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15-06-2012, 01:27
Assalamu alikum,

"En degenen die onrecht pleegden zullen spoedig weten tot welke plaats van terugkeer zij zullen terugkeren!" Q. 26:227

Iedereen krijgt dezelfde straf, ongeacht iemands sociale positie:

Overgeleverd van `Aisha dat de Quraish verdrietig waren om de kwestie van de vrouw uit Makhzoem die had gestolen. Daarom zeiden zij: Wie wil er over praten met de Boodschapper van Allah (en het voor haar opnemen)? Zij zeiden: Niemand durft dat behalve Usamah Ibn Zaid, de lieveling van de Boodschapper van Allah . Hierop ging Usamah met hem praten. De Boodschapper van Allah vroeg: Kom je bemiddelen in één van de grenzen (en straffen) van Allah? Vervolgens stond hij op om te preken en zei: O mensen, diegenen die voor jullie waren zijn vernietigd omdat als een edel (rijk) persoon onder hen stal, zij hem vrij spraken. En als een zwak persoon onder hen stal, werd hij gestraft. Bij Allah, als Fatimah de dochter van Muhammed zou stelen, dan zou ik haar hand afhakken! Door Al-Bukhari [3475].

Eemaan and Righteous Deeds:

There is no doubt that the bliss of the heart, its tranquility and happiness, and the absence of grief and worry from it, is the goal of every individual. It is the means by which a happy, blissful and excellent life is achieved. There are means to achieve this; some of which are religious, some are natural and some are physical. These means are never gathered together except to the believers. The non-believers on the other hand, despite the fact that the earnest endeavors of their philosophers is to lead them to these means, even if they achieve them in certain aspects, they miss the way to them in several other aspects that are more beneficial, more permanent and better in yielding results.

Shaykh Abdur-Rahman bin Nasir As-Sadi (rahimahullaah) mention in his treatise the ways and means to achieve this lofty goal that is the quest of every individual. He said that some people are successful in following these ways, and therefore live a good and pure life and enjoy their life. Some woefully fail in following any of them, and they live a wretched and miserable life. Others lie between these two extremes; by the level of their following these means, by that level do they live a good life. And it is Allaah azza wa jall that guides to all that is good, and wards off all that is evil, and it is His Help we seek in this.

Chapter One: Eemaan and Righteous Deeds:

1. The greatest and fundamental means of achieving a good life is Eemaan (certain belief) and good deeds. Allaah the Most High said:

“Whoever works righteousness, man or woman,and is a true believer, verily to him will We give a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.” [Surat An-Naĥl 16:97]

So Allaah, the Most High, informs and promises whoever joins true belief with good and righteous deeds, that He will give him a good and pure life in this world, and a good reward in this world and in the Hereafter.

The reason behind this is very clear. This is because true believers in Allaah, who have a sound belief that gives rise to righteous deeds, and mends the heart and corrects human behaviour, and makes good both this world and the Hereafter; such a people have the basic elements that guide them in dealing with situations of happiness and joy, and situations of anxiety, sorrow and grief.

They gratefully accept situations of happiness and joy, and are thankful, and use them in what is beneficial. When they use them in this manner, they experience additional joy, and they desire the blessings of these things and hope that they remain with them, and also yearn for the good reward of those who are thankful to Allaah. This feeling and experience brings with it so much good and blessings, far greater than the joy that is the primary cause of it.

On the other hand, in a harmful and unpleasant situations, situations of grief and sorrow, they deal with them by resisting what is resistible, and lightening what could be lightened, and they persevere with a beautiful contentment over what they have no power to resist. By this they achieve the benefits of earnest struggle, and gather experience and inner strength, and earn the reward of patience and perseverance, the greatness of which belittles in comparison the distasteful things that befell them. As a result they end up having in place of the unpleasant things, joy and good hope, and a sincere desire in the favours of Allaah and His reward. The Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallaam), beautifully expressed this situation in a Sahih Hadith, where he said:

15-06-2012, 01:28


“The affair of the believer is really wonderful!All his affairs are good:when he is touched by ease and affluence,he is thankful,and that is good for him;and when he is touched by suffering he is patient,and that is good for him.And this only for the believer”. [Muslim reported it]

The Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallaam), inform us in this hadith that the good of the believer and his gains ,and the excellent benefits of his deeds, are multiplied several fold in all the things that befall him, be they pleasant or unpleasant.

This is why you see two people afflicted by the same ups and downs of life situations, and they differ so widely in the way they encounter them, in accordance with the level of their and righteous deeds.

