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16-06-2015, 01:59
Wees dus niet bevreesd lieve mensen! Maar wees slechtst bevreesd voor.....?[/SIZE]


[SIZE=2]The Believer Fears No Person! by Imam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahu Allah:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2]Imam Ibn Taymiyyah commented (‘Majmu’ al-Fatawa’; 1/77-78) on the verse: {“It is only Satan that suggests to you the fear of his allies! So, do not fear them, and fear Me if you are believers!”} [Al ‘Imran; 175]:

“So, this verse proves that Satan makes his allies sources of fear, and he causes people to be afraid of them. And the verse shows that it is not permissible for the believer to fear the allies of Satan, and he should not fear people, as it was Said: {“So, do not fear the people, and fear Me…”} [al-Ma’idah; 44] So, we are commanded to fear Allah, and we are prohibited from fearing the allies of Satan. Allah Said: {“…So that men may have no argument against you except those of them that are wrong-doers. So, fear them not, and fear Me!”} [al-Baqarah; 150] So, He prohibited the fear of the wrong-doer, and He commanded us to fear Him!

He also Said: {“Those who convey the message of Allah and fear Him, and fear none except Allah…”} [al-Ahzab; 39] And He Said: {“…and fear Me, alone…”} [an-Nahl; 51]

And some people say: ‘O Lord! I fear You and I fear those who don’t fear You.’ These are nonsensical words, and it is not allowed to say them. Rather, one should fear Allah alone and not fear any person, since whoever does not fear Allah is too low to be feared, as he is a wrong-doer and is from the allies of Satan. So, Allah has forbidden us from having fear of such a person. If it is said that ‘such a person can hurt me,’ the response is that he is only hurting you because Allah has set him loose on you, and if Allah seeks to repel his harm from you, He can easily do so. The affair is all with Allah, and He sets people loose upon a person because of his sins, and if you fear Allah and keep your duty to Him and rely on Him, He will protect you from every evil there is and will not allow anyone to have power over you, as He Said: {“And whoever relies on Allah, He is sufficient for him.”} [at-Talaq; 3] The fact that someone is given power over you is the result of your sins and your fear of that person. So, if you fear Allah and repent from your sins and seek His Forgiveness, nobody can overpower you, as Allah Said: {“…and Allah will not punish them while they seek His Forgiveness.”} [al-Anfal; 33]

And a narration states that Allah Said: “I am Allah! There is none worthy of worship except Me! I am the King of kings! The hearts and foreheads of all kings are between My Hands. So, whoever obeys Me, I will make the hearts of all kings merciful to him, and whoever disobeys me, I will make them a source of agony for him. So, do not preoccupy yourselves with the abilities of the kings. Rather, repent to Me and obey Me, and I will make them support you!”“

In ‘Ighathat al-Lahfan’ (1/94), Ibn al-Qayyim said:

“From the plots of the enemy of Allah (i.e. Satan) is that he makes the believers afraid of his soldiers and allies. So, they do not strive against them, they do not enjoin what is good, and do not forbid what is bad. This is from his greatest plots for the believers, as Allah has informed us by Saying: {“It is only Satan that suggests to you the fear of his allies! So, do not fear them, and fear Me if you are believers!”}

…Qatadah explained this by saying: “He makes them great and powerful in his heart. This is why Allah Said: {“…So, do not fear them, and fear Me if you are believers!”} So, the stronger your faith becomes, the weaker the fear in your heart will be of Satan’s allies, and the weaker your faith becomes, the stronger the fear in your heart will be of them!””

In ‘al-Fawa’id’ (p. 78), he also said:

“There is nothing that exists that can affect something else completely independently and of its own accord. Rather, nothing can affect something without another factor somehow contributing to that effect and an obstacle is removed that prevents that effect from taking place. This applies to matters that can be seen by the eye. It also applies to the invisible and metaphysical, such as the Sun affecting livestock and plants, as this depends on other factors such as the presence of fertile ground, as well as other factors in addition to this factor. Likewise, childbirth depends on many factors besides intercourse, and this rule applies to everything that affects something else. So every creature that is feared or hoped in is at best simply one of many factors that can affect something else, and nothing can affect something in a completely independent fashion except Allah, the Overwhelming One. So, none should be hoped in or feared except He!

This is a concrete proof that attachment, hope, and fear of any but Allah is null. If we were to assume that one can affect something on his own, we would still have to accept that he did not derive this power on his own, and was rather granted it by someone else. So, he has no power of his own, as there is no might nor power except with Allah. He has all might and power in His Hand. So, the might and power for which people are feared are in reality in the Hand of Allah. So, how can we fear and hope in those who have no might or power? In fact, fearing someone and hoping in him is a reason for being afflicted by that very person and being prevented from his mercy, because the more you fear someone other than Allah, the more that person will overpower you, and the higher your hopes are in that person, the more you will be prevented from his mercy!”

16-06-2015, 02:01

Baarakallaahu fieki

16-06-2015, 02:02

Citaat door A_bdars:
Baarakallaahu fieki

16-06-2015, 13:17

23-06-2015, 00:13



27-06-2015, 23:01

09-09-2015, 17:33


Allah zegt:

“Zeg: “O mijn dienaren die buitensporig zijn tegenover zichzelf, wanhoopt niet aan de Genade van Allah. Voorwaar, Allah vergeeft alle zonden. Voorwaar, Hij is de Vergevensgezinde, de Meest Barmhartige. En keert terug tot jullie Heer, en geef jullie over aan Hem, voordat de bestraffing tot jullie komt, waarna jullie niet geholpen worden. En volg op de beste wijze wat aan jullie is neergezonden van jullie Heer, voordat de bestraffing onverwacht tot jullie komt, terwijl jullie het niet beseffen.” Zodat er voor geen ziel aanleiding zal zijn om te zeggen: “O wat heb ik een spijt omdat ik nalatig ben geweest (in mijn plicht) tegenover Allah, hoewel ik tot de spottenden behoorde.” Of zij zou zeggen: “Als Allah mij had geleidt, dan zou ik zeker tot de Moettaqoen hebben behoord!” Of zij zou zeggen, als zij de bestraffing ziet: “Had ik (nog) maar een kans, dan zou ik tot de weldoeners behoren!” Nee! Mijn Tekenen zijn reeds tot jou gekomen, maar jij loochende ze en jij was hoogmoedig en jij behoorde tot de ongelovigen!”

(Soerat Az-Zoemar (39), aayah 53-59).[/SIZE]

Citaat door Arab-ELLA:
[SIZE=2]Imam Al-Shafi rahimahullah zei:

Wanneer iemand van de mensen van begeerten (AhloelBidah) naar Malik kwam om te discussiëren zei hij tegen hen:

"Wat betreft voor mij, ik ben op een duidelijke weg wat betreft mijn Religie, wat jou betreft, jij bent een twijfelaar, ga discussiëren met een andere twijfelaar als jou!"

(Bron:Al-Dhahbi in Siyar A’lam Al-Nubala onder de biographie van Imam Malik.)

“Er is geen volk dat afgedwaald is nadat ze waren geleid, behalve dat de reden hiervoor is dat zij gingen redetwisten!(Sahieh Muslim)

En toen las de Profeet (salla Allah wa alihi wa salaam) de woorden van Allah:

"Zij zeggen dit tot u alleen om te twisten. Waarlijk zij zijn een twistziek volk!"

(Surah az-Zoekhroef vers 58)


13-03-2016, 01:14















07-05-2016, 16:26