Bekijk volle/desktop versie : brief van Iblys

14-04-2011, 17:41
Brief van de shaytaan:

Kan jij mij voor de geest halen?

Ik ben het die jou verleidt,

Ooit zal je ontzettend balen,

Ik ben degene tegen wie je strijdt,

Door mij werd de hel gebouwd,

Ooit zal er worden gerouwd,

Ik heb vermaak verzonnen,

Ik ben de strijd tegen Allah begonnen,

Door mij ben je bezeten,

Ik ben het aller slechtste van je geweten,

Die duivelse stem in je hoofd,

Ik ben het die jouw innerlijke rust verdoofd,

Ik maak de wereld o zo prachtig,

En doe steeds meer mensen verleiden,

Ik voel mij ontzettend machtig,

Want hoe meer zielen hoe meer ik moet uitbreiden,

Ik zal je achterna blijven gaan,

Tot dat je uitgeput raakt,

Ik zal er zijn tot jou einde van jouw bestaan,

Zodat je van je geloof afhaakt,

Ik zal je op de hielen zitten,

Tot jouw allerlaatste zucht,

Ik zal jou volgen tijdens jouw wereldse ritten,

Totdat de dood jou redt en je van mij vlucht,

Ik ben degene in jouw aardse nachtmerrie,

En jou belemmerd in jouw religie,

Ik ben degene die jij vervloekt,

Maar mijn vermaak is door jou volgeboekt,

Ik ben degene die je haat,

En tegelijkertijd ben ik jouw allerbeste maat,

Ik ben degene die jij niet in je buurt wilt,

Maar ook degene die jouw honger naar amusement stilt,

Ik zal genieten van jouw ondergang,

En jouw ziel vergooien je leven lang,

Ik ben degene die zal verschijnen,

Op de dag dat jouw goede daden zullen verdwijnen,

Ik ben diegene die je verkiest,

Over diegene die jou het leven inblies,

Ik zal jouw kinderen van het goede pad afbrengen,

En hun tussen de ongelovigen mengen,

Ik zal hen achterna gaan,

Tot het einde van hun bestaan,

Ik was er sinds Adam ontstond,

Diegene die zich heeft verwond,

Ik was te arrogant om te buigen,

Degene die te vroeg deed juichen,

Ik ben diegene die vermeld staat in de Qor?aan,

Als Iblies de shaitaan,

Ik zag je gisteren toen je jouw dagelijkse bezigheden begon,

Je stond op zonder te knielen of te bidden,

Je hebt zelfs geen tijd genomen om voor je eten tebidden of te danken,

en ook toen je naar bed ging bad je niet voor je ging slapen.

Je bent zo heerlijk ondankbaar! Ik waardeer dat echt in je!

Ik kan dan ook niet zeggen hoe fijn ik het vind dat je van mij

Weet je nog, we zijn al jaren samen en toch houd ik nog steeds niet
van je.

Om tegen mijn natuur in eens eerlijk te zijn: 'Ik haat jou omdat ik Allah haat en ik gebruik jou alleen om Allah een hak te zetten, omdat hij mij uit de hemel schopte.

En ik zal jou gebruiken zolang als je maar enigszins nuttig voor mij bent om Allah betaald te zetten wat hij deed en daarna mag ook jij van mij letterlijk oprotten.

Weet je dwaas, Allah houdt van jou en Hij heeft grote plannen met jou, maar toch ben je jouw hele leven dicht bij mij gebleven, en ik zal je er dan ook voor belonen en zorgen dat je hele leven één grote ellende wordt.

Wij zullen fijn samen blijven dat zal Allah zeker pijn doen.

Dankzij jou laat de tijd Hem duidelijk zien wie de baas in jouw leven is.

Denk maar eens terug aan die fijne tijd die we samen hadden, terwijl we mensen uitscholden, naar wilde feesten gingen, stalen, logen, bedrogen, hypocriet waren, overspel pleegden, rookten, ons zat dronken, de moskeediensten oversloegen, gore moppen vertelden en roddelden.

Je wilt dat toch zeker niet allemaal opgeven.?
Kom op dwaas, laten we samen in de eeuwigheid branden!

Weet dat ik echt wat hete plannen voor je heb.
Dit briefje is dan ook alleen maar om mijn waardering voor je uit
te preken

en je te danken voor het feit dat ik het grootste deel van je leven
gebruik van je heb mogen maken.

