Bekijk volle/desktop versie : Een grote coalitie

14-10-2004, 23:29
Hogere politiek is meestal een complex, smerig spel waarop gewone burgers nauwelijks zicht hebben. Alleen mensen op topposities zoals Bush, Poetin en Blair kennen de grote lijnen en de geheime agenda's.

Bush is na 9/11 de oorlog tegen het terrorisme begonnen. Amerika is echter niet het enige land dat onder dit terrorisme te lijden heeft. In tal van landen zijn terroristische groeperingen actief, die dood en verderf zaaien. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn Tsjetsjenië, Kashmir, het oosten van China, de Filippijnen, Soedan en Spanje.

Onder de getroffen landen bevinden zich een aantal regionale grootmachten, zoals Rusland, China en India. Het is niet onmogelijk dat deze landen zich ooit, onder Amerikaanse leiding, zullen verenigen tot een zg. Grote Coalitie.

Een dergelijke coalitie is al eerder succesvol geweest. Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog werkten de vroegere antagonisten, Amerika, Engeland en de Sovjet-Unie nauw samen om nazi-Duitsland en Japan te verslaan. In Yalta besloten de geallieerden hun onderlinge wantrouwen en meningsverschillen opzij te zetten en alleen de onvoorwaardelijke overgave van Duitsland en Japan te accepteren en zo geschiedde.

Als zich bij zo een coalitie ook nog bepaalde Afrikaanse landen en Europa zouden aansluiten, is de islamitische wereld aan alle kanten omsingeld, 'eingekreisst'. Amerika probeert immers al jaren invloed te verwerven in Zwart Afrika en heeft via de NAVO nog altijd grote invloed in Europa. Dit zou kunnen leiden tot een Derde Wereldoorlog met als oorlogsdoelen de totale vernietiging van het moslimterrorisme en een nieuwe kaart van het Midden Oosten.

14-10-2004, 23:35

The Yalta Conference

The Allied force was by all accounts an unusual collection of nations that came together, but at the same time mistrusted each other. Capitalist America believed, wrongly, that the Imperialist Britain wanted to expand its Empire. Communist Russia mistrusted the capitalists, and would not fully trust any information that was supplied to them by Churchill and Roosevelt. The British feared Russian intentions, rightly, in eastern Europe.

But they had been forged together to fight one common enemy, the Nazis. The alliance would be tested many times, and Hitler would try to put a wedge between them, but the alliance would hold steady. On several occasions the leaders of the Allies would meet to discuss aims and co-ordinate efforts to defeat the Nazis, and hopefully these meetings would help hold the alliance together long enough to bring victory.

Churchill had contact with Roosevelt from the moment he had become the British Prime Minister in May 1940. Roosevelt had realised, where the American public and Congress had not, that Britain was important to the defence of the United States. When France fell Britain stood alone and the rumbles of war with Japan were getting louder. Once Roosevelt had secured his third Presidential term in November 1940 he instigated the 'Lend-lease' bill to help Britain in its struggle. When Hitler invaded Russia in the summer of 1941, both Roosevelt and Churchill extended an offer of aid to Stalin.

The first conference between Churchill and Roosevelt was in August 1941 at Placentia Bay, in Newfoundland. Although Russia was now at war with Hitler, America was still several months away from entering, with the attack at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. At Placentia Bay, agreements and aims were agreed and the 'Atlantic Charter' was signed between the British and Americans.

Shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor and the entrance of the United States into the conflict, Churchill met Roosevelt in Washington and sealed the Anglo-American alliance. Also the principles of 'Atlantic Charter' was agreed by twenty six countries, who also promised not to negotiate or make a separate peace with Hitler. This conference also sowed the seeds for the future UN (United Nations).

Churchill and Roosevelt met in Casablanca, Morocco, on the 14th January 1943. The Allies had invaded north Africa and the campaign was going to plan. At this conference they decided on where to invade occupied Europe, which would come from the south, while Allied forces could be built up in Britain in preparation for an invasion in northern France. They also proclaimed at this meeting on the 'unconditional surrender' doctrine to the Axis powers.

Roosevelt and Churchill then met Chaing Kai-shek (Nationalist Chinese Leader) in Cairo in November 1943, and from that meeting Roosevelt and Churchill went on to Teheran to meet with Stalin. This would be the first of two conferences that would decide the fate of eastern Europe after the defeat of the Nazis, and a new post war Europe.

The conference at Yalta, in the Crimea in February 1945, was an important meeting between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin on the eve of the final push in Europe and the systematic destruction of Hitler's thousand year Reich.

The Russians had made great progress in the east and the Nazis were retreating on a broad front. The Allies in the west had just endured Hitler's last major offensive in an attempt to cut off the American and British forces, but it failed. The conference at Yalta just confirmed decisions that were made regarding eastern Europe in Teheran. Its was agreed that the Russians would have influence in Bulgaria, Rumania and Hungary. Also the Baltic states and Poland would be under Russian influence. While the British would have influence in Greece.

With the partition of Germany between the Allies, a new European map was defined. Russia had created a buffer zone to protect the 'motherland' from future aggression from the west, later it would be known in the west as the "Iron Curtain". Also at Yalta Roosevelt had secured a pledge from Stalin that Russia would join the Allies in the Pacific war against Japan, although no state of war existed between Russia and Japan. Stalin promised support once Germany had been totally defeated.

