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14-05-2011, 10:14

A review of the use of the word Hadith in the Quran can show any sincere believer that God wants us to follow no other Hadiths but His Hadith, the QURAN.

"Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless HADITH, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution." 31:6

"God has revealed herein the BEST HADITH; a book that is consistent and points out both ways (to heaven and hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe therefrom, then their skins and their hearts soften up for God's message. Such is God's guidance; he bestows it upon whomever He wills. As for those sent astray by God, nothing can guide them." 39:23

"These are God's revelations (Quran) that we recite to you truthfully. In which HADITH other than God and His revelations do they believe?" 45:6

"Let them produce a HADITH like this (Quran) if they are truthful." 52:34

"Therefore, let Me deal with those who reject this HADITH(Quran); we will lead them on whence they never perceive." 68:44

"Which HADITH other than this do they uphold?" 77:50

Why did God permitted these so called Hadiths ? The answer is in next verse.

"We have permitted the enemies of every prophet - human and jinn devils - to inspire in each other FANCY WORDS , in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their FABRICATIONS. This is to let the minds of those who do not believe in the Hereafter listen to such FABRICATIONS, and accept them, and thus expose their real convictions. [6:112-113]

Should we believe these words of God about Hadith?!!

If you do not want to, my be you should listen to these two verse;

"Who is more evil than one who is reminded of these revelations of his Lord (QURAN), then insists upon disregarding them? We will certainly punish the guilty." 32:22

"And when our revelations (Quran) are recited to the one of them, he turns away in arrogance as if he never heard them, as if his ears are deaf. Promise him a painful retribution." 31:7


Some people claim that the "Hadith & Sunna" are divine revelations. Obviously, they are not aware that the criterion of divine revelations is PERFECT PRESERVATION. Since the so-called Hadith & Sunna of the Prophet have been vastly corrupted, they can never meet the criterion of divine revelation. It is an acknowledged fact that the vast majority of Hadiths are false fabrications. Please see the section on "The numbers of Hadiths". After your review of "the numbers of Hadiths" you will find that as much as 99% of the hadiths alleged for the prophet were lies and fabrications. Not a simple number to ignore regarding God preserving His divine revelations as stated in 15:9. "Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder (Azekrra) (Quran), and absolutely, we will preserve it."

Again in 41:41-42 "Those who rejected the Quran's proof (Azekr) when it came to them, have also rejected an Honorable book. No falsehood could enter it, in the past or in the future,; a revelation from a Most Wise, Praiseworthy." Seeing how much falsehood entered the so called Hadiths books (99%) would make any sincere Muslim understand the reason these books were so much corrupted.

One more criteria for God's words is spelled out in 4:82

"............If it were from other than God, they would have found in it numerous contradictions." 4:82

Any reader of Hadiths books will find in them so many contradictions to make the above conclusion easily, they are not from God.

The blasphemy is evident when they claim that Hadith and Sunna are divine revelations Do they not realize that God Almighty is capable of preserving His revelations?

YES, WE SHOULD OBEY THE PROPHET MUHAMMED. God in the Quran clearly states that obeying the Prophet is the same like obeying Him. No one should consider himself true Muslim (Submitter in English) unless he obeys and follow the prophet Muhammed. Obeying him is to follow the words that came from his mouth inspired by God , the Quran. Without getting into more details , review for yourself the verses, 6:19, 50:45,16:44, 16:64,14:1,6:155,, 4:105, 18:27 .....etc. to see that Quran is the only message of Muhammed.

"Say, "Whose testimony is the greatest?" Say, "God's. He is the witness between me and you that this Quran (Not Quran, Hadith and Sunna) has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches......" 6:19

".........remind with this Quran (Not Quran, Hadith and Sunna) , those who reverence My warnings." 50:45 Please read the other mentioned verses for yourself.

When the prophet Muhammed died, he left behind only ONE book, the Quran. The ONLY book that the prophet Muhammed followed was the Quran. [/B]

14-05-2011, 10:16


Sahih Moslem;

" Aysha said, two men came to the messenger of God and talked to him about something I did not know what it was about. They made him angry, so he cursed them and insulted them. After they left, I said, O Messenger of God, what kind of good did these two men. gain ? He said, Why you asking ? I said; "You cursed them and insulted them". He said. Do not you know what kind of promise I got from God ? I asked God, that if I ever curse or insult a Muslim, that He would give him a charity and reward."