The one with ‘Eemaan’ and righteous deeds encounters both good and bad situations with what we mentioned of thankfulness in good situations, and patience in bad ones, plus the other things that go along with them. As a result of this, he experiences joy and happiness; grief and sorrow leave him, and he becomes free from misery, anxiety, and constriction of the heart, and he lives a good and happy life in this world.

The other one, on the other hand, encounters joyful and agreeable situations with insolence, arrogance and rebellion. As a result of this, his behaviour deviates, and he becomes just like an animal: encountering his joy with utter greed, and burning anxiety and restlessness. And despite that, his heart is still not at rest. He is restless for several reasons: he is restless out of fear that the good things will vanish, and out of the feeling of anxiety for the struggle to retain them; he is restless out of the burning urge and desire to acquire more, because the human self by its nature knows no limits to what i desires, and he may acquire them and he may not. Even if he acquires them the restlessness still persists, because the circle will repeat itself on him viciously. And when he is afflicted with unpleasant things, he is worried, full of despair, fearful and sorrowful. Only Allaah knows the degree of the wretchedness of the life he is going through, and the mental and psychological sickness associated with it, and the extent of the fear that would ultimately lead to more horrible and heinous results. This is because he neither has any hope of getting a reward, nor any patience that will console him and lighten his pains.

All this is known from human experience. There are many examples in life, which if you reflect upon even one of them, and observe through it human experiences, you will definitely see the wide difference between the true believer who is acting in accordance with his certain belief,and the person who is not like him. This is because the religion of truth strongly urges contentment with Allaah’s provision, and with whatever He gives His slaves out of His favour and vast generosity.

If the believer is afflicted with illness or poverty, or similar tribulations that no individual is free from, he is happy and contented, because of his certain belief, contentment and satisfaction with what Allaah has decreed for him. His heart does not quest for what has not been destined to him. He looks at people that are less fortunate than him, and he does not look at those who are above him in worldly riches. By this he might even be happier and more delighted and peaceful than the one who has all his worldly needs met, but has not been gifted with contentment.

The opposite is the case of the one who does not act in accordance with Iman;when he is afflicted with poverty or loses some of his worldly needs, you find him in utter despair and wretchedness.

Another example is when fear and disturbing events befall a person; you find the one with sound Eemaan having a firm heart, and he is calm and firmly in control of the situation, by making the best use of his faculties of thought, speech and action, as though he has already prepared him self for the event. This type of reaction puts him at ease, and strengthens his heart.

The reaction of the one without Eemaan on the other hand, is the direct opposite of this. When he encounters fearful situations, his heart trembles, and his nerves becomes tense, and his intellect loses its focus. There is nothing inside him except alarm and fear. The outward terror is increased by his inward restlessness, the degree of which is beyond expression. This type of people among mankind, if they do not acquire some of the natural means at the disposal of every human being for dealing with troubles through life experiences,their energy becomes completely sapped, and they suffer a nervous breakdown. This is because they lack the Eemaan that encourages patience, especially in situations of difficulty and anxiety.

It is true that both the good and the bad, and the believer and the one who rejects faith, both share the common human quality of acquired courage, as well as the innate ability to deal with dreadful situations and lighten their oppressive effects on the self. But the believer, because of his strong belief, patience and reliance and trust in Allaah, and his desire to be rewarded by Allaah, excels in having qualities that make him more courageous, and soothe more effectively the pangs of terror and the pains of calamity on him. As Allaah, the Most High said:

“If you are suffering hardships, they too are suffering similar hardships:but you hope from Allah that for which they hope not.” [Surat An-Nisā' 4:104]

In addition to that,the believers receive from Allaah His special help,succour and assistance that will drive away the dread and terror that befell them. Allaah, the Most High said:

“And be patient. Surely Allaah is with those who are patient.” [Surat Al-'Anfāl 8:46]

2. Among the means of eliminating worry, grief and anxiety is goodness to creation, by words, by deeds, and by all types of good acts. All of these are good and excellent in the sight of Allaah, and by them Allaah removes worries and anxieties from both the good and the bad; each in accordance with his level of being good to creation. Except that the portion of the believer is more complete and perfect, and he also excels by the fact that his goodness is borne out of sincerity to Allaah and seeking his reward. As a result Allaah makes the act of doing good and granting it easy for him because of his hope in the goodness with Allaah; and He removes from him in pleasant things because of his sincerity and his seeking the reward of Allah. Allaah,the Most High said:

“There is no good in most of their secret conferences except (in) him who exhorts to a deed of charity (in Allah’s cause),or goodness,or conciliation between people.Whoever does that seeking the pleasure of Allah,We shall bestow on him an immense reward.” [Surat An-Nisā' 4:114].

