Bekijk volle/desktop versie : protesten tegen regime mobarak(video)

26-01-2011, 18:58
3 people have been killed as thousands took to the streets of Egypt in its biggest anti-government protests in years. The largest rallies gathered in Cairo, where demonstrators chanted slogans against President Hosni Mubarak’s authoritarian rule. The unrest is inspired by the recent uprising in Tunisia and fueled by growing discontent at Egypt’s grinding poverty and unemployment.

7 Responses to “Egypt Revolution? Video of deadly anti-Mubarak protests in Cairo”
Wrabbit2000 Says:

January 26th, 2011 at 7:27 am

Zionist cock-suckers like you will never learn. The days of zionist ruling th roost is slowly coming to an end. One by one zionist puppet regimes are falling. This can only mean the end of israel’s tyranny and its slaughter of the Palestinians. The true semetic inhabitants of the Palestine. Not those European castaways looking to make a buck selling organs!

Wrabbit2000 Reply:

January 26th, 2011 at 10:48 am

Ouch… I didn’t suggest the current situation was the best solution but seeing a Taliban style government in Egypt would be a catastrophe. The way the radical Islamists govern an area they control is barbaric. No one ‘made up’ the tapes from pre-war Afghanistan of their execution stadium and the brutal animal acts they considered daily routine against women. If hating that radical brand of Islam and that whole region of the world makes me a zionist well you have a right to your opinion I suppose.

attilashrugs Reply:

January 26th, 2011 at 10:49 am

TS, I will have to wash my hans after writing to you. How do you dare make the libelous claim that Israelis are selling organs? And, they save the blood for Passover matzot, too?
Recipe for Passover Matzot:
Take 1 pound of wheat flour
Add two tablespoons of Christian child’s blood. Or substitute three tablespoons of Muslim child’s blood.
Use two (2) frontal bones from two Gentile children and grind into a fine powder.
Mix the ingredients quickly and thoroughly and bake before the dough might rise.
Recommended: Gentile boy’s sweetbreads, mashed and baked with onions, served as a spread for the fresh Matzot.
Mmm, now that is one good appetizer.

TruthSeeker Says:

January 26th, 2011 at 7:29 am
Viva True Democracy! America’s tyranical global domination is coming to an end. Interesting times ahead indeed!!
