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06-06-2013, 17:43
It was narrated that Abü Hurairah, or Abü Sa'eed said:

"On the day of the battle of Tabük, the people became hungry and said:
'0 Messenger of Allah, why don't you give us permission to slaughter our camels, and we will eat them and make use of their fat.' The Messenger of Allah said: 'Do that.' Then 'Umar came and said: '0 Messenger of Allah, if you do that
will have few mounts. Rather call them to bring whatever provisions they have left, then pray to Allah over them, asking Him to bless them for them, and perhaps Allah will bless them.' The Messenger of Allah ji said: 'Yes.' He called
for a leather mat and spread it out, then he called for their leftover provisions. One man brought a handful of corn, another brought a handful of dates, and another brought a piece of bread, until a little food had been collected on the leather mat. Then the Messenger of
Allah 0, prayed for blessing for it, then he said: 'Put it in your vessels.' They filled their vessels until there was no vessel left in the camp that was not filled. They ate until they were full, and there was plenty left over. Then the Messenger of Allah said:
'I bear witness that none has the The Book Of Faith right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am the Messenger of
Allah. No one who meets Allah (believing) in them and not doubting them will be kept away from Paradise."