Black people in the West Midlands are still three times more likely to be stopped and searched as white people, new figures have revealed.

    Officers stopped and searched black people in the region 2,653 times last year - meaning they had a one in 62 chance of being stopped when compared to one in 197 for white people.

    Across the country black people were more than six times more likely to be stopped according to the latest Home Office figures.

    Last year the Birmingham Mail revealed that use of the controversial stop and search powers had fallen in the West Midlands by 50,000 stops in just three years.

    There were 14,000 stops made in 2014/15, which is down from the 64,000 made in 2011/12.

    During the same period the arrest and caution rate increased from four per cent three years ago to 26 per cent in 2014/15.

    But figures for 2015/16 has seen the number of stop and searches increase again from 14,000 to 17,993.

    West Midlands Police was one of the first forces to fully sign up to a scheme to record all outcomes, to measure how many led to an arrest and to introduce a community complaints trigger.

    It has also rolled out new training to officers and has started mapping the areas where stops take place.

    The measures followed the “clear inequalities” that were highlighted in stop and searches in 2013.

    The city council’s social cohesion and community safety watchdog committee heard claims then by charities and campaigners that young black men in Birmingham were 28 times more likely to be stopped than young white men and young Asian men were 8.7 times more likely to be stopped.

    Chief Superintendent Chris Todd told the West Midlands Strategic Police and Crime Board last September that the powers are a vital tool in the fight against crime. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news...-more-12093956
    Ronduit belachelijk .

  5. #5
    MVC Lid


    Citaat Geplaatst door Wouldcha3b Bekijk reactie
    Black people THREE TIMES more likely to be stopped and searched by police
    Officers stopped and searched black people in the region 2,653 times last year


    ByRob GrantNick McCarthy

    16:46, 28 OCT 2016Updated10:21, 31 OCT 2016

    Enter your postcode to see news and information near you

    Community updates, Crime Statistics, Local News & Events and much more...
    A West Midlands Police officer searches a suspect
    A West Midlands Police officer searches a suspect


    Get daily updates directly to your inbox

    Black people in the West Midlands are still three times more likely to be stopped and searched as white people, new figures have revealed.

    Officers stopped and searched black people in the region 2,653 times last year - meaning they had a one in 62 chance of being stopped when compared to one in 197 for white people.

    Across the country black people were more than six times more likely to be stopped according to the latest Home Office figures.

    Last year the Birmingham Mail revealed that use of the controversial stop and search powers had fallen in the West Midlands by 50,000 stops in just three years.

    There were 14,000 stops made in 2014/15, which is down from the 64,000 made in 2011/12.

    During the same period the arrest and caution rate increased from four per cent three years ago to 26 per cent in 2014/15.

    But figures for 2015/16 has seen the number of stop and searches increase again from 14,000 to 17,993.

    West Midlands Police was one of the first forces to fully sign up to a scheme to record all outcomes, to measure how many led to an arrest and to introduce a community complaints trigger.

    It has also rolled out new training to officers and has started mapping the areas where stops take place.

    The measures followed the “clear inequalities” that were highlighted in stop and searches in 2013.

    The city council’s social cohesion and community safety watchdog committee heard claims then by charities and campaigners that young black men in Birmingham were 28 times more likely to be stopped than young white men and young Asian men were 8.7 times more likely to be stopped.

    Chief Superintendent Chris Todd told the West Midlands Strategic Police and Crime Board last September that the powers are a vital tool in the fight against crime. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news...-more-12093956
    Zijn Marokkanen nu ineens black?

  6. #6
    MVC Lid


    Mooie auto voor een gast van 20. Ben benieuwd wat voor werk hij doet.

    Maar goed, kennelijk leken deze gasten op de daders van een liquidatie. Niet zo gek dat de politie dan geen risico neemt. Uiteraard moet eventuele schade aan kleding e.d. netjes vergoed worden.

  7. #7


    Citaat Geplaatst door Wouldcha3b Bekijk reactie
    Dat etnisch profileren loopt de spuigaten uit dat is niet alleen in nl .
    Helemaal niet.

    Goed werk, politie!

  8. #8


    Hoppa vanaf 1.45 hoor je de knechtje van de pvda zeggen dat hij die systeem hier in nl niet wil invoeren. Omdat hij dan weet dat er dan een overeenkomst komt in het oude racistische politieaparaat van europa. In amerika is het ook helder wat voor onzekere racistische knorrende blanke mannen in het politieaparaat zit. En ze weigeren hun te veroordelen hond bijt nooit een andere hond .

  9. #9


    Citaat Geplaatst door Wouldcha3b Bekijk reactie
    Hoppa vanaf 1.45 hoor je de knechtje van de pvda zeggen dat hij die systeem hier in wil invoeren. Omdat hij dan weet dat er dan een overeenkomst komt in het oude racistische politieaparaat van europa. In amerika is het ook helder wat voor onzekere racistische knorrende blanke mannen in het politieaparaat zit. En ze weigeren hun te veroordelen hond bijt nooit een andere hond .
    Je praatjes zijn verouderd, zelf de PvdA trapt niet meer in dit soort klagerige zielige verhaaltjes.
    Er is een probleem dat aangepakt moet worden en daar is men eindelijk aan begonnen.

    Goed werk politie!

