Bekijk volle/desktop versie : Huwelijkse voorwaarden en haar vormen, to do or not?!

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23-07-2015, 14:42
Ken je je rechten in deze zaak wanneer je gaat trouwen als m/v zijnde?![/SIZE]


[SIZE=2]Types of conditions in the marriage contract-aqd :

The basic principle with regard to the conditions stipulated by both partners in the marriage contract is that it is a valid condition that must be fulfilled, and it is not permissible to break it, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The condition which most deserves to be fulfilled is that by means of which intimacy becomes permissible for you.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2721) and Muslim 1418)

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (`rahimahullaah) said:

The basic principle with regard to conditions in the marriage contract is that they are valid, unless there is proof to show that they are not valid. The evidence for that is the general meaning of the evidence which speaks of fulfilling covenants:

“O you who believe! Fulfil (your) obligations!” [al-Maa’idah 5:1]

“And fulfil (every) covenant. Verily, the covenant will be questioned about”[al-Isra’ 17:34]

and in the hadeeth narrated from the Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallaam) it says: “The Muslims are bound by their conditions, except a condition that forbids what is permissible or permits what is forbidden.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1352).) And He(sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallaam) said: “Whoever stipulates a condition that is not in the Book of Allaah it is not valid, even if he stipulates a hundred times.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2155) and Muslim (1504).)

To sum up, the basic principle with regard to conditions is that they are permissible and valid, whether they are to do with marriage, buying and selling, renting, pledges or mortgages, or awqaaf. The ruling on the conditions that are stipulated in contracts, if they are valid, is that they must be fulfilled, because of the general meaning of the verse (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Fulfil (your) obligations!” [al-Maa’idah 5:1].

Al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 5/241 (Egyptian edition).

With regard to the woman stipulating that the husband should not take a second wife, the opinion of some scholars is that this condition is permissible, and if the husband breaks it, the wife has the right to annul the marriage and take her dues in full.

Ibn Qudaamah (`rahimahullaah) said:

If he stipulates that he will not take her out of her house or her city, or that he will not travel with her or will not take another wife, then he is obliged to fulfill that, and if he does not do so, then she has the right to annul the marriage. This was narrated from ‘Umar, Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqaas and ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (`radiallaahu anhum). End quote.

Al-Mughni, 9/483

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (`rahimahullaah) said:

If she stipulates that he should not take another wife, this is permissible. Some of the scholars said that it is not permissible, because it is restricting the husband in something that Allah has permitted to him, and it is contrary to the Qur’aan in which it says (interpretation of the meaning): “then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three, or four” [al-Nisa’ 4:3]. It may be said in response to that that she has a reason to ask him not to marry another wife and she is not transgressing against anyone. The husband himself is the one who is giving up his right; if he has the right to marry more than one, he is giving it up. So what is to prevent this condition being valid?

Hence the correct view with regard to this matter is the view of Imam Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him), which is that this condition is valid. End quote.

[Al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 5/243]

It should be noted that if the husband breaks this condition, his wife does not become divorced as a result of that, rather she has the right to annul the marriage, and she may either annul it or give up the condition and accept what her husband has done, and remain as his wife.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allah preserve him) said:

Among other conditions that are valid in marriage is if she stipulates that he should not take another wife. If he fulfills the condition (all well and good), otherwise she has the right to annul the marriage because of the hadeeth, “The condition which most deserves to be fulfilled is that by means of which intimacy becomes permissible for you.” Similarly, if she stipulates that he should not separate her from her children or parents, this condition is valid and if he breaks it, she has the right to annul the marriage. If she stipulates that her mahr should be increased or that it should be in a specific currency, the condition is valid and binding, and he has to fulfil it, and she has the right of annulment if it is broken. In that case she has the choice and may decide any time she wants and may annul it whenever she wants, so long as there is nothing on her part to indicate that she accepts it if she knows that he has gone against what was stipulated; in that case she would no longer have the option.

‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him) said to the one who he ruled was obliged to fulfill what his wife had stipulated, when the man said, “Divorce us in that case,” ‘Umar said: It is a must to fulfil the conditions, because of the hadeeth, “The believers are bound by their conditions.” Al-‘Allaamah Ibn al-Qayyim said: It is obligatory to fulfil these conditions which are the most deserving of being fulfilled. This is what is implied by sharee’ah, reason and sound analogy, if the woman did not agree to become a man’s wife except on these conditions, and if it were not obligatory to fulfil them, then the marriage contract would not be based on mutual agreement, and it would be making something obligatory upon her that Allah and His Messenger have not made obligatory.

