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14-07-2014, 16:56
M.b.t. tot demonstraties komen sommigen af met de volgende tekst van Darelhouda in Nederland : Demonstreren niet van de Islam? Helaas geven vele voorrang aan geleerden en vergeten de soennah...De bewijzen zijn te vinden in Kitab Al Hulya al Awliyaa v.1Ibn 'Abbas radia Allahoe 3anhoe had overleverd dat hij vroeg aan de Profeet salaatoe salaam:"Oh profeet zitten wij niet op de Waarheid of we nu dood zijn of levend? De profeet zei : "Inderdaad, ik zweer bij Allaah in Wiens Hand mijn ziel is, jullie zitten op de Waarheid of jullie nu dood zijn of levend." Ibn Abbas zei toen : "Waarom verstoppen wij ons dan? Ik zweer bij Allaah in Die jou met de Waarheid heeft gestuurd, we moeten naar buiten gaan! (Demonstreren).En toen gingen de metgezellen in twee rijen naar buiten. Hamza in de ene rij en Omar radia Allahoe 3anhoem in de andere rij. En zo gingen zij naar de Ka'bah. De Quraysh keken naar de demonstranten en raakte depressief. De profeet noemde dat de dag van 'al Farouq'."

Weet dat deze hadith overgeleverd is door 'Umar ibn al-Khattâb (radiyAllâhu 'anhu) en dat zijn overleveringsketen ... ZEER ZWAK (da'îf jiddan) is.Zie hiervoor Silsila al-Ahâdîth ad-Da'îfa (nr. 6531) van Shaykh al-Albânî (rahimahullâh).Helaas geven sommigen voorrang aan zeer zwakke (tot soms verzonnen) ahâdîth en vergeten de Koran en AUTHENTIEKE Sunna naar het begrip van onze vrome voorgangers ...De leiding van de mensen kan naar de waarheid én naar de valsheid uitnodigen. De Leiding van Allah leidt slechts naar de Waarheid.

14-07-2014, 17:04

SobhanAllah, kom met bewijs dat het niet mag!

Ik raadt iedereen aan goed te onderzoeken voor klakkeloos zomaar dingen te verbieden.

14-07-2014, 17:04
11469: Muslims demonstrating in support of their Palestinian brothers
The Muslim community here in southern Sweden has decided to hold a demonstration of solidarity with the Palestinian people. The demonstration will be peaceful, aimed at conveying the voice of the Muslims to the Swedish government, to put pressure on them to stop the massacres of the children of the Palestinian people. What is the ruling on such demonstrations? We would like to inform you that these demonstrations will play a great role and be very effective in conveying the views of the Muslims to the politicians, to put pressure on the Zionist government to put a stop to the massacres of the children in Palestine. Please advise us, may Allaah reward you with good.
Praise be to Allaah.

There is nothing wrong with the Muslim community in Sweden protesting in order to reduce the pressure on the Muslims in Palestine and to draw the attention of the Swedish people and government to the crimes which the Jews are committing against the Muslims in Palestine, and using all effective and Islamically-acceptable means of doing so.

But demonstrations may involve a number of things which are forbidden in sharee’ah, so it is essential to guard against them. These include:

women going out wearing adornment and make-up; using music in the demonstration; shouting slogans that are incorrect, such as “al-Quds (Jerusalem) is Arab and will remain Arab” (in fact, al-Quds is Islamic and is not for the Arabs only); stopping the demonstration in front of a kaafir’s tomb and placing bouquets of flowers on his grave; begging the kaafirs for help by using phrases that are humiliating to the Muslims; holding up pictures or effigies of people; doing wrong to others such as blocking the road or preventing people from passing by; using slanderous and insulting words that are not permitted in sharee’ah; men and women mixing during the demonstration; imitating the kuffaar in any of their unique characteristics such as clothing or symbols that the demonstrators may wear; committing acts of aggression against the property of innocent people, such as destroying their shops or breaking their windows, or starting fires in public facilities, and other haraam actions. And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

14-07-2014, 17:05