Dwaas, je bent zo'n onnozele hals dat ik wel om je moet lachen,

wanneer ik zie dat zodra je weer een verzocht wordt je er dan
direct intuint.

Je doet soms zo stom, dat zelfs ik er misselijk van word.

Maar inmiddels begint de zonde zijn tol in je leven op te eisen en dus
heb ik nieuwe aanwas nodig,

dus ga vooral door zoals je bezig was en leer de jeugd hoe ze moeten zondigen, liegen en bedriegen, gokken en hoe ze de
moskee of de zondagsschool links kunnen laten liggen.

En in plaats daarvan naar een dansparty en of een disco kunnen gaan, en hun oren kunnen vullen met het kabaal van de top 10.

Doe zelf ook al deze dingen in hun bijzijn, en spoedig zullen zij je imiteren. Zo zijn kinderen nu eenmaal. Wel dwaas, ik moet nu gaan,

maar ikkom over een paar seconden weer terug om je opnieuw te verzoeken.

Als je ook naar enig verstand had zou je ergens heen gaan waar je jouw zonden voor Allah kon belijden,

en zou je die paar jaar die je nog te gaan hebt op aarde samen met Allah doorbrengen.

Het is wel mijn aard niet om iemand ergens voor te waarschuwen, maar ik ken je, je blijft toch wel bij me,

hoewel het meer dan belachelijk is dat jij op jouw leeftijd je nog steeds aan de zonde verslingert.

Begrijp me nu niet verkeerd hoor, ik haat je nog steeds, en dat zal ook zo blijven.

Als je echt van me houd dan stuur je dit bericht natuurlijk aan niemand door.

Tot de dood ons samenbrengt.


P.S. En als je echt van me hield zou je deze brief met niemand

14-04-2011, 18:03

Assalamu alaikum oeghty,

Hierbij ter info en als oprechte nasieha n.a.v. je topic die je met de beste intentie geopend hebt het onderstaande in tekst en uitleg over kettingbrieven die rondcirculeren op het internet. Hoop je zo enige verduidelijking gegeven te hebben hierover lieverd. Ghair insha Allah!

Wa alikum assalam

Comment on the “Counsel of Iblees before he is chained up” which is widespread in some chat rooms.

There is something that is widespread in many chatrooms that is called “The letter of Iblees” which is signed in his name. In it are words addressed to mankind and the devils among mankind. We hope that you can look at it and comment on it.

Praise be to Allaah.

We have come across this letter and have seen it in many chatrooms. It is known as the “Counsel of Iblees” or “My advice before I am chained up” or “The Letter of Iblees.” It is written as if it is words of the Shaytaan addressing mankind before he is chained up in Ramadaan, in which he urges the devils among mankind to undertake his missions. We will quote this letter and make whatever comments we can on it.

The text of the letter is as follows:

“Iblees says in this letter: I send you my best wishes and greetings a few hours before I am put in chains, which I am certain of and everyone knows about that.

“Thirty days in which I will be far away from you, after having been with you throughout the year. My consolation is that there may be among you those who will make up for my absence.

“You are all aware of what happened last Ramadaan. Despite all the efforts I made with you, and all the thoughts that I whispered into your ears, we saw millions of people in all lands going to the mosques, millions putting on hijab. At that time I was tied up in chains and burning with the fire of anger.

“The efforts of a whole year were wasted with that lost girl on Laylat al-Qadr, and that man whom I caused to fall into every major sin, and now tears are falling from his eyes that extinguish his Lord’s wrath and open the door of repentance to him.

“O devils among mankind, when your leader is absent, you have a great role to play, so do as you are commanded. I want them in Ramadaan to know nothing but staying up all night until morning, and sleeping until it is time for a delightful iftaar, until their rounded bellies are filled. Then complete it with the blessing of TV programs. We want dancing, we want music, we want desires and provocation, we want devilish ideas. But do not forget to close it with deceit by including recitation of Qur’aan.

“O devils of mankind, include many interviews with actresses and dancers and all attractive and beautiful women who will tell them about the spirit of Ramadaan and the efforts they make on stages and dance floors. We want all the people to talk about those daily soap operas, weekly movies and monthly plays. We want soccer matches, Arabic songs, satellite channels. I do not want to see any one of them stopping, not even for a second. As you know, our time is precious and our goals are cheap.

“O devils of mankind, do you want them to enter Paradise which has been denied to us, even its beautiful fragrance? Do you want them to have moments of repentance where decades of our efforts will be wasted? Did I not warn you that whoever among them lives to see Laylat al-Qadr, his past and future sins will be forgiven? No, a thousand times no! You will be doomed and lost if you do that.