[Al-Mulakhkhas al-Fiqhi (2/345, 346)]











23-07-2015, 14:50

Op voorwaarden trouwen is toch niet erg, tenzij de voorwaarden in strijd gaan met de islam.

Als voorbeeld. Je gaat niet trouwen in goederen en vermogen. Wat van haar is is van haar en wat van mij is van mij. Zij krijgt wat ze nodig heeft om normaal van te leven.

23-07-2015, 15:03

Citaat door Man.:
Op voorwaarden trouwen is toch niet erg, tenzij de voorwaarden in strijd gaan met de islam.

Als voorbeeld. Je gaat niet trouwen in goederen en vermogen. Wat van haar is is van haar en wat van mij is van mij. Zij krijgt wat ze nodig heeft om normaal van te leven.
Op huwelijkse voorwaarden trouwen is juist een must do aghi. Velen weten dit echter niet en trouwen in gemeenschap van goederen en dat druist juist in tegen de authentieke sharia. Daarnaast staan mensen er niet bij stil ten tijde van het sluiten van de aqd, het Islamitische huwelijkscontract, om bepaalde zaken samen goed doorgenomen te hebben en daarin op te nemen om mogelijke problemen in de toekomst juist uit te kunnen sluiten. Dan weten beide huwelijkspartners waar ze aan toe zijn wanneer ze beiden tot overeenstemming zijn gekomen met bepaalde zaken die niet tegen de authentieke sharia indruisen. Ghair insha Allah!

23-07-2015, 15:13

Citaat door Arab-ELLA:
Op huwelijkse voorwaarden trouwen is juist een must do aghi. Velen weten dit echter niet en trouwen in gemeenschap van goederen en dat is druist juist in tegen de authentieke sharia. Daarnaast staan mensen er niet bij stil ten tijde van het sluiten van de aqd, het Islamitische huwelijkscontract, om bepaalde zaken samen goed doorgenomen te hebben en daarin op te nemen om mogelijke problemen in de toekomst juist uit te kunnen sluiten. Dan weten beide huwelijkspartners waar ze aan toe zijn wanneer ze beiden tot overeenstemming zijn gekomen met bepaalde zaken die niet tegen de authentieke sharia indruisen. Ghair insha Allah!
Duidelijk en insha Allah.

24-07-2015, 00:43

Citaat door Man.:
Duidelijk en insha Allah.
Alhamdulilah. BaarakAllahu feek aghi. Ghair insha Allah!

24-07-2015, 04:06



24-07-2015, 18:46

25-07-2015, 15:36

28-07-2015, 15:35

28-07-2015, 22:24

30-07-2015, 09:27

01-08-2015, 02:35




Imaam Maalik heeft gezegd: "Kennis is om naar toe te komen, het komt niet naar jou!"

Al Imaam Aboe Hatim Ibn Hibbaan Al bastti zei:

De tong van de oprechte zit achter zijn hart. Als hij wil praten, raadpleegt hij zijn hart. Als het in zijn voordeel is dan praat hij en anders niet.

De onwetende heeft zijn hart aan het uiteinde van zijn tong zitten en alles wat zijn tong passeert spreekt hij uit.. En degene die zijn tong niet in bedwang houdt, is niet in staat om zijn Religie te begrijpen!!!

Rawdatoe Al'oqalaa-e wa nuzhatoe Alfodalaa-e (blz 49).


13-08-2015, 15:36

Citaat door Arab-ELLA:
Imaam Al-Awzaa’ee’s Advice On Taking Narrations Over Opinions:

Imaam Al-Awzaa’ee (d. 157) said:

“Adhere to the narrations from those who have preceded,
even if the people reject you, and beware of the opinions of men,
even if they beautify it with speech.
So indeed the afair will become clear (for others),
while you are upon a straight path regarding it!”

[Bayhaqee in Al-Madkhal (no. 233) with an authentic chain of narrators].

He also said:

“So make yourself patient upon the Sunnah, stop where the people stopped, speak with what they spoke with, and refrain from what they refrained from. And follow the path of your Righteous Predecessors (Salafus Saaliheen) for verily, sufficient for you is that which was sufficient for them!”

[Al-Hijjah by Ismaa'eel Ibnul-Fadhl (6/a-b)].

14-08-2015, 01:23

17-08-2015, 19:04
Ibn Qayyim rahimahu Allah zei:

“De dronkenschap van liefde is erger dan de dronkenschap veroorzaakt door wijn, want de dronkenschap veroorzaakt door wijn zal vergaan, maar de dronkenschap van liefde vergaat zelden, totdat men in de greep van de dood ligt!” [Rawdat Al-Muhibbeen, p. 104]

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