Bekijk volle/desktop versie : Message

11-01-2021, 18:28
Everything that happens in our lives is a message from God, a sign post, a soft loving nudge for us to return to Our Lord. Every trial and every blessing is God saying “My creation come back to Me.” Whatever our Lord speaks to us trough the summoning of patience in times of difficulties or gratitude in times of blessing, He continuously calls us to return to the ease and peace that comes from believe in Him.

It is when we seek refuge in our Lord that we see that in our mess there is message, in our trial there is a triumph, and trough our trust in a Loving God we see that in every difficulty there is ease because every feeling is a door that Allaah opens for us to walk closer to Him. When we see the world in this wau, duality disappears, there is no longer good and bad because all paths converge into one, all religions become the religion of surrendering to the Divine Will.

Listen to every whisper of pain and joy, listen to every emotion and feeling, lean into every place of resistance and conflict because everything that occurs Allaah has chosen to write for you. Every feeling , every thought, and every outward manifestation in the world is a teaching from your Lord.

Don’t ignore the pain and anxiety, lean into them, for they Carry a message from God. Within the understanding of this temporary pain resides your eternal cure because the pain puts you on the search for a deeper peace. Everything on this Earth was created for the purpose to help you remember the holiness of who you truly are and why you are really here. When you realize this, when you realize your purpose is to love, to know, and worship your Lord you will enter a place of no division, you will only see the world in terms of walking towards Allaah or walkin away [51:56]. When you are aligned with with the true purpose of being human, the trial and blessing become one, all multiplicity is united because you are awakened to the fact that every event, every feeling, and every thought is a way that Allaah speaks to you and calls to you to return back to His loving embrace!

[Alhamdoelilaah katééran]

11-01-2021, 21:51


11-01-2021, 21:57

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