Again, we can see lies attributed to both Aysha and the Prophet. The Prophet Muhammed was well known for his compassion towards the people and his mild behavior. He was not known to get angry easy, curse and insult people. He received the great testimony from God for being blessed with a great moral character, see 68:4. This SAHIH LIE like many others contradicts the Quran , other hadiths and common sense. Those who believe in these SAHIH lies will be held responsible for their idol-worship on the day when Muhammed will complain to God from the Muslims for deserting the Quran. See 25:30


Omran Ibn Hussein, said the prophet said; "I looked at Heaven and found that the majority of its dwellers are the poor, and looked at Hell and found the majority of its dwellers are the WOMEN.

Here again is another Sahih Lie as this hadith contradicts the Quran that teaches without any doubt that the dwellers of Heaven are the most righteous, not the poorest and not only that but God teaches us that the rich righteous is better than the poor righteous, see 16:75.

The Quran DOES NOT teach in any way that WOMEN are any more of sinners than MEN, or that they are the dwellers of Hell more than men. This prejudice against the women in Islam can be found only in the fabricated book of men, called Sahih Hadiths. None of this NON-SENSE can be found in the greatest book of all the QURAN.


Sahih Bukhary and Sahih Moslem;

"Abu Hurayra said, the messenger of God said; "The Children of Israel used to take a bath looking at each other while they are completely naked, while Moses used to take his bath by himself alone. They said, why is not Moses taking his bath with us , May be he has large testicles. One day, Moses went to take a bath, he put his clothes on a rock. The rock took his clothes and ran away. Moses ran naked after the rock calling on it to give him his clothes. The Children of Israel looked at the naked Moses and said, By God , he looks all right. Moses took his clothes from the rock and kept beating the rock. "

Another SAHIH NON-SENSE. What this has to do with our perfect religion, Islam and the prophet Muhammed. It is the kind of shame that you find in the books fabricated by men and accepted by some Muslims as our Islam.

(30) CURSED IS THE WOMAN.......;

Sahih Bukhary;

Abu Hurayra said; the messenger of God said; " If a man calls his wife to his bed and she refused. Then he slept the night mad at her, she will be cursed by God and the angels until the morning."

Another NON-SENSE lie listed in the Hadiths books as SAHIH HADITH. This does not even get close the teachings of God in the Quran where the relationship between the man and his wife is built on mutual love and respect.

30:21 "Among His proofs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, in order to have tranquility and contentment with each other, and He placed in your hearts LOVE and CARE towards your spouses. In this, there are sufficient proofs for people who THINK."


Sahih Moslem;

Abu Hurayra said; the messenger of God said; "If any of you eat, then you should lick your fingers because you do not know in which one is the blessings (Baraka).

Ibn Abbas said; the messenger of God said; " If any of you eat,, do not clean your hand until you lick it first. "

Gaber Ibn Abdullah said; the messenger of God said; " You should lick the plate and the fingers, because you do not know where is the blessings."

What this has to do with the teaching of the religion of God Alone, the religion of absoluteness to the one and only God ??!!


Sahih Moslem;

Abu Hurayra said, the messenger of God said; " If any of you eats, you should eat with your right hand, and drink with the right hand, because Satan eats and drinks with his left hand.

NON-SENSE, lie listed as Sahih Hadith. Satan is not of the same physical character like humans. His creation is different than humans according to God in the Quran. Does he eats like humans ? Quran mentions nothing about Satan eating and whether he is right handed or left handed. We are not to follow Satan by leaving the Quran and hold to non-sense man- made religion found in hadiths books. God told us that His book is complete, perfect and fully detailed. If you do not believe God is His assertion then it does not matter if you eat with your right hand all your life, Hell will be your abode.


Sahih Moslem;

Abu Hurayra said, the messenger of God said; " Every newborn from the descendants of Adam is touched by Satan when born, and that is why he/she starts by crying. The only exception was Jesus and his mother."

Any look at the medical books will explain to you why the newborns cry when born. Satan has nothing to do with them. It is just the kind of non-sense that can be found in the books fabricated by ignorant men of the 6 th and 7 th centuries.

14-05-2011, 10:39
Je moet niet alles geloven van internet. Lees de quraan eens zelf

14-05-2011, 10:43
ja maar dit ging over hadith?