“I will replace you, you cheap devils. Do you not want dwellers for Hell and inhabitants for its lowest degrees? Is there no one who would like to go to Hell and eat from the tree of Zaqqoom? Where are your dead hearts and devilish minds?

“As for you, O woman, your role in the ummah is very important. You are the strongest drug for man, and I have great hopes in you. You are the answer to every question. We want soirees, we want dancing and laughter, in brief, we want provocation and pleasure. Forget about Taraweeh, forget about the reward of the one who spends the night in prayer. Is it not enough that you are fasting?

“O sons of Adam, listen to me, for I am nothing but a sincere adviser to you. Do not worry about anything in Ramadaan but all that is delicious. Forget about praying to the Lord of the Worlds, and beware of reading the verses of the Qur’aan; it is bad and sinful in the eyes of the dwellers of Hell. “Ramadaan will come back year after year, so you will have plenty of opportunities to repent to a merciful and oft-forgiving Lord. But for now spend your time in glorifying Bush and Binyamin (Netanyahu), upon whom be the mercy of the devils.

“Signed by the accursed Iblees.”

We have several comments to make on this letter, as follows:

1 – This is an innovated form of da’wah and exhortation. Daa’iyahs and preachers can write letters to sinners telling them of their sins and to obedient worshippers encouraging them to increase their worship, with no need for such a silly, joking letter that contains all kinds of ignorance and unrealistic nonsense.

2 – This way of exhorting and reminding opens the door to putting words into the mouths of others besides Iblees, such as the angels, Prophets, martyrs, the Dajjaal, Paradise, Hell and so on. This is something that would lead to chaos and open the door to any fool who wants to attribute such letters to whomever he wants. Thus the da’wah would turn into a fiction-writing competition and exhortations would turn into a contest to choose a figure to whom to attribute words.

3 – We are certain that the author is not a scholar or a seeker of knowledge. We have only seen this letter in chatrooms that are frequented by ordinary people. One of the conditions of calling people to Allaah is that the speaker should have knowledge of what he is saying, because he is speaking on behalf of the Lord of the Worlds and speaking in the name of Islam, so this is not the field for those with colourful imaginations.

4 – This letter does not contain any verse or hadeeth, so it distracts people from exhortation that is based on the Qur’aan. It is as if there is nothing in Islam that could move people such as clear verses, saheeh ahaadeeth or clear shar’i rulings.

5 – This letter contains a kind of respect towards the Shaytaan, as if he is the speaker and the people are listening to him, and transmitting messages that are signed by him. Undoubtedly this is a kind of honour to the one who has been cursed and who is too despicable to have his messages conveyed by Muslims in their chatrooms and on their mobile phones. Any daa’iyah or seeker of knowledge could write an essay explaining how the Shaytaan deals with sinners and with worshippers, comparing and contrasting the two, and explaining that with verses and ahaadeeth, without making the speaker the Shaytaan himself. Thus he could reach the same goal as that for which this letter was written.

6 – This letter contains ignorance of Islamic rulings and lies about Islam, such as when it says, “Did I not warn you that whoever among them lives to see Laylat al-Qadr, his past and future sins will be forgiven?” This sentence reveals ignorance on two counts. Firstly, it is well known that merely living until Laylat al-Qadr comes brings no virtue. The saheeh hadeeth states that virtue is found in spending Laylat al-Qadr in prayer, not just living to see it. Secondly, the virtue attained by the one who spends Laylat al-Qadr in prayer is that his previous sins are forgiven, not his future sins. It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever spends the night of Laylat al-Qadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1802). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not mention future sins.

7 – This letter says that all the devils among the jinn are chained up, but it seems that the ones who are chained up are the strong ones (maarid), as it says in some saheeh reports. We have discussed this in the answer to several questions, such as 39736, 12653 and 14253. In some of those answers it states that the fact that those strong jinn are chained up does not mean that they cannot whisper (waswaas), which proves that this letter is completely baseless.


We do not think that it is permissible to spread this letter, because it goes against sharee’ah and because it is silly and foolish. We think that such means distract people from the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and that their supposed benefits are limited to style only, and do not include the meaning and content.

And Allaah knows best.