Allaah, the Most High, informs us that these things are all acts of goodness whosoever does them. And acts of goodness bring them good, and remove evil. But the true believer, who seeks the reward and pleasure of Allaah, for him Allaah gives an immense reward. Part of that immense reward is the removal of grief, sorrow and anguish.

Source: transcribed from: Useful Ways Of Leading A Happy Life, Chapter 1 Pages 7-15.By: Shaykh Abdur-Rahman bin Nasir As-Sa'di (rahimahullaah).


15-06-2012, 12:34
Abu Hurairah [Radhiya Allahu ‘anhu] heeft overlevert dat de Boodschapper van Allah [sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa salam] gezegd heeft:

“Aan het einde der tijden zullen er bedriegers en leugenaars zijn die jullie ahadeeth zullen geven die jullie nog nooit gehoord hebben, noch jullie noch jullie ouders. Let goed op dat ze jullie niet op het verkeerde pad brengen en dat ze jullie niet verleiden!”

[Hadeeth bij As-Suyuti. Zie Tarteeb Saheeh Al-Djaami’ As-Sagheer Wa Ziyaadaatih 4/103].

15-06-2012, 16:34
Imaam Al-Awzaa’ee’s Advice On Taking Narrations Over Opinions:

Imaam Al-Awzaa’ee (d. 157) said:

“Adhere to the narrations from those who have preceded,
even if the people reject you, and beware of the opinions of men,
even if they beautify it with speech.
So indeed the afair will become clear (for others),
while you are upon a straight path regarding it!”

[Bayhaqee in Al-Madkhal (no. 233) with an authentic chain of narrators].

He also said:

“So make yourself patient upon the Sunnah, stop where the people stopped, speak with what they spoke with, and refrain from what they refrained from. And follow the path of your Righteous Predecessors (Salafus Saaliheen) for verily, sufficient for you is that which was sufficient for them!”

[Al-Hijjah by Ismaa'eel Ibnul-Fadhl (6/a-b)].

15-06-2012, 20:29

The Evil And Harm Of The Innovators Is Worse Than That Of The Kuffaar:

Abu Anas Hamad Al-’Uthmaan said:

“The evil of the Jews and Christians is open and clear to the common Muslims; as for the people of innovation, then their harm is not clear to every person… This is why the Scholars see that to refute the people of innovation takes precedence over refuting the Jews and Christians.” (1)

Ibn Al-Jawzee said: Abul Fadhl Al-Hamdaanee said:

“The innovators of Islaam and the fabricators of hadeeth are more harmful than the athiests, because the athiests desire to corrupt the Religion from the outside, and these, they desire to corrupt it from within.

They are like the people of a town who strive to corrupt it (from within), but the atheists are those who have surrounded it from the outside. So the ones who are inside open up the fortress, so they are more evil to Islaam than those who do not wear the cloak of Islaam.” (2)

And Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said:

“Their harm (the people of innovations, disbelief, or misguidance) is greater than the harm of the enemies who wage war (on the Muslims). For if those people conquer (the Muslim lands), they do not corrupt the hearts (of the people) and the religion that lies within them, except afterwards.

However, those people (the people of innovations) corrupt the hearts from the very beginning!” (3)


(1) Zajarul Mutahawwin, p. 96

(2) Al-Mawdhoo’aat, 1/51

(3) Majmoo’ Al-Fataawaa 28/232

25-06-2012, 08:41
[COLOR="Navy"]Iemaam al-Awzai zei: Geef een persoon van de innovatie niet de kans om te discussiëren, want als resultaat zal je hart getekend worden door zijn fitna (zijn eigen twijfels)!! al-Bidaâwan-Nahee anhaa (blz.53).

Ibn Qoedaamah zei: De Selef waren gewend om het zitten met de mensen van de innovatie, het lezen van hun boeken en het aanhoren van hun woorden, te verbieden! Al-Aadaabush-Sharâiyyah (1/263)

Ibn Djawzi Mindaad zei: Maalik Ibn Anas (o.197H) rahiemehoellaah zei: Het is niet toegestaan om in iets van de boeken van verlangens, innovaties en astrologie te bekijken! Overgeleverd door Ibn Abd al-Barr in al-Jaamiâ ul-Bayaanil- Ilm (2/117).[/COLOR]

28-06-2012, 13:19
Going Straight (Istiqama) . Riyad as-Salihin (The Meadows of the Righteous) by Imam Nawawi :

8. Chapter: On Going Straight (Istiqama) :

Allah Almighty says, "Go straight as you have been commanded," (11:112),

and the Almighty says, "The angels descend on those who say, 'Our Lord is Allah,' and then go straight: 'Do not fear and do not grieve, but rejoice in the Garden you have been promised! We are your protectors in the life of this world and in the Hereafter.

