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29-12-2006, 16:28
Fugitive Taleban leader Mullah Omar has dismissed a proposal to hold cross border tribal councils as a "trap", in a message attributed to him.

"No Muslim will participate in something... created by the aggressors and puppets," he said.

The Pakistan and Afghan governments have discussed holding a cross-border council to end Taleban violence.

Mullah Omar's message, released to a number of news agencies, urged the Taleban never to accept defeat.

Afghanistan accuses Pakistan of allowing the Taleban to operate from its soil.

Pakistan claims it is doing all it can to stop militant activity across the border.

The idea of holding a tribal councils - or jirgas - among Pashtuns living on either side of the Pakistan-Afghan border was discussed in Kabul in December during a visit by Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri.

But there have been no signs of progress towards convening such councils since then.

'Humiliation and disgrace'

In his message released ahead of the Eid al-Adha religious festival, Mullah Omar said: "The enemy will have to quit the region with humiliation and disgrace.

"Afghans have a history of expelling their enemies as no enemy and invader has quit Afghanistan willingly."

On Thursday evening - before the message was released - Nato and Afghan forces in eastern Khost province killed up to 10 militants after an attack on a police post, Afghan police said.

Khost province's police commander Mohammad Ayub told the Associated Press news agency that Nato forces had called in a helicopter to provide assistance.

Mullah Omar has been in hiding since the Taleban were overthrown in November 2001.

He has a bounty of $10 million on his head.

29-12-2006, 16:29

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
اللجنة الإعلام& #1610;ةThe media committee

الرقم : 29 التاري&#158 2; 29/12/2006مHistory figure : 29 29 / 12 / 2006

رسالة سماحة أمير المؤمني& #1606; بمناسب&#157 7; عيد الأضحى المبارك: Letter Samaha Prince of Believers occasion of Eid Al-Adha holiday :

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمThe name of God the Merciful

