Bekijk volle/desktop versie : VN ziet geen bewijs voor massamoorden Zuid-Sudan

08-01-2012, 08:23
Laatste update: 7 januari 2012 23:53

JUBA - De Verenigde Naties hebben geen bewijs gevonden dat in Zuid-Sudan in de afgelopen week massamoorden zijn gepleegd.

Wel hebben circa 60.000 mensen in de door geweld getroffen deelstaat Jonglei dringend hulpgoederen nodig.
Dat heeft Hilde Johnson, de speciale VN-gezant voor Zuid-Sudan, zaterdag gezegd. Ze heeft het district Pibor in Jonglei bezocht waar strijders van de Lou Nuer volgens getuigen hutten in brand staken en een ziekenhuis plunderden.

De Lou Nuer hadden het gemunt op leden van de rivaliserende stam Murle.

Joshua Konyi, regeringsvertegenwoordiger voor Pibor, zei vrijdag dat meer dan 3000 mensen omgekomen zijn door het geweld. Johnson stelde dat daarvoor geen bewijzen zijn. Ze zei wel dat veel mensen in Pibor geen dak meer boven hun hoofd hebben en kampen met een gebrek aan voedsel.

De Murle en de Lou Nuer zijn in een langdurige vete met elkaar verwikkeld. De Lou Nuer beschuldigen de Murle onder meer van het stelen van vee.

08-01-2012, 08:31

7 January 2012 Last updated at 22:18 GMT
South Sudan's Jonglei clashes: UN begins aid effort
The UN has launched a "massive emergency operation" to help those affected by ethnic clashes in South Sudan's Jonglei state.
Food distribution has begun for 2,000 people, UN spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs told the BBC.
The operation aims to help 50,000 people who have fled recent clashes between rival ethnic groups, she said.
But the UN said there was no evidence of mass killings, despite reports of more than 3,000 deaths last week.
"Importantly, we found no evidence that supports those numbers," said South Sudan special representative Hilde Johnson, quoted by AFP news agency, after a visit to the affected areas.
The clashes around the town of Pibor are a result of cattle raids that have spiralled out of control.
Cycle of violence
On Thursday South Sudan declared a disaster in Jonglei state.
Some 6,000 ethnic Lou Nuer fighters attacked the area around Pibor in recent days, outnumbering South Sudan's army and UN forces.
This is the latest round in a cycle of violence which has lasted several months - in one incident last year some 600 Lou Nuer were killed by attackers from the Murle community, the group which fled from Pibor.
Several UN agencies are taking part in the aid effort, which will focus on food distribution, providing water and sanitation, and treating the injured, Ms Byrs said.
"Many of [the displaced] have fled into bush, some of them have walked for 10 days... they are really exhausted," she said.
The situation in Pibor was now "calm" and 4,700 people had returned, she said, but added that "houses have been burnt and looted".
"Parts of the town have been burnt, our facilities were completely looted, but people are coming back and are not afraid any more, it is stable now," Parthesarathy Rajendran, head of mission for the charity Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF), told AFP news agency after visiting Pibor.
Cattle vendettas are common in South Sudan, as are other clashes between rival groups. The UN says some 350,000 people were displaced because of intercommunal violence last year.
This presents a major challenge to the government of the newly independent state, which also faces cross-border tensions with its northern neighbour Sudan.
South Sudan is one of the world's poorest regions - it gained independence from Sudan in July 2011 and has hardly any roads, railways, schools or clinics following two decades of conflict, which have left it awash with weapons.

08-01-2012, 08:33

08-01-2012, 08:38
The violence has already forced about 417,000 people to flee their homes, more than 80,000 of them to South Sudan, the United Nations estimates. Locals have faced air raids and sporadic ground fighting, according to rights groups and refugees.

He said that in addition to ethnic divisions, there is a strong economic element to the clashes, as "cattle are a real store of value - a currency, in some ways, in these rural parts of South Sudan.

08-01-2012, 09:02

Tuurlijk niet want er zijn geen moslims die ze als daders kunnen aanwijzen