You will have there all that your selves could wish for. You will have there everything you demand. Hospitality from One who is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (W41:29-31; H41:30-32)

The Almighty says, "Those who say, 'Our Lord is Allah, and then go straight will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. Such people are the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, for ever, as repayment for what they did." (W46: 12-13; H46:13-14)

16-07-2013, 21:16
Mensen en djins die voor de Hel zijn geschapen:

"En voorzeker, Wij hebben velen van de djin`s en de mensen voor de Hel geschapen. Zij bezitten harten waarmee zij niet begrijpen en zij bezitten ogen waarmee zij niet zien en zij bezitten oren waarmee zij niet horen, zij zijn degenen die als het vee zijn. Zij dwalen zelfs nog erger! Zij zijn degenen die de achtelozen zijn!" Q. 7:179 .

19-07-2013, 23:51
What to do in times when the true Islaam has become something strange :

Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Abdullah Bin Baz (rahimuhuAllah) :

This condition is the confirmation of what our Prophet and Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) has told us in an authentic hadeeth, “Islam began as something strange, and it will return as something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers.” 1

In another narration it was said, “ O Messenger of Allah, who are the strangers?” He (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) replied “those who are steadfast in righteousness at a time when the people become corrupt.” 2

In another version he (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, “those who correct what the people have corrupted of my sunnah”3

So this noble hadeeth makes it clear to the people of intellect that calling to the truth and refuting that which the people have introduced into the religion, at a time when Islaam is strange, is regarded to be from the reformation which the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) encouraged and praised it’s people for. This great hadeeth also makes clear to the readers, that it is obligatory upon the people of truth, when Islaam has become strange, to become more active in explaining the rulings of Islaam, giving da’wah and spreading its merits and virtues, and fighting against the vices. It is also necessary for them to be firm upon that until they become oxne of the righteous people at a time when corruption is prevalent, and they become oxne of those who correct the mischief when the people are active in it. Indeed Allah is the Granter of success, Exhalted be He!


1 – Collected by Muslim
2 – Tahaawee in al-Mushkil (298/1)
3 – Tirmidhee (2765), Tabaranee in al-Kabeer (16/17), al-Bazzaar (3287) and others.

10-08-2013, 20:18
Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee (d.204) said, “My ruling regarding the people of Kalaam (theological rhetoric) is that they should be beaten with palm leaves and shoes and be paraded amongst the kinsfolk and the tribes with it being announced, ‘This is the reward of the one who abandons the Book and the sunnah and turns to theological rhetoric (kalaam)!“

[Sharh 'Aqeedatut-Tahaawiyyah og Ibn 'Abdil-'Izz, p. 75].

Ibn ‘Abdil-Barr said, “The people of Fiqh and Athaar in all the various towns and cities are agreed unanimously that the Ahlul-Kalaam (People of theological rhetoric) are but Ahlul-Bida’ waz-Zaigh (the People of Innovations and Deviation). And they are not considered, by all of the above, to be amongst the ranks of the Scholars (in truth)!“

[Reported by Ibn Qudaamah in his Burhaan Fee Bayaanil-Qur'aan].

[Taken from "Foundations Of The Sunnah" Pp. 16-17].

16-08-2013, 19:53
[COLOR="#800080"][SIZE=3][/SIZE]Imaam Al-Barbahaari zei:

اعلم أن الإسلام هو السنة والسنة هي الإسلام ولا يقوم أحدهما إلا بالآخر

“Weet dus dat Islam zelf de Sunnah is en dat de Sunnah zelf Islaam is, en de een kan niet bestaan zonder de ander!”

["Sharh As-Sunnah", 1][/COLOR]

01-09-2013, 23:12
Volgens Abu Hurairah [Radhiya Allahu ‘anhu] heeft de Profeet [SallAllahu ‘alayhi wa selam] gezegd:

“Het Uur zal niet aanbreken voordat mijn gemeenschap stap voor stap de vroegere gemeenschappen gevolgd heeft [in hun ondergang].” Er werd gevraagd: “O Boodschapper van Allah! Gemeenschappen zoals de Perziërs en de Romeinen?” “Wie anders!” Antwoordde de Profeet [SallAllahu ‘alayhi wa selam].

