Bekijk volle/desktop versie : De Maand Ramadan en het bevel om te Vasten

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18-06-2013, 02:51
In naam van Allah de Barmhartige de Genadevolle. Moge Allah’s vrede en zegeningen met Zijn boodschapper, diens huishouden en metgezellen zijn tot de Dag des Oordeels. De beste toespraak is het boek van Allah en de beste Leiding is de Leiding van Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم en de slechtste zaken zijn de innovaties en elke innovatie is een misleiding.

Allah Ta'aala zegt in Zijn Nobele Koran:

"De maand Ramadan is die, waarin de Koran als een richtsnoer voor de mensen werd nedergezonden en als duidelijke bewijzen van leiding en onderscheid. Wie onder u daarom deze maand beleeft, laat hem daarin vasten. Maar wie onder u ziek of op reis is, een aantal andere dagen. Allah wenst gemak voor u en geen ongemak, en opdat gij het aantal zult voltooien en opdat gij Allah's grootheid zult prijzen, omdat Hij u terecht heeft geleid en opdat gij dankbaar zult zijn." [al-Baqarah: 185]

Bij dit vers kan worden opgemerkt dat vasten in Ramadan niet alleen handeling van aanbidding en een middel om vroomheid te versterken is. Het is ook een handeling van dankbaarheid aan Allah voor Zijn grote Gunst m.b.t. de ware leiding in de vorm van de Koran. In feite is de beste manier om uiting te geven aan dankbaarheid voor gunsten die je hebt gekregen, met het beste wat binnen je vermogen ligt, het doel na te streven waardoor deze gunst is geschonken.

De Koran in geopenbaard zodat we de weg leren kennen die leidt tot het volledige Welbehagen van Allah Ta'aala, de Weg die wij zelf volgen en met ons mensen over de hele wereld. Het vasten is een uitstekend middel waarmee wij onszelf opvoeden. Wij kunnen zo onze nafs (eigen ik) sterken waardoor wij bijvoorbeeld meer sabr (geduld) krijgen en beter met moeilijkheden om kunnen gaan. Het vasten zal insha Allah onze iman (geloof) sterken.

Dit vers is tevens een indicatie dat het vasten niet alleen wordt begrens tot de maand Ramadan. Voor diegenen die (wegens een geldige reden) niet in staat zijn om in deze maand te vasten houdt Allah Ta'aala de deur van compensatie open. Gedurende andere maanden van het jaar kan men de gemiste dagen inhalen om zo hun dankbaarheid aan Hem te tonen. Of de mogelijkheid bestaat de gemiste vastendagen af te kopen.

De islam verloopt stap voor stap en trapsgewijs m.b.t. de meeste verordeningen inzake verplichte handelingen. Dit geldt ook voor het vasten. In eerste instantie was het vasten niet verplicht en had men de keuze te vasten of niet. Daarna werd in het tweede jaar van de Hijra (migratie van de profeet ) het bevel betreffende het vasten geopenbaard:

[SIZE=3] يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ [/SIZE]

"O, gij gelovigen, het vasten is u voorgeschreven, zoals het degenen die vََoor u waren was voorgeschreven, opdat gij vroom zult zijn." [al-Baqarah: 183]

Er was echter zelfs nog een keus voor degenen die in staat waren om te vasten maar dit niet wilden. Zij werden verordend een arme te voeden, voor een (gemiste) dag vasten:

[SIZE=3]أَيَّاماً مَّعْدُودَاتٍ فَمَن كَانَ مِنكُم مَّرِيضاً أَوْ عَلَى سَفَرٍ فَعِدَّةٌ مِّنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ وَعَلَى الَّذِينَ يُطِيقُونَهُ فِدْيَةٌ طَعَامُ مِسْكِينٍ فَمَن تَطَوَّعَ خَيْراً فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّهُ وَأَن تَصُومُواْ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ [/SIZE]

"Voor een zeker aantal dagen (zult gij vasten) maar wie onder u ziek is, of op reis, vaste een aantal andere dagen - er is een losprijs voor degenen, die niet kunnen vasten - het voeden van een arme. Maar hij, die vrijwillig goed doet, het zal beter voor hem zijn. Het vasten is goed voor u, indien gij het beseft." [al-Baqarah: 184]

In een Hadith, verzameld door Imam Muslim heet Salamah ibn al-Akwa'i overgeleverd:

[SIZE=3]عَنْ سَلَمَةَ بْنِ الأَكْوَعِ، - رضى الله عنه - أَنَّهُ قَالَ كُنَّا فِي رَمَضَانَ عَلَى عَهْدِ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم مَنْ شَاءَ صَامَ وَمَنْ شَاءَ أَفْطَرَ فَافْتَدَى بِطَعَامِ مِسْكِينٍ حَتَّى أُنْزِلَتْ هَذِهِ الآيَةُ ‏{‏ فَمَنْ شَهِدَ مِنْكُمُ الشَّهْرَ فَلْيَصُمْهُ‏}‏ [/SIZE]

"Gedurende het leven van de profeet namen wij tijdens de maand Ramadan (het vasten in acht overeenkomstig onze behoefte daartoe). Degene die wenste te vasten deed dit, en degene die wenste zijn vasten te verbreken verbrak dit en voedde een arm persoon totdat de volgende Ayah werd geopenbaard: "Wie onder u daarom deze maand beleeft, laat hem daarin vasten.""

Na enige tijd wijzigde het uiteindelijke bevel zoals opgenomen in vers 185 van surat al-Baqarah dit en werd de keus voor degenen die tot het vasten in staat waren ingetrokken. Het bleef echter gehandhaafd voor een ziek persoon, een reiziger, voor een zwangere of zogende vrouw of voor die oude mensen die niet in staat zijn om te vasten.

[SIZE=3]وَمَن كَانَ مَرِيضاً أَوْ عَلَى سَفَرٍ فَعِدَّةٌ مِّنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ يُرِيدُ اللّهُ بِكُمُ الْيُسْرَ وَلاَ يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ الْعُسْرَ وَلِتُكْمِلُواْ الْعِدَّةَ وَلِتُكَبِّرُواْ اللّهَ عَلَى مَا هَدَاكُمْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ

"Maar wie onder u ziek of op reis is, een aantal andere dagen. Allah wenst gemak voor u en geen ongemak, en opdat gij het aantal zult voltooien en opdat gij Allah's grootheid zult prijzen, omdat Hij u terecht heeft geleid en opdat gij dankbaar zult zijn." [al-Baqarah: 185]

Uit datgene wat eerder in dit artikel uiteen is gezet kan men de ware aard en het belang van het opheffen van bepaalde verzen uit de Koran begrijpen. Zij worden niet opgeheven in die zin dat het laatstgenoemde het eerder genoemde tegenspreekt. Het is eerder zo dat zijn voorgaande stadia openbaren waardoor een gebod passeert voordat het zijn uiterste stadium van uiteindelijk gebod inneemt.

Geschreven door Sayyid Abu A'la al-Maududi in "Towards Understanding the Qur'an"


Topic zal ge-update worden bi idni Allah.

22-06-2013, 19:17

Sheikh Abu Adnan - Ramadan, de maand van de overwinning

Sheikh Abu Adnan speaks about the virtues of Ramadan and gives some advice about how we should worship and act during ramadan and how we should keep our good deeds outside of ramadan.

This is another very beneficial lesson by our beloved Sheikh.
May Allah reward the Sheikh.

22-06-2013, 19:21
Sheikh ibn 'Uthaymeen (rahimahu Allah) werd gevraagd wat beter is


What is better in Ramadan – to recite the Qur’an by reading visually or to work on memorization?


Your priority is to read the entire Qur’an visually, while also preserving what you have already memorized in order to avoid forgetting it. This is because the entire Qur’an is beneficial for the person to read, as the reader will come across all of the Words of Allah and benefit from the rulings and stories that are contained in its verses. You’ll miss out on all this if you limit yourself only to the chapters that you’d memorize.

By limiting yourself to the specific chapters you memorize, you’ll benefit from them in that your attachment to them will grow. However, this isn’t something you’ll miss out on if you do it at another time because you can recite what you’ve memorized at home, at the mosque, or anywhere else you go.

So, your priority is to make sure you read the entire Qur’an, and then put in extra effort in regards to what you had been memorizing.