14-04-2011, 18:06
‘Islaamic’ Chain Letters

Author: Imaam ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah)Source: Majmoo’ Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi’ah li Samaahat al-Shaykh al-‘Allaamah ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn ‘Abdullaah Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah), vol. 8, p. 346


There is a chain letter which reads as follows: "In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Blessings and peace be upon the most noble of the Prophets and Messengers, our master Muhammad (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), and upon his family and companions. Allaah says: "No doubt! Verily, the Awliyaa' of Allaah, no fear shall come upon them nor shall they grieve" [Yoonus 10:62]Allaah the Almighty has spoken the truth. My dear Muslim brother/sister. A 13-year-old girl fell ill. She was very sick and the doctors were unable to cure her. One night her sickness became very bad and she cried herself to sleep. In her dream she saw that al-Sayyidah Zaynab (radi-Allaahu 'anhaa) put drops in her mouth. When she woke up she was fully recovered from her sickness. Al-Sayyidah Zaynab (radi-Allaahu 'anhaa) asked her to write out this story 13 times and distribute it among the Muslims, so that they might learn about the power of the Creator and how His power manifests itself in His creation, glorified be He above that which they associate with Him. So the girl did what was asked of her, and what happened was the following:

The first copy ended up in the hands of a poor man, who wrote it out and distributed it; 13 days later, Allaah willed that this poor man should become rich.

The second copy ended up in the hands of a worker who ignored it; 13 days later he lost his job.

The third copy ended up in the hands of one of the rich people who refused to write it out; 13 days later he lost all his wealth.After reading this story, my Muslim brother/sister, hasten to write it out 13 times and distribute it among the people, then you will get what you wish for from Allaah. May Allaah bless our master Muhammad and all his family and companions." How correct is this chain letter, and what is the ruling on distributing it?

Answer: Praise is to Allaah.

When I examined this fabricated chain letter I thought that it is my duty to comment on the claims made by its author, connecting benefits and interests to the one who writes it out and distributes it, and harm to the one who ignores it and does not pass it on.

This is a lie which has no sound basis; rather it is the fabrication of liars and impostors who want to divert the Muslims from putting their trust in their Lord alone, without partner or associate, to bring them benefits and ward off harm, whilst also taking the means that are prescribed in sharee'ah and are permissible, and who want to make them put their trust in and focus on something other than Allaah in seeking to gain benefits and to ward off harm, and seek false means that are neither prescribed in Islaam nor permissible, and to call people to depend on and worship something other than Allaah.

Undoubtedly this is one of the plots of the enemies of the Muslims who want to divert them from the true religion by any means possible. The Muslims have to beware of these plots and not be deceived by them. They should not be deceived by this chain letter and similar letters which surface from time to time. We have previously drawn attention to a number of them.

It is not permissible for a Muslim to write these chain letters or to distribute them under any circumstances whatsoever. That is an evil action and the one who does it is sinning. There is the fear that he may be subjected to punishment in this world or in the Hereafter, because this is a form of bid'ah (innovation); bid'ah is a great evil and its consequences are severe.

This kind of chain letter is a form of reprehensible innovation, and is one of the means that lead to shirk and exaggeration about the Ahl al-Bayt (members of the Prophet's household) and others among the dead, and may lead to people calling upon them besides Allaah and seeking their help and believing that they may being benefit or cause harm to those who call upon them and seek their help. It is also a form of telling lies against Allaah. Allaah says:

"It is only those who believe not in the Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allaah, who fabricate falsehood, and it is they who are liars" [Soorah an-Nahl 16:105]

And the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"Whoever innovates anything in this matter of ours (i.e., Islaam) that is not part of it will have it rejected." [Saheeh, agreed upon by both Bukhaaree and Muslim]

All Muslims who receive this chain letter or similar letters should tear them up and destroy them, and warn people against them. They should not pay any attention to promises or threats mentioned therein, because these are false letters, which have no sound basis and will not result in anything, good or bad.

But those who fabricate them, write them out, distribute them, advocate them and spread them among the Muslims are committing sin, because all of that is a kind of co-operating in sin and transgression, which Allaah forbade in His Book when He said:

"Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment" [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:2]

We ask Allaah to keep us and the Muslims safe and sound from all evil. Allaah is Sufficient for us and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best to deal with those who fabricated this and similar chain letters and introduced into the religion of Allaah something that is not part of it.

We ask Allaah to deal with them as they deserve, because they have told lies against Allaah and propagated those lies, and called the people to the means of shirk and exaggeration about the dead, and to occupy themselves with something that will cause them harm and bring them no benefits. These comments have been written out of sincerity towards Allaah and His slaves. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon His slave and Messenger Muhammad, and his family and companions.