  10. #10


    Human Rights
    The KKK Has Infiltrated U.S. Police Departments for Decades
    During the Civil Rights movement, one of the KKK’s first orders was to infiltrate police departments around the country.
    By Justin Gardner / The Free Thought Project
    December 19, 2015

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    In 1991, a neo-Nazi white supremacist gang was terrorizing the streets of Lynwood in Los Angeles County. The reason these violent thugs could run amok was because they were deputies at the Lynwood Sheriff’s station, having the power of blue privilege.

    A federal judge acknowledged that the gang of deputies carried out “systematic acts of shooting, killing, brutality, terrorism, house-trashing and other acts of lawlessness and wanton abuse of power.”

    These maniacs were not the sudden appearance of a unique group of individuals among law enforcement, but the progeny of a decades-long effort by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to infiltrate police departments wherever possible.

    That’s why it is so difficult to believe the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) when it said on Tuesday that there was no racial profiling in any of the 1,365 allegations leveled against the department from 2012 to 2014.

    “I don’t think anybody believes that there are actually no incidents of biased policing,” said Matt Johnson, president of the Police Commission panel. “The problem is we don’t have an effective way of really adjudicating the issue.”

    “While no doubt the vast majority of LAPD officers do not engage in biased policing, it strains credibility to suggest that … there were zero instances of biased policing,” said commissioner Robert Saltzman. “It should not be surprising that there is diminished trust in the LAPD given these results.”

    The LAPD seems to think that the influence of neo-Nazi, white supremacist groups is a thing of the past.

    A Florida deputy police chief was exposed as a member of the KKK last year, and no criminal wrongdoing was found as he resigned. In September, a Louisiana police detective was caught in a photo giving a Nazi salute at a KKK rally. An Alabama police officer recently spoke at a League of the South rally.

    While the South has been fertile ground for racist groups, the KKK has penetrated many police departments around the country, as evidenced by the Lynwood horror.
    Larissa Moore and four of her law school colleagues performed an investigation of unsolved civil rights murders from 1946 to 1969, under a Syracuse University program, and confirmed an ugly truth.

    During the Civil Rights movement, one of the KKK’s first orders was to infiltrate police departments, “because the laws don’t apply to them if they are the law,” according to Moore.

    This echoes an FBI statement in 2006 that white supremacist groups “have historically engaged in strategic efforts to infiltrate and recruit from law enforcement communities.” The federal agency’s concern seems to be selfish, though, as it stated that the hate group’s actions cause “investigative breaches and can jeopardize the safety of law enforcement sources and personnel.”

    So far, the FBI has not reviewed any of the 37 cases sent to them from the program in which Moore is involved—The Cold Case Justice Initiative. Since the purview expires in 2017, there seems to be little chance that the FBI will take meaningful action.

    “We have discovered hundreds of killings that aren’t on the FBI’s list that no one’s ever done a full accounting of all the people who have been killed either by Klan or by suspicious police shootings,” said Janis McDonald, a law professor at Syracuse University who co-founded CCJI with law professor Paula Johnson.

    The government’s disinterest here mirrors a wider problem in law enforcement at all levels. Cops continue to inflict most of their brutality on minority groups, especially blacks. African-Americans make up only 13 percent of the population, yet they are the victims in 26 percent of all police shootings. A young black male is 3 times more likely to be killed by a cop than their white counterparts. Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Walter Scott and Tamir Rice are just a few of the recent examples.

    The injustice of the drug war also falls most heavily on minorities. “More than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities” and “two-thirds of all persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color.”

    Clearly, the KKK has had success in establishing a culture within not only police departments but the entire “criminal justice system.” With departments like the LAPD continuing to pretend that racism does not motivate any of its officers, it will be difficult to know just how far the disease of white supremacy has spread into law enforcement. http://www.alternet.org/civil-libert...tments-decades Hoppa.

  11. #11


    Citaat Geplaatst door Baxi Bekijk reactie
    Mooie auto voor een gast van 20. Ben benieuwd wat voor werk hij doet.

    Maar goed, kennelijk leken deze gasten op de daders van een liquidatie. Niet zo gek dat de politie dan geen risico neemt. Uiteraard moet eventuele schade aan kleding e.d. netjes vergoed worden.
    wat voor auto ?

  12. #12
    MVC Lid


    Citaat Geplaatst door le7bib Bekijk reactie
    wat voor auto ?
    Check die filmpje.

  13. #13


    Citaat Geplaatst door Baxi Bekijk reactie
    Check die filmpje.
    Dat filmpje.
    Met geluid aan, dan hoor je waarom die agenten die gastjes hard aanpakten.

  14. #14
    MVC Lid


    Citaat Geplaatst door Vakidioot Bekijk reactie
    Je praatjes zijn verouderd, zelf de PvdA trapt niet meer in dit soort klagerige zielige verhaaltjes.
    Er is een probleem dat aangepakt moet worden en daar is men eindelijk aan begonnen.

    Goed werk politie!
    Ach gossie hebben de alochtoontjes niet op je pvda gestemd huilie huilie is dat het? En nu met pvv samen huilie huilie doen tegen die slechte Marokkanen. Hoe durft die moeder haar zoon in zo'n "dure"slee te laten rijden meteen doodschieten dat tuig toch?

    Als je eens weet wat mijn Nederlandse medestudenten krijgen van hun pappie en mammie maar dat vind iedereen weer normaal.

  15. #15
    MVC Lid


    Citaat Geplaatst door Vakidioot Bekijk reactie
    Dat filmpje.
    Met geluid aan, dan hoor je waarom die agenten die gastjes hard aanpakten.

    Omdat ze van hun werk kwamen, tja dat mag niet in Nederland hé, werken en allochtoon zijn. Mafkees!