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30-05-2011, 22:02
Hay Festival 2011: ex-CIA man claims Barack Obama 'doesn't have a clue'

David Cameron and Barack Obama ''don't have a clue'' about dealing with the war on terror, a former senior member of the CIA has claimed.

Former head of the CIA Michael Scheuer talks about Osama bin Laden at the Hay Festival Photo: PA7:30AM BST 30 May 2011

Speaking at The Daily Telegraph-sponsored Hay Festival, Michael Scheuer said western politicians had to accept that the conflict in the Middle East was caused by US foreign policy.

Mr Scheuer, the former head of the CIA's Osama bin Laden unit said that the terrorist and organisations such as al-Qaeda were fighting a war against US imperialism rather than a war on western culture.

''American politicians, and I'm afraid listening to Mr Cameron this week, there's not a clue about what's going down in the western world,'' he told the festival.

''They can't cope with the fact that it's nothing to do with the way we live. It doesn't have anything to do with elections or democracy or liberty.

''We are being attacked in the west and we will continue to be attacked in the west as long as we are in Afghanistan, as long as we support the Israelis, as long as we protect the Saudi police state."

He added: ''Yet we hear the President, we hear your Prime Minister, talking about thugs and gangsters. We are still in the starting blocks in this war.

''The main recruitment sergeant for al Qaida is Barack Obama because his speech on the May 19 was a declaration of cultural war on Islam.''

Mr Scheuer, who was speaking at the Festival, in Hay-on-Wye, Powys, is a controversial figure in intelligence and political circles.

He left the bin Laden unit two years before September 11 but was called back as an adviser in the wake of the terrorist attack.

Mr Scheuer described his experiences in his book Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terrorism. It was published anonymously in 2004, but Mr Scheuer was soon outed as the author.

His book drew criticism in the US, but was praised for its insight in a speech by bin Laden himself.

In a round of questions, a member of the audience asked Mr Scheuer what advice he would give Mr Obama.

''I would ask him to tell the truth,'' he replied.

''He, the first Mr Bush, then Mr Clinton and the second Mr Bush have assiduously lied to the American people for 20 years and as a result have made the relations in the United States between Muslims and other people much more difficult.

''They have identified the motivation of our enemy as a war against liberty, as a war against gender equality."

He added: "There is almost no Muslim out there who is an insane character who is going to blow himself up because my daughters go to university.

''What I try and show in my book is that there is no discussion by bin Laden of this cultural war that is supposed to be waged against us.

''A president who was a statesman and a politician might say something like 'I'm sorry we've been kinda lying to you for 30 years and why we are being attacked is until recently we were supporting fascism across the Middle East'."

He continued: ''In the rhetoric of our enemies there is very little, if anything, about attacking us for how we live or how we think or how we act in our own country.

''It is about intervention, it is about being in the Arab Peninsula and it has nothing to do with these cultural things.

''We are the ones that are arranging the cultural war against them. What we will see as al Qaida evolves is that the next generation is better educated, combat experienced and probably much crueller.''

Mr Scheuer said the only way to end the war on terror was to withdraw from the Middle East to an extent that is ''consistent with our interests''.

He added: ''The American relationship with Israel, in my mind, is a useless and unnecessary relationship.

''As long as we are playing a role we are the recruiting sergeant for the people that are going to kill us.''

30-05-2011, 22:15

David Cameron has stepped down as a patron of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in a move pro-Palestinian campaigners claim is a result of pressure but which Downing Street insists is part of a general review of the prime minister's charity connections.

The JNF was only one of a number of charities from which Cameron stepped down, said Downing St. His predecessorsGordon Brown and Tony Blair continued to be JNF patrons throughout their tenure.

The JNF was originally set up to buy land in Palestine to establish Jewish settlements before the creation of the state of Israel. Now it is a global charity which describes itself as the "caretakers of the land and people of Israel", specialising in planting forests. Critics say it expropriated land belonging to Palestinians and has obliterated pre-1948 Arab villages by planting forests and parks. The JNF is involved in the demolition of Bedouin villages in the Negev desert as part of an afforestation plan.

30-05-2011, 22:19
AIPAC 101 — What Everyone Should Know

Obama heeft geprobeerd deze constructie te stoppen door de "donaties" aan politieke partijen te beperken, maar dat voorstel is door de joodse en evangelische lobby tegengehouden.

Zie ook oproep I en II en rookgordijn radicale islam

30-05-2011, 22:27

Remember the Lies and Liars that Killed Them.

