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07-04-2016, 21:06
Surah El Fatiha wel of niet reciteren..
Ik hoor in de moskee iedereen wat anders doen..

Graag met de juiste ahadeeth.

07-04-2016, 21:18

Citaat door xMtalsia:
Surah El Fatiha wel of niet reciteren..
Ik hoor in de moskee iedereen wat anders doen..

Graag met de juiste ahadeeth.


Assalamu alikum sis,

Ter info en ter nasieha fisabililah het onderstaande van de dragers van kennis m.b.t. jouw vraag of je surah al fatiha dient te reciteren tijdens het gebed voorgeleidt door een imaam.Wa Allahu ahlem. Insha Allah is het zo nader verduidelijkt voor je sis. Ghair insha Allah!

Fatwas of the Permanent Committee>Group 2>Volume 5: Fiqh – Salah 1>Recitation>Ruling on reciting the Qur’an while offering a Jahri Salah behind an Imam
The second question Fatwa no. 17626:

Question 2:

What is the ruling on reciting the Qur’an while offering Jahri Salah (Prayer recited aloud) behind an Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer)?

It is obligatory upon the Ma’mum (a person being led by an Imam in Prayer) to recite Al-Fatihah at the pauses left by the Imam in Jahri Salah and also in Sirri Salah (Prayer with subvocal recitation), because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “No Salah (Prayer) for the one who does not recite Fatiha-tul-Kitab (the Opening of the Book, i.e. Al-Fatihah).” If the Imam does not pause in Jahri Salah, the Ma’mum has to recite it while the Imam is reciting the Qur’an and then listen to him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Perhaps you recite behind your Imam?” We (the Companions) said, “Yes, it is so, O Messenger of Allah.” He (peace be upon him) said, “Do not do that except with Fatiha-tul-Kitab (i.e. Al-Fatihah); for there is no Salah (prayer) for the one who does not recite it.” However, if the Ma’mum is ignorant of the ruling, forgets to recite it

or can not recite it because he came while the Imam was offering Ruku‘ (bowing), reciting Al-Fatihah is overlooked for him because of the Hadith of Abu Bakarah Al-Thaqafy which is recorded in Sahih (compilation of authentic Hadith) Al-Bukhari.

May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta':

Member Member Member Chairman
Bakr Abu Zayd `Abdul-`Aziz Al Al-Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2][COLOR="#000080"]Fatwas of the Permanent Committee>Group 2>Volume 5: Fiqh – Salah 1>Recitation>Recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah
Recitation:The eighth question of Fatwa no. 20619:

Question 8: Some people say that there is nothing wrong in saying this supplication: "Subhan Allah" (Glory be to Allah), "Al-Hamdu-lillah" (Praise be to Allah), "La-Ilaha Illa Allah" (There is no god except Allah) and "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest) three times instead of Al-Fatihah during the last two Raka‘ahs of the four-Rak‘ah Salah (Prayer consisting of four units) and the third Rak‘ah of Maghrib (sunset) Prayer. Is this correct?

Answer: Reciting Al-Fatihah is one of the pillars of every Rak‘ah of Salah (Prayer). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “No Salah (Prayer) for the one who does not recite Fatiha-tul-Kitab (the Opening of the Book, i.e. Al-Fatihah).” Moreover, this is substantiated by the deed of the Prophet (peace be upon him), for he (peace be upon him) used to recite it in every Rak‘ah. Therefore, no other supplication can stand for it except for a person who cannot recite or learn it.

May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’:

Member Member Member Deputy Chairman Chairman
Bakr Abu Zayd Salih Al-Fawzan `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan `Abdul-`Aziz Al Al-Shaykh `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz

[SIZE=2]Fatwas of the Permanent Committee>Group 2>Volume 5: Fiqh – Salah 1>Recitation>The Ma'mum recites Surah Al-Fatihah before the Imam
The second question of Fatwa no. 20776:

Question 2:

What is the ruling on a Ma'mum (a person being led by an Imam in Prayer) who recites Al-Fatihah before the Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) recites it in a Jahri Salah (Prayer recited out loud)? Is this considered precedence to the Imam? Is Salah considered valid in this case?


There is nothing wrong in reciting Al-Fatihah by the Ma’mum before the Imam. This is not considered precedence to the Imam, as the Ma’mum has to read it as well. However, if the Imam pauses for a while after reciting Al-Fatihah, it is better for the Ma’mum to recite it during this period of silence, because the Prophet (peace be upon him) instructed us, saying: “When he (the Imam) recites (the Qur’an), listen attentively.”The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said: “Perhaps you recite behind your Imam?” We (the Companions) said, “Yes, it is so, O Messenger of Allah.” He (peace be upon him) said, “Do not do that except with Fatiha-tul-Kitab (the Opening of the Book, i.e. Al-Fatihah); for there is no Salah (prayer) for the one who does not recite it.”

May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta':

Member Member Deputy Chairman Chairman
Bakr Abu Zayd Salih Al-Fawzan `Abdul-`Aziz Al Al-Shaykh `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz


07-04-2016, 21:37

Citaat door xMtalsia:
Surah El Fatiha wel of niet reciteren..
Ik hoor in de moskee iedereen wat anders doen..

Graag met de juiste ahadeeth.
Hier is een meningsversxhil over, er zijn (bij de geleerden) drie meningen.
-De eerste mening is dat Surah fatiha ten alle tijden achter een imaam dient gereciteerd te worden.
-De tweede mening is dat Surah fatiha ten alle tijden achter een imaam niet gereciteerd wordt.

-En de derde mening wat volgens shaykh ul-islaam ibn Taymiyyah de meederheid van de geleerden (van de eerdere generatie) volgt is, dat als de imam hard op reciteert men dan zwijgt en luistert (bijv magreb isha fajr of salut ul jumu'ah) en als de imam zacht reciteert zoals tijdens duhr (of bv derde en vierde rakah van isha) dat men dan individueel fatiha zelf reciteert. Wa allahu alem.

07-04-2016, 21:52
Is iemand bekend met het standpunt van de Maliki madhab hieromtrent?

07-04-2016, 22:02

Het is me natuurlijk duidelijk dat je bij de stille recitaties van de imam zelf El fatiha en een surah moet reciteren. Maar ik heb het over de gebeden waarbij de imam hardop reciteert. Hoe moet ik nu een keuze maken tussen wel of niet..

07-04-2016, 22:05

Citaat door Arab-ELLA:
Naar aanleiding van deze fatwa reciteer ik het zelf altijd wel nadat hij klaar is. Hoop dat het juist is inShaAllah.

07-04-2016, 22:17

Citaat door xMtalsia:
Naar aanleiding van deze fatwa reciteer ik het zelf altijd wel nadat hij klaar is. Hoop dat het juist is inShaAllah.


Alhamdulilah.BaarakAllahu feeki sis. Zo doe ik het ook conform de authentieke sunnah, aldus de dragers van kennis. Wa Allahu ahlem.Ghair insha Allah!


07-04-2016, 22:20
Citaat door Gta6:
Imam malik zegt dat je in de jahri salaah niet hoeft te reciteren maar wel in de sirri.

07-04-2016, 22:37

Citaat door Arab-ELLA:
Wa feeki barak Allah..

07-04-2016, 23:54

Citaat door xMtalsia:
Wa feeki barak Allah..
Alhamdulilah. Allahuma ameen op je oprechte dua sis. Haayaki Allah. Ghair insha Allah!