الحمد لله رب العالمي& #1606; والصلا&#157 7; والسلا&#160 5; على قائد المجاهد& #1610;ن محمد ، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.Prai se be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace to the mujahideen commander Muhammad, and on his family and companions.
نهنئ شعبنا المؤمن ، ومسلمي العالم&#154 8; وخاصة مجاهدي الثغور والخناد& #1602; المقدس&#157 7; ؛ بمناسب&#157 7; عيد الأضحى المبارك. We congratulate our people insured, and the Muslims of the world, especially the Mujahideen discrepancies and trenches Holy occasion of Eid Al-Adha holiday.
إن يوم عيد الأضحى في الحقيق&#157 7; ابتداء لعقيدة التضحي&#157 7; وفكر الفداء&#154 8; وبتذكي&#158 5; هذا اليوم يجب للمسلم أن يدرك بأن عقيدتن&#157 5; ورؤيتن&#157 5; لا تزال باقية حية بفضل التضحيا& #1578;.The day of Eid Al-Adha, in fact, beginning to the doctrine of sacrifice, the thought of redemption, and reminded today of a Muslim must be aware that our vision and remain alive because of the sacrifices.
وإن كل عقيدة من ورائها تضحيات لا تفشل أبداً، انظروا إلى أي مدى جللت المقاوم& #1577; الإسلام& #1610;ة الحالي&#157 7; في أفغانست& #1575;ن هذه الحقيقة& #1548; حيث من جهة جميع الطاقا&#157 8; المستبد& #1577; والفرعو& #1606;ية بما تملك من الأسلح&#157 7; الفتاك&#157 7; والعصري& #1577; ، ومن جهة أخرى في المقاب&#160 4; يقف الأفغان& #1610;ون في وجهها بوسائله& #1605; البسيط&#157 7; جداً، ولكنهم صدعوا أعصاب تلك الطاقا&#157 8; المتجهز& #1577; إلى درجة تبحث سبل الفرار&#154 8; إنما كل ذلك فقط وفقط _ بعد عون الله سبحانه – بقوة عقيدة التضحية& #1548; وروح الفداء. وهذه العقيد&#157 7; لا تقبل الهزيم&#157 7; أبداً.And every creed from behind sacrifices never failed, Look to what extent Gellt Islamic resistance present in Afghanistan this fact, where one hand all the energies and domineering Pharaonic including possessing deadly weapons and modern and, on the other hand, on the other hand, stands Afghans in the face by their very simple, but they have given the fancy of those energies Almetjehzah so consider ways to escape, but all this only and only-after Own God-strong doctrine of sacrifice, and the spirit of sacrifice. This belief does not accept defeat ever.
وما دامت هذه العقيد&#157 7; متواجد&#157 7; راسخة سيهزم العد و حتماً بإذن الله تعالى ؛ لذا فإنني آمل آن تكون لأفغانس& #1578;ان في مستقبل قريب رسالة جديدة، وبلا مثيل للعالم.As long as these are present firm belief defeated countdown and certainly God Almighty; So I hope that Afghanistan in the near future a new message, and unparalleled world.
حكام بعض الدول الإسلام& #1610;ة يسعون في إزاحة قوة مدافعة المسلمي& #1606; (الجها&#1583؛ لأجل اسعاد العدو.The rulers of some Islamic countries are seeking to remove the defender of Muslims (Jihad); to please the enemy.
الجهاد والدفا&#159 3; عن العقيد&#157 7; هما عزة الأمة الإسلام& #1610;ة وكبريائ& #1607;ا، ومن أراد تذليل الأمة الإسلام& #1610;ة ، فإن الله سبحانه سيجعله بنفسه ذليلاً منبوذاً& #1548; وسيمسك المسلمو& #1606; من عنقه حتماً.Jihad and defend the creed are Izzat Islamic nation and pride, and he wanted to remove the Islamic nation, the tender God himself Zlila untouchable, and Simsk inevitably Muslims from the neck.
يجب أن يدرك المتجاو& #1586;ون على بلادنا بأن التجاو&#158 6; على عقائد الناس له نهاية مثلما هم مواجهو&#160 6; بها اليوم في أفغانست& #1575;ن، والعراق. Abusers must be aware of our beliefs that the overrun on the end, as people are faced with today in Afghanistan and Iraq.
إن المتجاو& #1586;ين على بلادنا يريدون اصطياد الأقوا&#160 5; الغيور&#157 7; في المنطق&#157 7; بصنارته& #1605; الشيطان& #1610;ة ، وشباكه&#160 5; الشيطان& #1610; تحت مسمى المجال&#158 7;. ولكن إنني على يقين بأنه لا يشارك أي مسلم في السينار& #1610;و التي رتبت من قبل المتجاو& #1586;ين وعملائه& #1605; ، وإن المشارك& #1610;ن في تلك الجلسة سيكونو&#160 6; اشخاصا&#161 1; قد باعوا ذممهم، وهم لا يمثلون أي قوم.The squatters on our country want to hunt wielding nationalities in the region Bsanarthm satanic, devilish and their nets under the name boards. But I am sure that he is not involved in any Muslim scenario arranged by the squatters and their clients, and that the participants in that meeting will be sold disclosed their people, they do not represent any people.
ارجو من جميع مسلمي المنطق&#157 7; أن يكونوا يقظين لمؤامرا& #1578; القوات المستكب& #1585;ة، وأن ينجوا بأنفسه&#160 5; من الوقع في شباكها الشيطان& #1610; ، لأن عدونا المتجاو& #1586; مني بالهزيم& #1577; ؛ ولأجل الخلاص والنجا&#157 8; يلجئ إلى مؤامرا&#157 8; وخدع جديدة.I ask all the Muslims of the region to be vigilant of the conspiracies Amestkberh forces, and escape themselves entangled in the impact of the devilish, because our enemy was defeated ultra; for salvation, Nagat Ilja to conspiracies and new tricks.
ونهنئ مجاهدين& #1575; المخلصي& #1606; في تقدمهم ، وأناشده& #1605; مرة أخرى أن يحافظو&#157 5; ثغورهم وخنادقه& #1605; بطريقة حكيمة، وأن يتجنبو&#157 5; تلك أنواع العمليا& #1578; التي فيها موت واصابة الناس الأبريا& #1569; أمر حتمي، بل على المجاهد& #1610;ن أن يجاهدو&#157 5; ضد العدو فقط وفق ارشادا&#157 8; القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوي&#157 7; المطهر&#157 7;. أي عمل لم تصدر فيه الفتوى إجراءه اساءة للجهاد ؛ لذا نحن مكلفون بأن نستهدف عدونا فقط ، وأن ندقق في الهدف. ونحافظ على روابطن&#157 5; مع أخوتنا المسلمي& #1606; باخلاص كامل ومحبة تامة أيضاً.We congratulate the faithful in their morale, and I appeal to them once again to maintain Thgorham bunkers and judicious manner, and avoid those types of operations where the death and injury of innocent people is inevitable, but the mujahideen to grapple against the enemy only in accordance with guidance Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet disinfectant. Any action which had not been issued the fatwa carried out the abuse of Jihad; therefore we tasked to target only our enemy, and to look closely in the goal. We maintain our ties with our fellow Muslims sincerely full and also full of love.
وما يقوم به عدونا الوحشي من القصف الجوي بلا رحمة، ويقتل ويشرد آلاف الأفغا&#160 6; ، وخاصة النساء والأطفا& #1604; دون رحمة، هذا منظر عادي لقساوة&#154 8; وظلم ، وبربري&#157 7; عدونا. يجب أن نكون بجانب شعبنا في مقابلة العدو، وأن نأثر لدمائهم& #1548; وإنني مطمئن بأن دماء الناس المظلوم& #1610;ن والمجاه& #1583;ين ستعطي ثمارها عاجلاً بإذن الله العلي القدير&#154 8; وسيهرب العدو من المنطق&#157 7; ذليلاً وخذلانا& #1611;.And what the enemy brutal air strikes without mercy, killing and displacement of thousands of Afghans, especially women and children, without mercy, the sight of this extraordinary cruelty, injustice, and the barbaric enemy. We must be the side of our enemy, in an interview, and Proser of blood, and I feel that the blood of the oppressed people and the mujahideen will bear fruit sooner, God Almighty, the enemy escape from the region Zlila and betrayal.
والعدو المتجاو& #1586; لم يأت بالرضى&#156 3; فلا يخرج بالرضى . بل جاء عنوة وسنخرج&#160 7; عنوة إن شاء الله، ولابد أن نطرده ؛ لان الأفغا&#160 6; دائماً طردوا الأعدا&#156 9; عنوة، ولم يخرج أي عدو ، ومتجاو&#158 6; من أفغانست& #1575;ن برضى.Ultra and the enemy is not satisfied; it leaves satisfied. But came and forcibly Senkharjeh forced to God, so it must Ntardh; because Afghans always enemies forcibly expelled, did not leave any enemy, and those who consent from Afghanistan.
وختاما&#161 1; ادعو الله الاستقا& #1605;ة ، والنصر للشعب المؤمن المجاهد. Finally, I pray to God that probity, and victory for the people insured nation.

