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28-05-2015, 10:27
A salafi scholar excuses the graveworshippers for ignorance?

"Oh virtuous Shaykh, may Allah grant You success!xThere is a salafi scholar in our country who says that whosoever says La Ilah Illa Allah and does not disbelieve in what is being worshipped besides Allah then it (La ilaha illa Allah) still benefits him. He also excuses the one who prostrates to the grave out of ignorance and excuses the ignorant ones from the followers of Al-Qadiani[1]."


"This one is not upon the methodology of the Salaf oh my brother, and you people are saying that he is upon the methodology of the Salaf. This is not how the methodology of the Salaf is. The one who worships the grave is not excused and no one excuses him except a person who is either ignorant or doubts the disbelief and the one who doubts the disbelief is a disbeliever. Yes."

Footnote by translator:
[1] Please refer toxRuling on Al-Ahmadiyyah sect and their beliefsxby Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'

Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan,xmay Allah preserve him

Translated by
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السؤال: فضيلة الشيخ وفقكم الله يقول السائل: في بلدنا عالم سلفي. يقول بأن من قال لا اله الا الله ولم يكفر بما يعبد من دون الله فانها تنفعه كما انه يعذر الساجد للقبر جهلا ويعذر الجهال من اتباع القادياني

الجواب: هذا ما هو على مذهب السلف يا أخي أنتم تقولون أنه على مذهب السلف. مذهب السلف ما هو هكذا. ما يعذر الذي يعبد القبر. ما يعذره الا إنسان إما xجاهل وإلا شاك في الكفر. والشاك في الكفر كافر. نعم

28-05-2015, 10:46


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