22-06-2013, 19:26
A Simple Ramadan Program

{“O you who believe! Fasting was prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become pious. Fast for a fixed number of days, but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the same number should be made up from other days. And as for those who can fast with difficulty, they have to feed a poor person. But, whoever does good of his own accord, it is better for him. And that you fast, it is better for you if only you knew.”} [al-Baqarah; 183-184]

“It is, as the Lord of Glory Said, a fixed number of days. Rather, it is a fixed number of hours! The month of Ramadan is either 720 hours, or 696 hours, and every minute of it has a price and a value. The Salaf and the Companions – may Allah be Pleased with them – used to await these days of Ramadan from the year to year, as it has been reported in a narration that the Companions used to say, when Rajab had arrived: “O Allah, assist us in worshiping You in Rajab and Sha’ban, and allow us to witness Ramadan.” Because Ramadan is the annual occasion of the cleansing of the soul, spirit, and body, its effect on the human spirit and body is not that profound. The acts of worship of the soul are many, and as much as the body receives its share of pain during the course of its worship, it will receive its share of light. That is why Jihad is the uppermost peak of Islam; because it is the most painful and difficult of the acts of worship. Its reward is greater, its effect on the soul deeper, and its result in building the spirit and in ingraining Tawhid in it is great.

Therefore, there are acts of worship dealing with one’s wealth. However, its effect on the soul is usually less than the effect of an act of worship dealing with the body. So, Zakah has a deep effect on the soul, as it purifies it from covetousness. However, you cannot truly sympathize with the poor person unless you feel his pain, live as he lives, and starve as he starves. If you starve, then you feel your body becoming stronger and more durable. At that time, you become joyous that you were able to sacrifice something and purify yourself from covetousness.

Jihad is the same way: Jihad with one’s wealth does not purify one’s soul in the same way as Jihad with one’s self does. And because of this, Islam did not relieve any of the Companions of the obligation of Jihad with his self, no matter what his position in society, and no matter how good his reputation, such as in the case of ‘Uthman.

And the Salaf – may Allah be Pleased with them – would calculate Ramadan by the minute. They were praying behind Ubayy bin Ka’b – and ‘Umar bin al-Khattab was praying Tarawih behind him – and they would require sticks to support themselves on as a result of his long standing in the prayer, and the Companions would say: {“We fear that we will miss the suhur praying behind Ubayy, and we fear that the Fajr time will come, causing us to miss the Blessed Meal – they used to refer to suhur as the Blessed Meal – so, let our children rush to prepare the meal.”}

And it was reported from some of the Tabi’in, and those who came after them, in regards to their Qur’an and prayer, that some of them would complete reciting the Qur’an sixty times in Ramadan, and this was specifically narrated in regards to al-Imam ash-Shafi’i; he used to complete it once during the day, and once during the night. Some of them would complete it once during the night and day, and others would complete it once every three days, until they reached the last ten days, in which they would seclude themselves in the mosque, completing it once a day.

And to complete the Qur’an in a day is easy, if we keep in mind that to recite the Qur’an slowly (tartil) takes about 24 hours, and a quicker recitation takes about ten hours. It is possible for the one who has memorized the Qur’an to complete one juz’ in 20 minutes, allowing him to complete all thirty juz’s in ten hours. I was told by Abu al-Hasan an-Nadawi: {“I saw my teachers, and some of them would not speak at all in Ramadan. Rather, they would only engage in worship; either Qur’an or prayer. If someone were to speak to them, they would count out their words, and calculate them by the minutes and seconds.”}

So, Ramadan consists of fasting and prayer.

Because of this, the Salaf, such as al-Imam Malik, would seclude themselves until the time of giving a class, saying: {“Verily, Ramadan is for praying and reciting the Qur’an.”} Some of them would say: {“Ramadan is praying, giving charity, and reciting the Qur’an.”}

And in Ramadan, the gates of Paradise are opened, and the gates of Hell are shut, and the devils are chained up. This is something that actually happens, as one of my trustworthy friends who used to have contact with the jinn – but has since repented – informed me: {“When I would ask the jinn who I would work with to relay to me any news, they would say: “We are inactive in Ramadan.”}

I used to think that they were believing jinn, as they would pray and fast with me. However, I realized from their answer, that they were devils (i.e., disbelieving jinn). Later, after an experiment, I confirmed for myself that they were disbelievers: I requested from them one day that they heal my cousin, so, they said: {“She will not be cured unless she puts on a cross.”}

So, I said to them: {“You really are devils. You are from the disbelieving jinn.”}

They said: {“We are from the believing jinn.”}

I said: {“From now, we have nothing to do with each other.”}

They said: {“We will hurt you, then.”}

I said: {“I dare you to try to hurt me. We will meet at midnight at the graveyard, the most secluded and frightening place I can think of,” and at midnight, I made ablution and prayed two rak’ahs, and went to the graveyard. I did this for three nights in a row, but the jinn were unable to even come near me.”}

So, it is something physical, not simply metaphoric. The devils are chained, and they are unable to move about and cause evil between the people. The major jinn are the ones who are chained, while the minor devils are left to move about. And Ramadan is the Ramadan of Jihad, so, I advise everyone of you to not fall short in a single day in Ramadan.

