Bekijk volle/desktop versie : The Caravan is Moving and the Dogs are Barking By Shaykh Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi Alla

07-10-2009, 11:28
By Shaykh Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi
Allaah has said that He will grant success, guidance to truth, vision and blessings for
those that choose Jihad for the glory of Allaah.
True Mujahideen are knowledgeable and wise with a clear vision. Every one should go to
Mujahideen to find the right answer because Allaah gave them wisdom as the fruit of
The Mujahid has to study his situation and his surroundings the way he studied Jihad.
Allaah gives the Mujahid the ability to see and hear many times better than the public.
Mujahideen do not need scholars that are not from their organization. For their scholars
are the smartest and the clearest on the issue of Jihad and fighting. Their ability comes
from Jihad and the battlefields where people come to see the truth of Allaah and
disregard all temptations of life. They just cannot be wrong because of that background.
The leaders and Shaykhs of Jihad are the only people that value the interest of their Jihad
and the benefits and the fruits of their targets.
They do not need the guidance of those that are sitting low. They do not need the opinion
of those that are under the feet of the regimes and their western and American masters or
those that were defeated by the culture of globalization and the accusations of terrorism.
Those immoral journalists, seculars and intellectuals that speak to us from the satellite
channels or from the lines of the articles in their secular papers, are wrong.
Each time the Mujahideen do a heroic act of Jihad, they start analyzing and talking
through their lame prospective, they blame and accuse Jihad. They say Mujahideen are
ignorant and they say that these acts will make America fight Islaam. They say that jihad
will over shadow the crimes of Israel. They say that Al-mujahideen are drawn to Jihad
because they are shallow and that there are mysterious hands that are controlled by the
Zionist movement or other conspiracies.
You are still on earth and you sold religion and honor and integrity. You have denied
your faith and Jihad and stood ashamed of its teachings and laws. Many of you wish to
remove from the Qur'aan verses that talk about jihad. What right do you have to talk
about Jihad and evaluate its fruits or about the martyrs and the heroes? Is it possible that
the mother that is pretending to lose her child become more real and truthful than the
mother that lost her child for real?
Listen losers, The Mujahideen do not need your advice that is defeated under the feet of
the fake western culture. They do not need your analysis that is low and broken under the
boots of the regimes of the collaborators and their masters in Washington, London, Paris
and Berlin. How can you while most of you are covering for your masters in the White
House, 10 Downing Street and the Elsie Palace, you keep saying that their war on Islaam
is not a crusade but a war on terror that has damaged the picture of Islaam, while your
masters contradict you in their statements. Shame on you dwarfs, what do you know?
They said it, it is a crusade and it has been declared on Islaam the faith of terrorism, those
words were repeated by their generals that describe Muslims as worshipers of Idols and
devil. It was announced by their courts and organizations that has declared a war on the
Hijab (head cover) that is considered terror and a threat to secularism. You choose to
close your ears and eyes and insisted on forging the truth.
The Mujahideen do not need you, half men and with no resolve. They do not need any
advice on Jihad from scholars who are paid for and defeated. They do not need to ask you
if it is okay with you or if their Jihad is compatible with you thinking. No, they do not
need that. They have all the wisdom and the vision that they need. Die in your anger, and
continue your criticism of the Mujahideen. You cannot destroy their resolve; your
poisoned pins would not affect their Jihad. Nothing will affect them.

