1. #1
    MVC Lid


    Waarom hebben moslims palestina de rug toegekeerd?

    Citaat Geplaatst door jaheem_ar_roes
    Why Have Muslims Turned Their Backs On Palestine?
    May 22, 2004

    We remind our viewers that the statements, opinions and points of view expressed in this article are those of the author and shall not be deemed to mean that they are necessarily those of Jihad Unspun, the publisher, editor, writers, contributors or staff.

    When discussing the occupation of Palestine and the wholesale murder of Muslims in the precincts of the third holiest site in the Muslim world and what the Messenger Muhammad (saw) described as ‘The honour of the Messengers Bait ul-Maqdis’ - one can’t help being astounded by the lack of condemnation or relative inaction from Muslims world-wide to liberate this land or protect the house of Allah (SWT) from the enemies of Islam and Muslims, the Jews, even though Allah (SWT) informs us that the Jews fear Muslims more than they fear Allah (SWT) himself!.

    This short article is an analysis of some of the reasons why this might be the case:

    1. Weakness in the Imaan of Muslims. Imaan is the conviction in the heart, testifying by the tongue and practising willingly. If the Imaan of a Muslim is strong his bond with his fellow brother will be strong because the believers are a brotherhood. However if the Imaan in the heart does not have any vitality then his good actions will correspondingly decrease. Consequently the bond between one Muslim and the believers will weaken because the believers are a brotherhood, as the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said:

    "The example of the believers in the way that they look after each other is as one body – if one part of it suffers then all of it suffers"

    And the most important part of the body is the heart.

    2. The actions of the Muslims in Palestine. When we see carnivals in Palestine and dancing in the streets, when the people of Palestine mix nationalism and tribalism with Islam, this will make their Imaan weak. On the TV you can see the Palestinians in rallies where they are seen to be free-mixing, this will weaken any support for them. When the Muslims see empty nationalistic slogans and calls for nationalism, this will make Muslims world-wide look away.

    3. Muslims around the world are busy with their daily lives. Verily a nation without a cause is like a body without a soul. When the Muslims ignore the vital issue of establishing the Khilafah and the burning issue of supporting the Jihad – why should they care about what is happening in Rafah. Rather they are just concerned with fulfilling their needs and desires. Indeed the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said:

    "If the people become keen to have dinar and dirham and become stingy and start to trade in business everywhere and follow the tail of the cow (at that time this was a reference to being busy in business) and they leave the Jihad for the sake of Allah (SWT) - Allah (SWT) will send upon them Bala (a big test) and he will never remove it until they return to their Deen" [Reported in Abu Daoud].

    4. The media show the killings in Palestine, in Iraq etc… every day, after a while you will begin to become immune to it all. In the past people were upset about just one man being killed, now the enemies are able to kill thousands with minimal reaction. The numbers have begun to mean nothing and Muslims have become used to it. The feelings and emotions will become dead after a while.

    5. Muslims see that the issue of Palestine has been put in the hands of Secularists like Yassar Arafat. They see them trading with the blood of the Muslims. They carry the banner of peace with Israel and sign away the land of Palestine. They are putting the children of Muslims into the guardianship of the wolves. Whereas Allah (SWT) says that the Jews fear from us more than they fear Allah (SWT):

    "Verily, you (believers in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism) are more awful as a fear in their (Jews) breasts than Allâh. That is because they are a people who comprehend not (the Majesty and Power of Allâh)". [EMQ 59: 13]

    So why should the Muslims care about the land of Palestine after all this?

    6. Whenever we watch TV we see the Arab Summit. This is supposed to kill the issue of Palestine. They take the issue of Palestine from place to place. One day they take it to Camp David, then to Oslo then elsewhere, just collecting resolutions! People just see that the Arabs are meeting again and again until the Muslims get bored and the issue is killed in their hearts.

    7. When you see the Palestinians living abroad not caring about Palestine themselves and not caring about their own rights, why should others care? And whenever they do in fact talk about Palestine, they say ‘You are not Palestinians!’ They even wrap up their dead with Palestinian flags and make it purely a Palestinian and Arab issue, thereby killing the issue for the vast majority of the Ummah.

    8. When the very Palestinians are just keen on getting jobs and nationality outside of the State and some are even keen to get Israeli citizenship, how will this encourage others to support the Jihad there? When one talks about Jihad, the Palestinians just sideline it because they themselves do not see any way forward and have become frustrated.

    9. They have put the whole Palestinian question into the hands of kufr organisations like the United Nations and Taghout like George Bush. People world-wide see the Arab leaders cry when Rabin dies but not shed any tears for Muslims being killed daily. The issue of Palestine has been pushed from one to another. Again this will kill the issue in the hearts of the Muslims world-wide.

    10. The Kuffar always come down heavily on anyone else helping the Muslims in Palestine – we need only look at the case of the two Muslims from Britain who carried out an operation in Israel last May to see how the British are doing everything to ensure that no one lifts a finger to support the Muslims world-wide by prosecuting the families of the martyrs (inhsa’allah).

    What Is The Solution?

    1. Resurrection of the Aqaa’id and the meaning of Tawheed and Al-Wala wal Bara, to hate the disbelievers and fight against them. To have unity with the Muslims based on Tawheed. To understand that victory is only from Allah (SWT).

    2. To increase the Jihad operations to the level of not confining them to fighting only in Palestine, and not to make the operations reactionary but rather a continuous assault on the enemies without giving them time to breath. The battlefield must not have any borders or nationality. The enemy is all over the world so we need to fight them wherever we meet them. We must revive the mentality of jihad and the mentality to fight against the enemy.