I was in Qatar, or the Emirates, and I was told: “The brothers in America called, asking if you could go spend the last ten nights with them.” I said: “Subhan Allah! I spend the last ten nights in America, and I leave Jalalabad, Qandahar, and Kabul erupting? The hour in these places is better than standing in prayer for sixty years, and I go and enter America, even if in Ramadan?” And because of this, for the duration of my stay here, especially in the last five years, I always loved to spend every Ramadan outside of Peshawar, and to not enter Peshawar unless it was necessary. I would spend it either in the training camp in Sada, Jadji, or any other place, so that it would be written for me as a Ramadan of ribat, and the Ramadan in the land of ribat is a thousand times better than Ramadan outside of the land of ribat, as the Prophet said: {“Ribat for one day in the Path of Allah is better than a thousand days in any other place, even if one were to fast all day and pray all night.”} [Reported by at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasa'i]

So, brothers, whoever of you stays in Peshawar, then let him comply with the following daily program:

Do not stay up late in Ramadan, as Ramadan is the time of praying, fasting, and seeking Allah’s forgiveness during the morning hours. So, break your fast in your homes on some dates or water, or in the mosque, and provide some dates and water in the mosques for those who might break their fast there, and glad tidings to the one who provides food for the one breaking his fast: “Whoever provides food for the fasting person, then, he will have the same reward as the fasting person, without the fasting person’s reward being diminished at all,” even if it is only on a piece of a date, so, for this, let the competitors compete for this great reward.

I was in Qatar, and some of the good-doers said to me: “We wish to provide food for a thousand fasting Mujahidin for all of Ramadan. How much does each Mujahid require in Ramadan?” I said: “He requires three Qatari riyals or dirhams.” Suddenly, a check was being written for 90,000 Qatari riyals, with him saying: ”This is the cost of food for a thousand Mujahidin in Jalalabad, and I ask that you alert me of its arrival.” When it arrived the next day, I was surprised to hear the phone ring, with him telling me: “The money for the food of two thousand more is on the way. Feed them rice and meat, as they are the best of foods.”

Comply with this program, and it is easy: break your fast in the mosque, then pray the Maghrib. Return to your homes, eat as much as Allah has Willed for you to eat, and after that, make istighfar while you are awaiting the time for ‘Isha’. Then, pray the ‘Isha’ and Tarawih in the mosque, then, return to your homes. Eat the suhur, and be particular about this time. In addition to it being a blessed meal, the best time to make istighfar is in these early morning hours.

So, after the suhur, rush to make ablution and perform some Tahajjud, and increase in your connection with the Lord of Glory: “Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of the night, Asking: ‘Who will call on Me so that I may respond to him? Who is asking something of Me so I may give it to him? Who is asking for My forgiveness so I may forgive him?’“

22-06-2013, 19:26


So, take advantage of these times – the early morning hours – in which an answered supplication is almost certain. {“Those who are patient, those who are true, the obedient with sincere devotion in worship to Allah, and those who spend in the Way of Allah, and those who pray and beg Allah’s Pardon in the last hours of the night.”} [Al 'Imran; 17]

{“They used to sleep but little by night, and in the hours before dawn, they were asking for forgiveness.”} [adh-Dhariyat; 17-18]

So, when the Fajr time enters, go to the mosque and pray there. And try, if you do not have work, to not sleep during the time between Fajr and sunrise: {“For me to sit with a group of people after the morning prayer, remembering Allah – the Mighty and Majestic – until the Sun rises is more beloved to me than freeing four slaves from the children of Isma’il…”} [Reported by Abu Dawud]

After this, go and rest until midday. From midday until ‘Asr, attend to the needs of your family.

