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07-08-2006, 20:21
Salam Aleykum

Ik had graag een paar hadits en/of verzen uit de Koran gehad die gaan over het stelen van andermands goederen of geld.


07-08-2006, 20:25

Citaat door LadySoLusciouz:
Salam Aleykum

Ik had graag een paar hadits en/of verzen uit de Koran gehad die gaan over het stelen van andermands goederen of geld.

Qur’an 64:16 “Fear Allah as much as you can; listen and obey. Pay the zakat. Those saved from covetousness prosper. If you loan to Allah a beautiful loan, He will double it. He will grant Forgiveness: for Allah is most ready to appreciate.”
Tabari VI:82 “I asked Abbas, ‘What is this religion?’ He answered, ‘This is Muhammad bin Abdallah, who claims that Allah has sent him as His Messenger with this religion and that the treasures of Chusroes and Caesar will be given to him by conquest.’”
Ishaq:113 “When I was a merchant I came to Mecca during the hajj pilgrimage. While I was there a man came out to pray and stood facing the Ka’aba. I asked, ‘What is their religion? It is something new to me.’ Abbas said, ‘This is Muhammad who alleges that Allah has sent him with it so that the treasures of Chusroes and Caesar will be open to him.”
Bukhari:V4B52N267 “The Prophet said, ‘Khosrau will be ruined, and there will be no Khosrau after him, and Caesar will surely be ruined and there will be no Caesar after him, and you will spend their treasures in Allah’s Cause.’”
Bukhari:V4B56N793 “The Prophet said, ‘If you live long enough the treasures of Khosrau will be opened and taken as spoils. You will carry out handfuls of gold and silver.’”
Bukhari:V4B56N795 “I have been given the keys of the treasures of the world by Allah.”
Tabari VIII:16
Ishaq:454 “Soon the trial became great for the Muslims and fear intensified. One said, ‘Muhammad was promising us that we should eat up the treasures of Chosroes and Caesar, and now none of us even can go out to relieve himself!’”
Qur’an 93:4 “Soon will your Lord give you so much you shall be well pleased.... Did He not find you poor and made you rich?”
Qur’an 108:1 “To you have We granted Kausar, the fountain of abundance.”
Tabari VI:95 “Abu Talib said to Muhammad, ‘Nephew, how is it that your tribe is complaining about you and claiming that you are reviling their gods and saying this, that, and the other?’ The Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Uncle, I want them to utter one saying. If they say it, the Arabs will submit to them and the non-Arabs will pay the jizyah tax.’”
Qur’an 9:29 “Fight against those People of the Book [Christians and Jews] who do not follow what Allah and His Messenge acknowledge as the true religion (Islam), nor accept Our law, until they pay the Jizyah tribute tax in submission.”
Qur’an 68:3 “Nay, truly for you is a never-ending reward.”
Bukhari:V5B59N512 “The Prophet had their men killed, their children and woman taken as captives. The captives were divided among the Muslims. Then the Messenger began taking the homes and property that were closest to him.”
Tabari VIII:122
Ishaq:515 “Abi Huqayq held the treasure of the Nadir. He was brought to Allah’s Messenger, and he questioned him. But Huqayq denied knowing where it was. So the Prophet questioned other Jews. One said, ‘I have seen Kinanah walk around a ruin.’ Muhammad had Kinanah brought to him and said, ‘Do you know that if we find it, I shall kill you.’ ‘Yes,’ Kinanah answered. The Prophet commanded that the ruin should be dug up. Some treasure was extracted. Then Muhammad asked Kinanah for the rest. He refused to surrender it; so Allah’s Messenger gave orders concerning him to Zubayr, saying, ‘Torture him until you root out and extract what he has. So Zubayr kindled a fire on Kinanah’s chest, twirling it with his firestick until Kinanah was near death. Then the Messenger gave him to Maslamah, who beheaded him.”
Ishaq:515 “When the people of Fadak heard of what had happened, they sent word to the Messenger, asking him to banish them and spare their lives, saying they too would leave him their property. So Khaybar became the prey of the Muslims, while Fadak belonged exclusively to the Messenger of Allah, becoming his personal property.”
Qur’an 8:1 “They ask you about the benefits of capturing the spoils of war. Tell them: ‘The benefits belong to Allah and to His Messenger.’ So fulfill your duty to Allah and the Prophet.”
Tabari VIII:142 “Whoever prays our prayer and turns to our Qiblah is a Muslim. Incumbent on whoever refuses is the payment of the jizyah tax.”
Qur’an 9:42 “(Prophet) had there been immediate gain (in sight with booty in front of them), and the journey easy—a near adventure—they would (all) have followed you.”
Qur’an 9:55 “Let not their wealth nor their sons dazzle you or excite your admiration (Muhammad).”
Qur’an 9:57 “Some slander you, blaming you (of partiality) in the matter of (the distribution of) the offerings [stolen spoils]. If they are given part of these, they are pleased, but if not they are indignant and enraged!”
Qur’an 9:59 “(How much more seemly) if only they had been content with what Allah and His Messenger gave them, and said, ‘Sufficient is Allah! His Messenger will soon give us His bounty. We implore Allah to enrich us.’”
Qur’an 9:75 “Amongst them are men who made a deal with Allah, that if He bestowed on them of His bounty [booty], they would pay (largely) in zakat tax (for Allah’s Cause [Jihad]). But when He did bestow of His bounty, they became niggardly, and turned back (from their bargain), averse (refusing to pay).”