والسلامA nd peace
قائد حركة طالبان الإسلام& #1610;ةThe leader of the Islamic Taliban movement
أمير المؤمني& #1606; ملا محمد عمر (مجاه&#1583Amir ul Momineen Mullah Mohammad Omar (Mujahid)

29-12-2006, 16:30

29-12-2006, 16:31
Foreign troops will flee Afghanistan: Taliban chief

KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign troops will be forced out of Afghanistan in the face of Taliban attacks, the Islamic group's fugitive leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, was reported as saying in a rare message on Friday.

More than 4,000 people have been killed in Afghanistan this year, the bloodiest since U.S.-led forces ousted the hardline Taliban government in 2001.

In the purported message from Omar, sent to the Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) news agency to mark the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha, Omar said "aggressor forces" in Afghanistan and Iraq were facing defeat.

"I am confident that the enemy will run away in degradation and embarrassment ... Afghans have always expelled their enemies by force and no enemy or aggressive force has left Afghanistan at its own will," Omar said.

Omar also said a plan to hold tribal councils, or jirgas, on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border in an effort to find ways to end the violence was a trap.

"Now the aggressor forces in our country want to entangle our valiant nation and tribes in their devilish trap by way of jirgas," he said, according to an Urdu-language translation of the message, issued by AIP.

"But I am sure that no Muslim will participate in something that is created by the aggressors and puppets. Those who attend will only be people who have sold out," he said.

The Taliban refer to Western-backed President Hamid Karzai and his government as puppets.

"Our aggressor enemy has been defeated and now they are hatching new conspiracies for their survival," he said.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are considering how the jirgas can be organized and who will take part.

Politicians in both countries have said peace will not be found unless elements of the Taliban are included in talks.

Omar, who has a $10 million U.S. government bounty on his head, disappeared shortly after the Taliban were ousted.