Try to generally decrease in eating, drinking, and consuming sweets, keeping in mind that you are surrounded by widows, children, and orphans who are unable to afford plain rice. Set aside your sweets, bread, and rice for such people.

Your women are also in need of cleansing their souls, and they are in need of freeing themselves for the recitation of the Qur’an and worship. Their preoccupation with preparing food is a preoccupation from the essential activities of Ramadan; it is a preoccupation from istighfar, recitation, and worship. So, if you pray the ‘Asr, and you have no other obligations to keep you busy, seclude yourself in the mosque until the Sun sets, and indulge in the recitation of the Qur’an: “…and for me to sit with a group of people after the ‘Asr prayer, remembering Allah – the Mighty and Majestic – until the Sun sets is more beloved to me than freeing four slaves from the children of Isma’il.” So, when it is time for Maghrib prayer, pray it, and return to your home.

This is a program that anyone can follow, either most or all of it. Pay close attention to these days, in particular, and pay attention to these hours. In Ramadan, there is no time for ‘he said, she said,’ or watching television, or socialization. Do not visit one another in your houses during the nights of Ramadan, as this constitutes wasting and theft of time of this blessed month. There is the mosque in which you are able to meet and chat in after praying Tarawih, and any of your brothers who need something from you, your meeting place is in the mosque, and your place of departure is the mosque. Do not preoccupy the people with your presence in their homes during the nights of Ramadan…”

Written by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam may Allah accept his martyrdom in “at-Tarbiyah al-Jihadiyyah wal-Bina”; 3/86-93


03-07-2013, 22:52

♥ Nog 6 dagen tot aan Ramadhaan in shaa' Allaah!! ♥

Allaahoumma balighna Ramadhaan <3 [/SIZE]

04-07-2013, 10:48
In shaa Allah!

06-07-2013, 01:26
Hoe moeten we de maand Ramadan verwelkomen?

In de Naam van Allaah, de Barmhartige, de Genadevolle.

Zijn er speciale dingen die zijn voorgeschreven voor de moslim om de Ramadan te verwelkomen?

Geprezen zij Allaah.

De maand Ramadan is de beste maand van het jaar want Allaah heeft ervoor gekozen om het vasten in deze maand verplicht te stellen en het de vierde pilaar van de Islaam te maken. Allaah heeft voorgeschreven voor de moslim om de nacht door te brengen in gebed.

Zoals de profeet Mohammed (moge de vrede en zegeningen van Allaah met hem zijn) zei: “De Islaam is gebouwd op 5 pilaren [Arkan al Islam].
1.Getuigenis dat er geen god is dan Allaah en dat Mohammed Zijn boodschapper is [shahada]
2.Het verrichten van het gebed [salaat]
3.Het geven van aalmoezen [zakaat]
4.Het vasten tijdens Ramadan [siyam]
5.De pelgrimstocht naar Mekka [hadj]

En hij (moge de vrede en zegeningen van Allaah met hem zijn) zei: “Degenen die de nachten van de Ramadan in gebed zal doorbrengen uit geloof en in hoop op beloning, zal zijn voorgaande zonden worden vergeven”.

Ik ben niet op de hoogte van een specifieke manier om de Ramadan te verwelkomen maar de moslim zou de Ramadan moeten verwelkomen met vreugde en geluk en Allaah bedanken voor het mogelijk maken om dit te kunnen ervaren. Want Hij heeft ervoor gezorgd dat hij onder de levenden zit, die concurreren in het doen van goede daden.

Het bereiken van de Ramadan is een grote zegen van Allaah. De profeet was gewend om zijn metgezellen de blijde boodschap te verkondigen van de komst van Ramadan en legde haar deugden uit en de grote beloning die Allaah heeft bereid voor degenen die vasten en die de nacht doorbrengen in gebed.

Het wordt voorgeschreven voor de moslim om deze maand te verwelkomen met oprechte berouw en voorbereidingen om te vasten en Qiyaam al layl te bidden. Dit dient te gebeuren met zuivere intentie en oprechte vastberadenheid.

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (moge Allaah hem genadig zijn)

Majmoo’ Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi’ah (15/9).

06-07-2013, 06:26
Common Mistakes During Ramadhan
By Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

Bismillah Wasalaatu wasalaam A'la Rasoolillah. Ama Ba'ad

The list was taken from Sheikh Ahmad's Fiqh of Ramadhan class.

