Bekijk volle/desktop versie : Ramadan inhalen: wordt vasten geaccepteerd zonder s7or?

24-10-2012, 20:35

Ik wil graag mijn onreine dagen van de ramadan inhalen. Wordt het vasten geaccepteerd als je niet voor zonsopgang opstaat? Graag daliel.

Moge Allah je belonen ameen.

24-10-2012, 20:56


24-10-2012, 21:17
Het wordt geaccepteerd als je er een goede reden voor hebt , bijv : je slaappatroon is verstoord etc. , maar eigenlijk moet je zoiezo opstaan omdat je Fajr moet bidden , het is Sunnah om op te staan al drink je maar een slok water wat de profeet Mohammed s.a.w. zei en ik zou je aanraden om morgen Arafah te vasten en daarna vasten wat je nog moet inhalen. Omdat Arafah zeer zegenrijk is.

24-10-2012, 21:25
bedankt, heeft iemand daliel

24-10-2012, 21:32

(Prayer is better than sleep.) wordt uitgesproken in de adzaan

28-10-2012, 22:58
heeft iemand daliel

28-10-2012, 23:02
Verder moet je sowieso opstaan voor fajr en zou je zelfs las je echt niet kan eten dus een glasje water drinken want er zit zo veel zegening in !


1-Eating the Suhoor (the pre-dawn meal)

Suhoor is distinctive of the Ummah of Muhammad salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam;

`Amr Ibn al-`Aas reported that the Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said: "The distinction between our fasting and the fasting of the people of the book [Jews and Christians] is the taking of Suhoor". [Muslim]

There are blessings in Suhoor ...

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: "Indeed Allah placed blessing in the Suhoor and in the weighing [of grain]". [Shirazi and al-Khateeb/ al-Jami`us-Sagheer; Hasan]

Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah said: "Eat Suhoor, for there are blessings in it." [al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Salman also reported that the Prophet said: "Blessing is in three : The Jama`a [the congregation of the Muslims], The Thareed [a broth of (crumbled) bread and meat] and the Suhoor". [Tabarani and Abu Nu`aim; Hasan]

A companion said: "I entered upon the Prophet (S) and he was taking the Suhoor and he said: "It is a blessing which Allah has given to you, so do not leave it". [Ahmad and an-Nasa'i; Sahih].

Abud-Dardaa' reported that the Prophet (S) said: "Come to the blessed morning meal (meaning the Suhoor)". [Ahmad, an-Nasa`i and Abu Dawood].

"Perhaps the greatest blessing of Suhoor is that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta`ala (SWT) [Most High and Free of all imperfection], covers the people eating Suhoor with His forgiveness and send His Mercy upon them. The angles ask for forgiveness for them and supplicate to Allah to pardon them, so that they may be granted freedom from the Fire by the Most Merciful in the month of the Qur'an

Abu Said al-Khudri said: The Prophet (S) said: "The Suhoor is a meal of blessings, so do not leave it, even if one of you just takes a gulp of water, since Allah sends mercy and His angels seek forgiveness for those who take Suhoor". [Ahmad and Ibn Abi Shaibah]

These reports from the Prophet (S) leave no room for the believer to miss Suhoor. Therefore let us take it upon us to never miss it.

(a) What would fulfill eating Suhoor?

Eating Suhoor would be fulfilled by eating a small or large quantity of food, or even just by drinking a sip of water as mentioned in the Hadith of Abu Said al-Khudri. However, the best of Suhoor is eating dates since the Prophet (S) said: "How excellent are dates as the believer's Suhoor". [Abu Dawood, Ibn Hibban and al-Baihaqee; Sahih]

(b) The time for Suhoor: The time for Suhoor is between the middle of the night and dawn. It is considered best to delay it (that is, as close to dawn a possible).

The Prophet (S) said: "Hasten the breaking of the fast and delay the Suhoor". [Sahih al-Jami`]

Zaid ibn Thabit reported: "We ate Suhoor with the Messenger of Allah and then we got up for the prayer. He was asked: 'What was the amount of time between the two?' He responded: '[The time it would take to recite] fifty ayat."' [al-Bukhari and Muslim].

'Amr ibn Maimun adds: "The companions of Muhammad (S), would be the first to break the fast and the last to eat their Suhoor." [al-Baihaqi, Abdur-Razzaq and al-Haithami; Sahih]

The Prophet (S) said: "We, the Prophets, have been ordered to hasten breaking the fast, delay the Suhoor, and to put our right hand on the left one in prayer". [Sahih al-Jami`]