Yalta would be the last time that the three leaders would meet together, with the death of President Roosevelt on 12th April, 1945, the next meeting at Potsdam would have President Truman representing the United States. Although Churchill would attend Potsdam, he would have to return to Britain because of the General Election. It was an election that he lose, and it would be the new British Prime Minister Clement Attlee that would return to the conference table at Potsdam representing Great Britain.

The Potsdam conference was held on 17th July, 1945. The defeat of Germany, and victory for the Allies was proclaimed on 8th May 1945, VE Day (Victory in Europe), and the Potsdam conference was held in a suburb of Berlin, and in the home of the former kings of Prussia. But this conference would take on a cooler atmosphere between the Allies, which would be a prelude to much colder relations in the near future. Not only had the European map been redefined, but also the political map. A political map that would dominate world politics and events for the next 50 years.


14-10-2004, 23:39
d'Amsterdammer waarom maak je die mensen nou zo bang :-)

14-10-2004, 23:45
"Onder de getroffen landen bevinden zich een aantal regionale grootmachten, zoals Rusland, China en India. Het is niet onmogelijk dat deze landen zich ooit, onder Amerikaanse leiding, zullen verenigen tot een zg. Grote Coalitie. "

Denk et niet.

Vergeet het maar, eigenlijk.

14-10-2004, 23:45

Citaat door an3sdej:
d'Amsterdammer waarom maak je die mensen nou zo bang :-)
Je hebt op deze site zoveel informatie ter beschikking, dat je wel eens een originele inval krijgt. Ik ben er vrij zeker van dat Bush en zijn mensen een agenda hebben, die veel verder reikt dan Afghanistan, Iran en Irak. Amerika probeert al jaren steun te verwerven in zwart Afrika. De inwoners van Zuid Soedan hebben vreselijk geleden onder de burgeroolog, grote delen van Nigeria zien de invoering van de Sharia in het noorden van dit land met lede ogen aan.

De geallieerde samenwerking tijdens WOII laat zien dat landen, die van nature elkaars tegenstanders zijn, soms een monsterverbond sluiten om een gemeenschappelijke vijand aan te pakken.

Maar het blijft natuurlijk voor een deel speculeren. Bush en Poetin geven mij helaas geen inzage in hun agenda's.

14-10-2004, 23:48

Citaat door d'amsterdammer:
Je krijgt op deze site zoveel informatie, dat je wel eens een originele inval krijgt. Ik ben er vrij zeker van dat Bush en zijn mensen een agenda hebben, die veel verder reikt dan Afghanistan, Iran en Irak. Amerika probeert al jaren steun te verwerven in zwart Afrika. De inwoners van Zuid Soedan hebben vreselijk geleden onder de burgeroolog, grote delen van Nigeria zien de invoering van de Sharia in het noorden van dit land met lede ogen aan.

De geallieerde samenwerking tijdens WOII laat zien dat landen, die van nature elkaars tegenstanders zijn, soms een monsterverbond sluiten om een gemeenschappelijke vijand aan te pakken.

Over die agenda.

15-10-2004, 00:00
Wat het uiteindelijke doel is is algemeen bekend.....maar dan gaan we weer denken in complotten.

15-10-2004, 00:08

Citaat door an3sdej:
d'Amsterdammer waarom maak je die mensen nou zo bang :-)
Geen zorg. Ik ben halverwege afgehaakt.

15-10-2004, 00:09

Citaat door klonbyz:
Wat het uiteindelijke doel is is algemeen bekend.....maar dan gaan we weer denken in complotten.
Then shortly after Jesus' 2nd Coming, down from the sky will come the great hosts of Heaven with Jesus in the lead to destroy the Antichrist and his one-world empire in the awesome Battle of Armageddon.

This great slaughter of the Antichrist and his armies will take place in and around the valley of Megiddo near Haifa in Israel. It will mark the end of man's cruel rule on earth, as Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and His Heavenly forces forcibly take over the World to rule and reign and run it the way it should have been run if man had not disobeyed God and gone his own selfish way!

And so begins a period known as the Millennium, a thousand years of peace and plenty and paradise on Earth.

15-10-2004, 00:15

Citaat door d'amsterdammer:
Then shortly after Jesus' 2nd Coming, down from the sky will come the great hosts of Heaven with Jesus in the lead to destroy the Antichrist and his one-world empire in the awesome Battle of Armageddon.

This great slaughter of the Antichrist and his armies will take place in and around the valley of Megiddo near Haifa in Israel. It will mark the end of man's cruel rule on earth, as Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and His Heavenly forces forcibly take over the World to rule and reign and run it the way it should have been run if man had not disobeyed God and gone his own selfish way!

And so begins a period known as the Millennium, a thousand years of peace and plenty and paradise on Earth.
Kun je beter die film over Jezus huren, is beter.

15-10-2004, 00:17

Citaat door grendel:

Kun je beter die film over Jezus huren, is beter.
Niemand op deze aardkloot weet precies wat er gaat gebeuren, maar Jezus komt eenmaal terug om te oordelen over de levenden en de doden.

15-10-2004, 00:23

Citaat door d'amsterdammer:
Niemand op deze aardkloot weet precies wat er gaat gebeuren, maar Jezus komt eenmaal terug om te oordelen over de levenden en de doden.
Ik begrijp het al.