Common Mistakes During Ramadhan:

1) Focusing on food; to the extent that people begin to worry about eating more then actually fasting. This also goes along with spending tons of money on Iftaars even though a person does not need to eat that much food.

2) Making Suhr way before Fajr. Some people eat Suhr a few hours after Taraweeh or Isha Salah, this is wrong. It should be eaten closer to the time of Fajr.

3) People don't make Niyyah (intentions) to fast for Ramadhan. This is something in the heart and does not need to be verbal. Also it only needs to be done once, at the beginning of Ramadhan and not every single day.

4) If you find out late that Ramadhan started, you should stop eating and fast for that day, making that day up after Ramadhan/Eid ends.

5) Many people don't think you pray Taraweeh on the first night of Ramadhan (such as tonight). They believe you pray it after the first day you actually fast. They forget that the Islamic calender runs on the moon, maghrib is the start of the new day.

6) Many people believe if you eat or drink on accident this breaks your fast. This is false, if you do this on accident then you continue fasting and do not need to make up the day.

7) Some people take the opinion that if they see someone eating or drinking they should not remind the person that he/she is fasting. According to many ulama , this is incorrect and it is an order from Allah for us to ordain the good and forbid the evil. Thus we tell the person, because we are forbidding the evil this way.
Many sisters believe they cannot use Hennah while fasting. This is incorrect, they are allowed to use it during Ramadhan.

9) Some people believe when you are cooking you cannot taste the food to see if it has the right spices/flavors. This is false, and allowed in Islam as long as the person cooking is not eating the food. Rather they can taste it to see if it needs salt, or more spices.

IbnTaymiyah said: Tasting food is makrooh\disliked ^if there is no need to do it^ but it does not break the fast.
alFataawa (4/474)

Ibn ‘Abbaas said: There is nothing wrong with tasting what is being cooked as long as it does not reach the throat. ‎#Ramadan

10) Many people think you cannot use a Miswak or toothbrush during Ramadhan. This is false, for the Prophet(saw) used to use a miswak during Ramadhan. Also you CAN use toothpaste; the reasoning by the scholars is that the Miswak has flavor, thus toothpaste is okay to use (if you are not eating it).

11) Some people make the Fajr Adhan early. They do this so people will stop eating before Fajr and not invalidate their fast. This is wrong and something we should not do.

12) Some people make the Maghrib Adhan late. They do this so people will start eating late, just incase Maghrib has not come in yet. Thsi too is wrong and we should not do this.

13) Many many people believe you cannot have intercourse with your spouse during the whole month of Ramadhan. This is false, you cannot do this only during the times when you are fasting. Between Maghrib and Fajr it is permissable to do.

14) Many women believe that if their period has just ended and they did not make ghusl, they cannot fast that day (considering their period ended at night, and they went to bed without Ghusl, waking up without having a chance to make it). This is incorrect, if a women has not made Ghusl she can still fast.

15) Many men believe that if he has had intercourse with his wife and did not make ghusl (similar to the above) then he cannot fast the next morning. This is also incorrect, for he can fast even if he has not made Ghusl.

16) Some people pray Dhur and Asr prayers together during Ramadhan. (mainly in Arab countries) This is incorrect and should be avoided.

17) Some people believe you cannot eat until the Muadthin is done calling the Maghrib Adthan. This is incorrect, as soon as he starts a person can break their fast.

18) Many people don't take advantage of making dua before they break their fast. This is one of the three times when Allah accepts a person dua.

19) Many people make the mistake of spending the later part of Ramadhan prepairing for Eid, neglecting Ramadhan. This is incorrect and these people lose the concept of what Ramadhan is about.

20) Many parents do not let their children fast during Ramadhan (young children). This is somehting counter productive to a child. By allowing him to fast he will grow up to know he must do this act.

21) Many people think Ramadhan is just about not eating and forget about controling their tempers and watching what they say. In actuality we are supposed to control our tempers and mouthes even more during Ramadhan.

22) People often waste their time during Ramadhan. They go to sleep during the day and get nothing done. We should be taking advantage of this blessed month by doing extra Ibaadat.

23) Some people don't go on trips or travel during Ramadhan. They think they have to break their fast when traveling. This is actually optional, if you want to break your fast while traveling you can (with making it up later), and if you don't you can continue fasting.