    3. Declare that the issue of Palestine is an Islamic Issue and any non-Muslim (i.e. Kaafir) has nothing at all to do with it. Make Palestine a purely Islamic issue, which has only one Islamic solution…JIHAD!

    4. Let the borders of Palestine be open to all Muslims - especially non Arabs. As in the case of the Afghan jihad there were many non Arabs who fought against the Soviet Union. We must completely destroy any slogan of nationalism or Arabism.

    5. We must distinguish the Banner or Flag of Islam and burn all the other flags – such as that of Hamas Islamic Jihad, the PLO flag etc…our only flag is that of Jihad and Islam. When people start to carry the Islamic Flag (of Laa Ilaaha Illalah) Muslims will realise where their allegiance is.

    6. We have to understand that Jihad is Fardul Ayn, whether physically, financially or verbally – an individual responsibility upon every Muslim according to his or her capability. Those that are able to support the Jihad must do so in any way they can – whether financially verbally or physically, creating public awareness or looking after the families of the Mujahideen and with their duas (supplications). People need to keep sending help to the Mujahideen all the time.

    7. Muslims from Palestine worldwide should understand and have their eyes on Palestine more than everyone else and must understand and promote the issue as an Islamic issue otherwise they will end up spoiling it. Dancing under kufr banners of nationalism and tribalism and democracy must cease immediately. Verily they are the very ones who are killing the issue of Palestine by their non Islamic behaviour.

    8. Muslims should understand that the leaders of the Muslims world-wide do not have a solution for Palestine or for the Muslims worldwide. Indeed they themselves have only one solution since they are Taghout - which is the sword for their necks. Proof of their real feelings were exposed when Saddam Hussain’s intelligence intercepted a conversation between the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait who were heard saying that Palestine has nothing to do with them.

    9. Ulema have an important role to play to motivate Muslims for Jihad. They must make the Ummah understand that Palestine as an Islamic issue. They must work to turn the hearts of the Ummah in the right direction. Ulema must lead the Ummah to the right direction and expose the Jahiliyya and false solutions. Muslims must know that the issue of Palestine will not be solved by any summit ie Arab summit or going to the UN or Oslo etc… They must know that the only solution is Jihad.

    10. Muslims must have absolute tawakkul (reliance) in Allah (SWT) and believe that victory is only from Allah (SWT).

  2. #2


    Origineel gepost door papa
    Ze willen niet helpen die Arabische landen want ze zijn bang voor Amrika en Israel. Die steunen de leiders en als ze niet meewerken worden ze verjaagd. Ik zou niet weten hoe de Arabische wereld de Palestijnen zou moeten helpen. Financieel zou kunnen want met wapens kan niet omdat de Arabieren die niet hebben...
    ja en wapens zijn ook oh zo moeilijk te krijgen... en met heel veel geld kom je ook bijna nergens he?
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  3. #3


    Origineel gepost door papa
    Echt veel geld hebben die landen niet. Althans niet om de Palestijnen te steunen. Arabische regeringen denken liever aan het behouden van de macht en gebruiken de Palestijnse kwestie om te blijven zitten. Een Rolls Royce is leuker dan oorlog toch?
    Helemaal zo een leuke Rolls Royce Phantom II waarmee ze over zelf speciaal aangelegde wegen kunnen scheuren en spelen met hun speeltjes

    uit leuke oostbloklandjes kun je voor een Rolls royce wel een aardig legertje opzetten, als elke sjeik dat nou doet...en die kerels hier ook nog 's desnoods met hooivorken er naast gaan staan
    zo is de Franse Revolutie desnoods ook tot stand gekomen
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  4. #4


    jaheem a roes..kben het met je eens dat regings leiders van de arabisch wereld niks meer betekenen.....maar voor de rest overdrijf je wel heel erg he.

  5. #5
    MVC Lid


    ik hoop dat ik aanwezig mag zijn wanner deze arabische leiders voor moeten komen bij de grootste rechtbank van Allah (sbt)

    ik wil weten waarom ze niets gedaan hebben , lafaards zijn het inclusief onze mohammed de 6de en zijn ho e r e n zussen.

    laatst was er een grootte internationale dans show is Rabbat met zeer schaars gekled h o e r e n die ons volk komen laten zien dat ze dom en achterlijk zijn omdat ze de Tango dans niet eens kennen , ( deze show werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door de zus van deze nep koning )

    op dat tijd stip was Israel bezig om huizen plat te gooien van onze broeders ,

    hoe halen ze het in hun k a n k e kop om blij te gaan dansen en feesten terwijl er broeders en zusters worden vermoord .
    gewoon flex

  6. #6
    MVC Lid


    salaam broeders en zusters ....

    eigenlijk moeten wij moslims allah dagelijks om vergeving en genade smeken omdat we niet alleen onze moslimbroeder en zuster in palestina vergeten zijn........maar ook omdat we niks doen om de masjied al aqsa ( één van de drie belangrijkste en heiligste moskeën) te verdedigen .. wij laten deze zware taak over aan de palestijnen die toch al het nodige te verduren hebben .....

    toen de israeliers dood en verderf zaaiden in rafah , waren ze in marokko druk bezig met de lobby voor de W.K 2010 .....astaghfierllah yaa rabie al 3alamien

    ik hoop inchallah dat de almachtige schepper de palestijnse moslims en moejahiediens kracht en standvastigheid zal geven
    om zich te verweren tegen die jahoed al ghasiebien
    want als je allah aan je zijde hebt heb je niemand verder nodig

    en voor wat betreft die zogenaamde arabische machthebbers die meer vrees hebben voor bush dan voor allah astaghfierllah alleen het idee al ..........hun tijd komt nog wel