15-05-2011, 14:04

Wie zegt dat het sahih (correct) is? Er zijn zoveel verzonnen hadith.
Koop daarom zelf boeken.. Zoals sahih Alboekhari en Sahih Moeslim... of Arba3een an nawawi.

15-05-2011, 14:07

Sahih Moslem;

Abu Hurayra said, the messenger of God said; " Every newborn from the descendants of Adam is touched by Satan when born, and that is why he/she starts by crying. The only exception was Jesus and his mother."

Any look at the medical books will explain to you why the newborns cry when born. Satan has nothing to do with them. It is just the kind of non-sense that can be found in the books fabricated by ignorant men of the 6 th and 7 th centuries.

DIT IS ZWAAARE ONZIN.... WAAR BEN JE MEE BEZIG???? In sahih moeslim staat dit niet.

15-05-2011, 14:10
Nu iets voor jou....

In de Bijbel lees je gegevens over heel veel dingen, zoals het beest, Israël, de terugkomst van Jezus (vrede zij met hem), wonderen, etc. Maar wat zegt de Bijbel over de profeet Moh'ammed (Allah's vrede en zegeningen zijn met hem)? Wat zegt de Bijbel over een man die ervoor zorgde dat ontzettend veel mensen in hem geloofden? Een man die ervoor zorgde dat ontzettend veel mensen geloofden in één God. Een man die ervoor zorgde dat een zeer groot aantal mensen geloofden in Jezus (vrede zij met hem), en hem respect toonden (zelfs meer respect dan de christenen), en respect toonden voor zijn moeder Maria. Over deze man moet vast iets in de Bijbel te vinden zijn!

Kun je in de Bijbel, in het Oude Testament, lezen dat Jezus (vrede zij met hem) zal komen? Christenen zullen zeggen: “Ja, op vele plaatsen wordt de komst van Jezus voorspeld.” Maar kun je in het Oude Testament ook zijn naam vinden? Nee, de naam Jezus wordt nergens in het Oude Testament genoemd. Zijn er details over Jezus (vrede zij met hem) te vinden in het Oude Testament? Zoals dat zijn moeder Maria zal heten, of dat hij geboren zal worden in Betlehem? Nee, zulke details worden niet genoemd in het Oude Testament. Hoe weet je dan dat al deze profetieën over de komst van ‘een' profeet, gaan over Jezus (vrede zij met hem)? Je moet beredeneren, je moet afleiden, 1+1=2, om te zien dat Jezus (vrede zij met hem) bedoeld wordt met de voorspelde profeet. Wij moslims hebben hier geen probleem mee, maar waarom kunnen we dit dan ook niet doen voor de profeet Moh'ammed (Allah's vrede en zegeningen zijn met hem)? Waarom wel beredeneren dat Jezus (vrede zij met hem) komt, maar waarom niet beredeneren dat Moh'ammed (Allah's vrede en zegeningen zijn met hem) zal komen? Dus al die profetieën gaan over Jezus (vrede zij met hem) zonder dat zijn naam genoemd wordt? Terwijl de profeet Moh'ammed (Allah's vrede en zegeningen zijn met hem) wél met zijn naam genoemd wordt!

In de originele Hebreeuwse tekst van Hooglied 5:16 staat “Muhammadim”, wat men vertaald heeft naar ‘geliefde'.

Als we de komst van Jezus (vrede zij met hem) beredeneren, waarom zullen we dan niet de komst van Moh'ammed (Allah's vrede en zegeningen zijn met hem) beredeneren?

We lezen in de Bijbel, Deuteronomium 18:18: “…een profeet zal Ik hun verwekken uit het midden van hun broederen, zoals gij zijt; Ik zal mijn woorden in zijn mond leggen, en hij zal alles tot hen zeggen, wat Ik hem gebied…”

Wie is die profeet, bedoeld in dit vers? Christenen zullen zeggen dat dit bedoeld is voor Jezus (vrede zij met hem). Maar er staat niet Jezus! Een profetie is een voorspelling van iets wat in de toekomst zal gaan gebeuren. En als het dan gebeurd, dan is dat een vervulling. Wat toen voorspeld was, is nu gebeurd. Dit vers gaat volgens christenen over Jezus (vrede zij met hem).