24) Many people who are able don't make Itikaaf at the masjid. We should take advantage of our good health and spend lots of time at the Masjid, expecially the last 10 days of Ramadhan.

25) Some people believe they cannot cut their hair or nails during Ramadhan. This is also false.

26) Some people say you cannot swallow your spit during Ramadhan. This too is false. However you cannot swallor mucus that has entered your mouth.

27) Some people say you cannot use scented oils or perfumes during Ramadhan. This too is false.

28) Some people believe bleeding breaks the fast. This is not true.

29) Some people believe if you throw up on accident it breaks your fast. This is not true, however if you do it intentionally it does.

30) Some people think you cannot put water in your nose and mouth during wuduh in Ramadhan. This too is incorrect.

08-07-2013, 23:03

Ramadhaan 10 juli in shaa'Allaah [COLOR="#FF0000"]❤

Moge Allaah onze vasten en gebeden accepteren


15-07-2013, 22:33
Waarom vasten wij voor Allah? Sheikh Ahmad Musa Jibril geeft antwoord


Bekijk de hele afspeellijst met Ramadan lessen.

Short talks given by Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril in Ramadan of 1434H - 2013
Stay posted and share with others - there will be a new talk upload daily inshaa-Allah:

You can ask the Shaykh or suggest topics:
Viber/WhatsApp - Text : 313-643-4966

May Allah SWT accept your Ramadan

27-07-2013, 08:03

Ramadan: De maand van Al Wala’ wal Bara’

In naam van Allah de Barmhartige de Genadevolle. Moge Allah’s vrede en zegeningen met Zijn boodschapper, diens huishouden en metgezellen zijn tot de Dag des Oordeels. De beste toespraak is het boek van Allah en de beste Leiding is de Leiding van Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم en de slechtste zaken zijn de innovaties en elke innovatie is een misleiding.

Ramadan is een maand van vele dingen voor de moslims: het is een maand van genade, vergeving, zegen, aanbidding, inspanning, toewijding en discipline. Daarnaast is het van oudsher een maand dat het concept van Al Wala’ wal Bara’ in het geweten van de gelovigen op de één of andere manier nieuw leven inblaast.

Het eerste en meest bekende; de 17de van Ramadan 2 (na Hijra), was de eerste beslissende strijd tussen de Islaam en de ongelovigen; de slag van Badr.

Op dezelfde dag, 17 van de maand Ramadan (zes jaar later), veroverde de Boodschapper van Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) Mekka samen met 10.000 Islamitische soldaten. Die dag, ging hij de Ka’bah binnen en vermorzelde persoonlijk elk van de 360 ​​afgoden die hij binnen had gevonden. Later diezelfde Ramadan, stuurde hij zijn metgezellen om de andere afgoden te vernietigen die door de Arabieren werden aanbeden. Khalid bin al-Walid werd gestuurd om al-’Uzza te vernietigen, ‘Amr bin al-’As om Suwa’ te vernietigen en Sa’ad bin Zayd om Manat te vernietigen.

Het volgende jaar, na zijn terugkeer van de expeditie naar Tabuk in de Ramadan, stuurde de profeet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) een groep van zijn metgezellen naar de Masjid ad-Dirar, dat gebouwd werd door de hypocrieten, om het te slopen.

In Ramadan van 92 (na Hijra), leidde Tariq bin Ziyad een leger tegen de Gotische koning Roderick in de Slag bij Guadalete. Dit was een strijd waarin de moslims de leger van Goten versloegen wat acht keer groter in aantallen was. Dit was het begin van de Islamitische verovering van Andalusië, Zuid-Italië en delen van Frankrijk.

Ramadan van het jaar 584 (na Hijra); Op deze datum is een overwinning gemarkeerd voor de moslims in de Slag bij Hittin, waarin Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi het leger van de kruisvaarders verwoestte, wat resulteerde in zijn verovering van Jeruzalem.

In Ramadan van het jaar 658 (na Hijra), kregen de Mongolen te maken met hun eerste beslissende nederlaag in de geschiedenis in de handen van Sayf ad-Din Qutuz in de Slag van ‘Ayn Jalut. Tijdens deze overwinning werd de dood van de miljoenen en miljoenen moslims gewreekt die gedood werden tijdens de bestorming van hun land.