[Saheeh Bukhari, zie samenvatting van de Saheeh van Bukhari p. 509 hadeeth nr. 2216]

12-09-2013, 22:11


Allah zegt (interpretatie van de betekenis): “Waarlijk degenen die zeggen: ,,Onze Heer is Allah.” en die vervolgens standvastig zijn; er zal geen vrees over hen komen en zij zullen niet treuren. Zij zijn de bewoners van het Paradijs, daarin zullen zij eeuwig verblijven als een beloning voor wat zij pleegden te doen.” (Soerat al-Ahqaaf: 13-14)

Aboe cAmrah Soefyaan bin cAbd Allah overlevert dat hij het volgende zei: “O Boodschapper van Allah, doe mij een uitspraak over de Islam, waarna ik niemand daarover hoef te vragen.” Hij antwoordde: “Zeg: ,,Ik geloof in Allah en houdt je hieraan vervolgens vast.” (Moeslim) Aboe Bakr as-Siddieq zei over het zinsdeel ‘en die vervolgens standvastig zijn’: “Het betekent dat je geen deelgenoten toekent aan Allah.” Aboel cAaliyah zei dat het betekent: “Ervoor zorgen dat iemands geloof en daden volledig en oprecht voor Allah zijn.” En Qataadah zei: “Standvastig zijn in het gehoorzamen van Allah.”

Ibn Radjab zei: “De basis voor standvastigheid is; standvastigheid van het hart in het belijden van de eenheid van Allah.” Wanneer het hart standvastig en oprecht is en kennis heeft van Allah; dit houdt in dat het vrees, ontzag en liefde heeft voor Hem, dan zullen de ledematen volgen in het gehoorzamen van Allah. Dit omdat het hart de koning is van de ledematen en de ledematen de onderdanen zijn van het hart. Als de koning dus oprecht is, dan zijn de onderdanen ook oprecht. Na het hart is de tong het belangrijkste lichaamsdeel die verantwoordelijk is voor standvastigheid. De tong vertaalt immers datgene wat in het hart zit!

De Profeet (vrede zij met hem) zei: “Iemands Imaan (geloof) zal niet standvastig zijn totdat zijn hart standvastig is. En zijn hart zal niet standvastig zijn totdat zijn tong standvastig is.” (Ahmad) En hij zei: “Wanneer de zoon van Adam (de mens) ’s ochtends opstaat, stellen de lichaamsdelen zich nederig op ten opzichte van de tong, zeggende: ,,Vrees Allah met betrekking tot ons, want wij zijn afhankelijk van jou. Als jij standvastig bent, zijn wij ook standvastig en als jij afdwaalt, dwalen wij ook af!” (at-Tirmidhi)


13-10-2013, 20:01
De Profeet [SallAllahu ‘alayhi wa salam] heeft gezegd:

“Degene onder jullie waar ik het meest van houd en die dicht bij mij zullen zitten op de Dag van de Opstanding, zijn diegene onder jullie die de beste karakters hebben. Degenen onder jullie die ik het meest verafschuw en die het verst van mij zullen zitten op de Dag van de Opstanding, zijn de babbelzieken, de hoogdravers en de mooipraters.”

De Suhaba [Radhiya Allahu ‘anhum] vroegen: “Boodschapper van Allah, we weten wie de babbelzieken en de hoogdravers zijn, maar wat betekent mooipraters [mutafayqihun]?

Hij [sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa salam] antwoordde:“Dat zijn de hoogmoedigen!!!”

[Hadeeth Hassan, overgeleverd door At-Tirmidhi nr 2018, tamelijk goed gekwalificeerd door Al-Albaani in Saheeh Al-Djaami’ nr. 2201]

26-10-2013, 14:21
Engelen houden elke handeling bij!:

En voorzeker, Wij hebben de mens geschapen en Wij weten wat zijn ziel hem influistert en Wij zijn dichter bij hem dan zijn halsslagader. Wanneer de twee ontvangers (Engelen) aan de rechterzijde en aan de linkerzijde zitten te schrijven. Is er geen woord dat Hij uit, of aan zijn Zijde bevindt zich een waker die gereed is (het op te schrijven). Q. 50:16-19

En voorwaar, er zijn zeker bewakers (Engelen) over jullie. Eervollen, schrijvenden! Zij weten wat jullie doen. Q. 82: 10-12

Of denken zij, dat Wij hun geheimen en hun gefluister niet horen? Welzeker! Onze gezanten (Engelen) zijn bij hen, zij schrijven! Q. 43:80

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