07-10-2009, 11:29

But you, good Mujahideen, the best answer to those bad people is ignoring them and to
stay with the Jihad and to continue to kill and fight every enemy of Allaah. Disregard
their opinion, the caravan is going and the dogs are barking. They enjoy the barking.
Their interference with Jihad is not something new. Quraysh (name of a tribe) used it
against the prophet (Sallaahu 'alayhi was-sallam) and the faithful. They tried to use
events or targets that were chosen by the Mujahideen to give a negative picture of Jihad.
Quraysh tried to make the Muslims look bad and they harassed the Muslims for killing,
taking money and taking prisoners in a month where doing this is not permissible.
The Muslims know and never denied this, they do not need the infidels to teach them nor
were they bothered by the criticism. What the infidels are still doing against Allaah is
much bigger of a crime than fighting in the wrong month. The Muslims were not
bothered by criticism because they know that the infidels are the ones that criticism
should be directed toward, because they are committing and planning and insisting on
crimes. The Mujahideen should not be bothered by the troubles caused by the enemies of
their Jihad that criticize their targets and the timing of their operations to make them look
bad. The crime of stopping the jihad is much bigger than any crime that they accuse the
Mujahideen of committing. If the Mujahideen make a mistake they do not need feedback
from the infidels because they know better than anybody else what is right and what is
As Abu Firas (poet) said:
It amazes me how the wrong are trying to tell me what is right and what is wrong.
Mujahideen, be careful and do not get weak in front of the enemies of Allaah. Do not let
your Jihad be damaged when they try to make you look bad.
If they say that you have killed children and the prophet has spoken against doing that,
you tell them; yes we know that the prophet has spoken against it. We never targeted
kids, we have repented if we ever did that but you insist on the sin and the wrong. Tell
them we do not need your advice. How can you speak on behalf of children and you are
making them orphans and killed their fathers for being in Jihad. You have fought the faith
of Allaah while the Mujahideen have fought the enemies of Allaah. You have killed the
faith with your corrupt school curriculums that taught them loyalty to you and taught
them against their faith and Jihad.
If they say that by your acts in New York and in Washington you put America in control
of the land of the Muslim by claiming that they are fighting terror against them and their
interest, you tell them, when America was not on the backs of those countries? We did
not cause this. We came to this world and the Americans were there for no reason or
price for doing it. We just started making them pay for it.
If they say Israel is using your acts to intensify its terrorism against the Palestinians and
destroy homes, kill kids and cut the trees, you tell them, does Israel need to justify that?
And when did Israel stop its terror? Israel is an incubator of criminals that is sponsored
by your masters in Washington. They have destroyed homes before our operation and the
amount of destruction done by Israel is much greater than the towers in New York. Who
are you trying to mislead?
If they say that by your attacks on Jews and Americans you have weakened the Arab
regimes and damaged their economy, demolished development projects, scared away
investors and tourists, you tell them yes, and this is exactly what we want. If we know
that the hole in the ozone will weaken them, we would have worked hard on making it
bigger. You are foolish, do you think we care about anything more than destroying and
ending these bad and rotten regimes? The economy and development will come after the
establishment of Allaah’s law.
If they say that by your attacks in Istanbul, you have embarrassed the moderate Muslims
in Turkey and pushed them to the American and the European side, you tell them we
want to embarrass those that sell their religion, praise Ataturk and their secularism made
them deny their religion and criticize Jihad and build coalition with the enemy to fight
terror. In recent history, Turkey has always worked hard to please Europe so it can join
the crusaders coalition and has always been close to the Americans and Jews.
If they say that your terror was used to put pressure on the Arab regimes to implement
reforms that are in the direction of secularism and changing curriculums for the benefit of
globalization culture and love and brotherhood with the western infidels, you say yes,
embarrassing those regimes is the ultimate goal of our jihad, we want to show their lies
and make them stop hiding behind Islaam while they opened their doors to secularism
and the infidels in secret. They are still implementing reforms in curriculums to get closer
to the infidels of the east and the west. Now they are doing openly what they used to do
in secret and they are fighting the people of faith, the faith that feeds Jihad to please their
American masters. The first step in defeating these regimes is embarrassing them.
If they say that you started the fire of hatred between the west and the Muslims and you
started the cultural war and you made them refuse the Hijab in their public schools, you
tell them yes, and this is our duty as Muslims to cut the ties between Muslims and their
enemies. Refusing the Hijab in schools is a blessing for our girls that will purify them
from mixing with corrupt culture and bad curriculum. This will wake up the Muslims and
make them aware of the hatred of those infidels toward Islaamic traditions that could
encourage Muslims to create alternative Muslim schools. The war on Hijab is also a war
on Islaam. The war of cultures started long before the attacks and before Huntington and
Fukuyama. This war existed since the existence of Infidels and Faithful. The crusades
and the massacres against the Muslims by the Jews and Christians can be seen

07-10-2009, 11:30
Also tell them that their criticism is wrong and baseless and is proven wrong by your
masters. They have announced results of their statistics that show that interest in Islaam
by westerners is on the rise after the attacks on New York and Washington.
I end this with a testimony by one of those westerners that testified that Mujahideen are
smart and know exactly what they are doing. In the UK’s Independent Newspaper there
was an article dated 11/21/2003 by an expert on the Middle East (Robert Fisk). He said
that the attacks on British targets in Turkey are the result of joining the war of the
American President on Terrorism. He says that we should not deceive ourselves about the
mental capability of the attackers. They are capable of understanding the outside world.
They knew exactly what they were doing when they attacked the Australians in Bali.
They knew that the Australians were against the war and the blame would fall on the
Australian prime minister and the same applies to Italy. They knew about the
demonstration against Bush’s visit in the UK. Attacking the UK is not an easy thing and
this is why they attacked British targets in Turkey. They know that Bush wants to justify
his war on Iraq and this is why they are intensifying the attacks on the American forces in
Iraq. They decided to destroy Bush and Blair, the British prime minister politically if not
This is a sample of your masters’ analysis. As I said before, the mujahideen do not need
your opinion or the opinion of your masters. They have their own scholars and a great
book is leading them. They do not need the guidance of the retarded and the defeated.
Allaah opens the eyes of the Mujahideen and gives them guidance and He makes
their enemies ignorant and shallow. How can we pay any attention to their opinion
or defeated analysis?

07-10-2009, 13:06
BarakAllaahu feek akhi.
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09-10-2009, 20:50

jazaak allahu khairan broeder