15-05-2011, 23:20

Citaat door _Dienaar_:

Sahih Moslem;

Abu Hurayra said, the messenger of God said; " Every newborn from the descendants of Adam is touched by Satan when born, and that is why he/she starts by crying. The only exception was Jesus and his mother."

Any look at the medical books will explain to you why the newborns cry when born. Satan has nothing to do with them. It is just the kind of non-sense that can be found in the books fabricated by ignorant men of the 6 th and 7 th centuries.

DIT IS ZWAAARE ONZIN.... WAAR BEN JE MEE BEZIG???? In sahih moeslim staat dit niet.

ik citeer enkel daarom ook de vraag of iemand mij er meer over kon vertellen val mij niet aan maar de boodschapper

16-05-2011, 18:06
Jouw overleveringen kloppen niet. Lees het boek Sahih Al Boekhari maar even door. Maar ik heb nog geen antwoord op dit:

In de Bijbel lees je gegevens over heel veel dingen, zoals het beest, Israël, de terugkomst van Jezus (vrede zij met hem), wonderen, etc. Maar wat zegt de Bijbel over de profeet Moh'ammed (Allah's vrede en zegeningen zijn met hem)? Wat zegt de Bijbel over een man die ervoor zorgde dat ontzettend veel mensen in hem geloofden? Een man die ervoor zorgde dat ontzettend veel mensen geloofden in één God. Een man die ervoor zorgde dat een zeer groot aantal mensen geloofden in Jezus (vrede zij met hem), en hem respect toonden (zelfs meer respect dan de christenen), en respect toonden voor zijn moeder Maria. Over deze man moet vast iets in de Bijbel te vinden zijn!

Kun je in de Bijbel, in het Oude Testament, lezen dat Jezus (vrede zij met hem) zal komen? Christenen zullen zeggen: “Ja, op vele plaatsen wordt de komst van Jezus voorspeld.” Maar kun je in het Oude Testament ook zijn naam vinden? Nee, de naam Jezus wordt nergens in het Oude Testament genoemd. Zijn er details over Jezus (vrede zij met hem) te vinden in het Oude Testament? Zoals dat zijn moeder Maria zal heten, of dat hij geboren zal worden in Betlehem? Nee, zulke details worden niet genoemd in het Oude Testament. Hoe weet je dan dat al deze profetieën over de komst van ‘een' profeet, gaan over Jezus (vrede zij met hem)? Je moet beredeneren, je moet afleiden, 1+1=2, om te zien dat Jezus (vrede zij met hem) bedoeld wordt met de voorspelde profeet. Wij moslims hebben hier geen probleem mee, maar waarom kunnen we dit dan ook niet doen voor de profeet Moh'ammed (Allah's vrede en zegeningen zijn met hem)? Waarom wel beredeneren dat Jezus (vrede zij met hem) komt, maar waarom niet beredeneren dat Moh'ammed (Allah's vrede en zegeningen zijn met hem) zal komen? Dus al die profetieën gaan over Jezus (vrede zij met hem) zonder dat zijn naam genoemd wordt? Terwijl de profeet Moh'ammed (Allah's vrede en zegeningen zijn met hem) wél met zijn naam genoemd wordt!

In de originele Hebreeuwse tekst van Hooglied 5:16 staat “Muhammadim”, wat men vertaald heeft naar ‘geliefde'.

Als we de komst van Jezus (vrede zij met hem) beredeneren, waarom zullen we dan niet de komst van Moh'ammed (Allah's vrede en zegeningen zijn met hem) beredeneren?

We lezen in de Bijbel, Deuteronomium 18:18: “…een profeet zal Ik hun verwekken uit het midden van hun broederen, zoals gij zijt; Ik zal mijn woorden in zijn mond leggen, en hij zal alles tot hen zeggen, wat Ik hem gebied…”

Wie is die profeet, bedoeld in dit vers? Christenen zullen zeggen dat dit bedoeld is voor Jezus (vrede zij met hem). Maar er staat niet Jezus! Een profetie is een voorspelling van iets wat in de toekomst zal gaan gebeuren. En als het dan gebeurd, dan is dat een vervulling. Wat toen voorspeld was, is nu gebeurd. Dit vers gaat volgens christenen over Jezus (vrede zij met hem).

Waarom? Ik heb nog geen antwoord gehad?