Four of five members of the board of a campaign promoting President Bush’s policies in the Iraq war are Republican Jews.

30-05-2011, 22:34

Citaat door palestijntje:
AIPAC 101 — What Everyone Should Know

Obama heeft geprobeerd deze constructie te stoppen door de "donaties" aan politieke partijen te beperken, maar dat voorstel is door de joodse en evangelische lobby tegengehouden.

Zie ook oproep I en II en rookgordijn radicale islam
Goed heh, slim heh?

30-05-2011, 22:36
By now, most "objective" observers would agree that Obama‘s heart and sympathy lie with the Palestinian cause and if elected to a second term he will work hard to be the “father” of the Palestinian state at Israel’s expense. Israel’s friends, Jews and non-Jews alike, need to work very hard during the next 17 months to help elect a Republican president who will be Pro-Israel first.

En wie zijn die vrienden?

Evangelische lobby inclusief Tea party clubje waar Pamela geller lid van is.

En wat willen die vrienden?

Pagina 3/4, posting 45 en 46
12) Beter is het om niet te luisteren naar de zg. 'Christen-Zionisten (Christenen voor Israel, enz) die beweren dat jullie het 'recht op Palestijns land' hebben. Het enige doel wat zij nastreven is bekering. Zij werken actief mee aan de emigratie van joden over de hele wereld naar Israel, Zij denken op deze wijze profetieen over de wederkomst van de Messias te kunnen bewerkstelligen opdat jullie alle Christenen zullen worden. Niet eens uit respect voor het Joods geloof of jullie toekomst, zij streven slechts hun eigen doelen na.

Joodse zionisten hebben hun eigen joodse profetie ingeruild voor de gristelijke profetie. Zionisme is een ideologie die zowel door joden als christenen gedeeld wordt. De joodse profetie stelt dat joden alleen terug kunnen keren naar het MO wanneer hun messias terugkomt en hen in vrede naar het MO leidt. Christelijke profetie stelt dat alle joden terug moeten, Al Aqsa moskee vernietigd moet worden, vervolgens de joodse tempel herbouwt moet worden, en weer vernietigd moet worden. Dan komt jezus terug en zal volgens het NT joden de keuze voorgelegd worden, of bekeren tot het christendom, of branden in de hel.

Volgens het NT zullen er maar 144.000 joden naar de hemel gaan. De rest zal in de hel branden. Of te wel gristelijke zionisten die in je de bovenstaande links kunt zien en in nederland banden hebben met o.a verhagen, EO en kerken voor Israel, helpen joden met alle plezier richting hel.

Nou met zulke vrienden, heb je geen vijanden nodig

"Is there any criminal act that Israel can do without being protected from criticism from the United States? If there is, I haven't seen it. And I haven't seen it from the Bush Administration or from the Clinton Administration or from any administration before them. But when you consider the influence of Israel's lobby and its political action committees and the more than $41 million they've given to Congress and the White House, is it any wonder Israel is shielded from any shame? For more than 54 years the Israelis have committed acts that no other nations would dare get away with. But even here in America, where it is not yet illegal to publicly ask the wrong questions, any public figure that does so is subjected to smears, intimidation, and the attempted destruction of his career and reputation by Jewish organizations, and by the very cooperative news media." (Note: See "Zionists & the Media" in this website.)

- U.S. Brigadier General James J. David (Ret.), "A Passionate Attachment to Israel", Dec. 2002

30-05-2011, 23:45
Zo wordt het ook eens van binnenuit beweerd.
Maar een interessant stukje over de xxPAC
VS is al bankroet en wordt zo nog verder uitgeknepen.

20-01-2015, 19:18

Citaat door Achrafe97:
Zo wordt het ook eens van binnenuit beweerd.
Maar een interessant stukje over de xxPAC
VS is al bankroet en wordt zo nog verder uitgeknepen.
Ik zou vanavond even kijken naar de State of the Union die Barack Obama uit gaat spreken.

Daaruit blijkt dat het prima gaat met de VS. Ze hebben geen buitenlandse olie meer nodig, de werkloosheid is gehalveerd...

Alles wat Palestijntje hier plaatst is onzin, de man is een pathologische leugenaar! Die gast leidt aan het syndroom van Münchhausen.

20-01-2015, 19:27
Leugens zegt de geboren leugenaar peej? Welke leugen? Niets aan de hand? Haha voor je het weet verzuip je in je amerikaanse natte dromen