De opleving van Al Wala’ wal Bara’ in de Ramadan, kwam ook tot uiting in de moskeeën van de Salaf tijdens hun gebeden zoals al-Imam Malik rapporteerde in zijn ‘Muwatta “(306):

Al-A’raj zei: “Ik kon geen mensen vinden, of ze vervloekten de kuffaar [ongelovigen] in de Ramadan.”

In ‘al-Istidhkar “(2/72), Ibn’ Abd al-Barr zei: “Dit toont aan dat het toegestaan ​​is om de kuffar [ongelovigen] te vervloeken, of ze Dhimmi{1} zijn of niet. Dit is niet verplicht. Eerder is het toegestaan ​​voor degenen die het doen uit haat voor hen omwille van Allah door hun ontkenning van de waarheid en hun vijandschap tegen de religie en haar mensen. Ze smeekten tijdens de Witr gebeden in de Ramadan en vervloekten de kuffar [ongelovigen] in navolging van de Boodschapper van Allah, toen hij smeekte in zijn Qunut tegen Ra’al, Dhakwan en Bani Lahyan, die zijn metgezellen bij de bron van Ma’unah hadden gedood. Ibn Wahb heeft overgeleverd van Malik dat de Qunut in de laatste helft van de Ramadan moet plaatsvinden en het is de vervloeking van de kuffar [ongelovigen] Hij vervloekt de kuffar [ongelovigen] en degenen achter hem zeggen: ‘Amien.’

… En al-A’raj ontmoette een groep van de metgezellen en de grote Tabi’in en dit waren de praktijken van het volk van Madinah. “

Op pagina 32 van zijn essay ‘Qiyam Ramadan’, vermeldt al-Albani een overlevering van Ibn Khuzaymah’s (2/155), waarin ‘Umar iemand zou aanwijzen/benoemen om de mensen in gebed te leiden in de nacht in Ramadan en aan het einde van het gebed na de eerste helft van de maand, zou de leider de volgende smeekbede maken:

اللهم قاتل الكفرة الذين يصدون عن سبيلك ويكذبون رسلك ولا يؤمنون بوعدك وخالف بين كلمتهم وألق في قلوبهم الرعب وألق عليهم رجزك وعذابك إله الحق[/SIZE]
“O Allaah, bestrijdt de kuffaar die mensen hebben weggehouden van Uw Pad, de Boodschappers ontkennen en niet geloven in Uw Belofte. Verdeel ze en zaai angst in hun hart en gooi Uw Straf over hen, Oh Waarachtige!”

De leider van het gebed vraagt dan om de vrede en zegeningen op de Profeet, bidt voor hetgeen wat goed is voor de moslims en vraagt dan Allaah om vergiffenis voor de gelovigen. Daarna wordt de smeekbede beëindigd met het volgende;
اللهم إياك نعبد ولك نصلي ونسجد وإليك نسعى ونحفد ونرجو رحمتك ربنا ونخاف عذابك الجد إن عذابك لمن عاديت ملحق
“O Allaah, wij aanbidden U en wij bidden tot U en wij knielen voor U en wij streven en haasten en hopen voor Uw Barmhartigheid, onze Heer. En we vrezen Uw ware straf, zoals Uw straf dicht achter de vijanden staat”.

Hierna werpt hij zich in Sujood.

Dus, deze glimp van de moslims die ons voorgingen laten ons zien dat ze Ramadan behandelen als een maand waarin het concept van Al Wala’wal Bara’ herleeft.

{1} = Dhimmi (Arabisch: ذمة) is de traditionele aanduiding voor bepaalde niet-moslims onder islamitisch bestuur die onder voorwaarden de eigen religie mogen blijven aanhangen.

28-07-2013, 03:49


29-07-2013, 15:42
Sheikh Abdul-Aziz at--Tarefe alles over al-i'tikaaf


Volg deze pagina insha Allah:

This page has been set up to spread the beautiful and wise insights of Sh. `Abdul-`Azīz al-Ṭarīfī. We will just translate his posts and share them.

This is not his official page. His official page is here:

29-07-2013, 15:44
Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril

The final ten nights of ‪#‎Ramadan‬ start!

One of the best duaa You can do in these ten nights starting now:

اَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ ، تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي

Allahumma innaka ‘affuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘anni’


O Allah You are The One Who forgives greatly (pardons), and loves to pardon, so pardon me. [at Tirmidhi]

~Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

-We will upload the Shaykhs talk on the Night of Destiny in a few hours insha Allah.

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