07-08-2006, 20:25
Qur’an 5:13 “Loan Allah a beautiful loan, verily I will wipe out from your evils, and admit you to Gardens.”
Qur’an 5:119 “Allah will say: This is the day on which the Muslims will profit from Islam…”
Bukhari:V4B53N376 “While Allah’s Apostle was accompanied by the people on their way back from Hunayn, the Bedouins started begging for things so aggressively that they forced him to go under a Samura tree where his outer garment was snatched away. On that, Allah’s Apostle stood up and said, ‘Return my clothes. If I had as many camels as these trees, I would have distributed them amongst you; and you will not find me a miser.’”
Bukhari:V4B53N377 “While I was walking with the Prophet he was wearing a Najrani outer garment with a thick hem. A Bedouin came upon him and pulled his garment so violently that I could see the imprint of the hem on his shoulder caused by the violence of his pull. The Bedouin said, ‘Give me something from Allah’s Fortune which you have.’ The Prophet turned, smiled, and ordered that a gift should be given.”
Tabari IX:34
Ishaq:595 “Khuwaysirah came and stood by the Prophet as he was giving gifts to the people and said, ‘Muhammad, I have seen what you have done today.’ ‘Well, what did you see?’ He said, ‘I don’t think you have been fair.’ Allah’s Messenger became angry.”
Bukhari:V4B53N374 “The Prophet said, ‘I give to the Quraysh so that they will desire Islam, for they are nearer to their life of Ignorance and it is not strong in their hearts.’”
Bukhari:V4B53N375 “When Allah favored His Apostle with the properties of the Hawazin tribe as Fai booty, he started giving to some of the Meccan men up to one-hundred camels each. Whereupon some Ansari said, ‘May Allah forgive His Apostle! He is giving to the Quraysh and leaving us out, in spite of the fact that our swords are still dripping with the blood of the infidels.’ When Muhammad was informed of what they had said, he called for the Ansar and gathered them in a leather tent. ‘What is the statement which I have been informed?’ The smart ones replied, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! The wise ones did not say anything, but the youngsters said, “May Allah forgive His Apostle; he enriches the Quraysh and leaves the Ansar poor, in spite of the fact that Ansar swords are still dribbling with the blood of the infidels.”’ The Prophet replied, ‘I give them more because they are still close to the period of Infidelity and have just recently embraced Islam. You should be pleased to see them becoming rich.’”
Tabari IX:36
Ishaq:596 “‘Prophet, this group of Ansar have a grudge against you for what you did with the booty and how you divided it among your own people.’ ‘Ansar, what is this talk I hear from you? What is the grudge you harbor? Do you think ill of me? Did I not come to you when you were erring and needy, and then made rich by Allah? Do you hold a grudge against me and are you mentally disturbed because of the worldly things by which I conciliate a people and win them over so that they will embrace Islam and become Muslims?”
Tabari IX:79 “In this year the zakat was made obligatory, and the Messenger dispatched his agents to collect it. The verse was revealed: ‘Take the zakat from their wealth to purify them.’”
Tabari IX:86 “He orders you to give one fifth of Allah’s booty and pay the zakat tax. It is enjoined on the faithful from their land and property…. And don’t seduce the Jews or Christians for incumbent on them is to pay the jizyah protection tax. Allah’s Apostle dispersed his representatives to every land where Islam had entered to collect the zakat.”
Tabari IX:196 “Fatimah [Muhammad’s daughter] and Ali [Muhammad’s adopted son and Fatimah’s husband] came to Bakr demanding their share of inheritance of the Messenger. They demanded Muhammad’s land in Fadak and his share of Khaybar’s tribute.”
Bukhari:V5B59N546 “Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet, sent someone to Bakr, asking for her inheritance of what Allah’s Apostle had left of the property taken from the Fai booty gained without fighting in Medina and Fadak, and what remained of the Khumus [Muhammad’s fifth of the booty gained through fighting] of the Khaybar booty.”
Bukhari:V9B84N59 “When the Prophet died, Arabs reverted to disbelief. Umar said, ‘Should we fight these people?”’ Bakr said, ‘By Allah! I will fight whoever differentiates between prayers and Zakat, as Zakat is the right to be taken from property according to Allah’s Orders. If they refuse to pay me even so little as a kid they used to pay, I will fight with them for withholding it.’”
Qur’an 20:131 “Do not covet what we have granted other people. Nor strain your eyes in longing for the things We have given for their enjoyment, the splendor of the life, through which We tempt them.”
Bukhari:V5B57N119 “The people used to send presents to the Prophet on the day of Aisha’s turn [to have sex with him]. Aisha said, ‘His other wives gathered in the apartment of Um Salama and said, “Um, the people send presents on the day of Aisha’s turn and we too, love the good presents just as much as she does. You should tell Allah’s Apostle to order the people to send their presents to him regardless of whose turn it may be.” Um repeated that to the Prophet and he turned away from her. When the Prophet returned to Um, she repeated the request again. The Prophet again turned away. After the third time, the Prophet said, “Um, don’t trouble me by harming Aisha, for by Allah, the Divine Inspiration [Qur’an surahs] never came to me while I was under the blanket of any woman among you except her.”’”
Qur’an 2:195 “Spend your wealth in Allah’s Cause [fighting infidels]...send such gifts as you can afford.” Qur’an 2:215 “They ask you what they should spend. Say: Whatever they spend is good…. Allah is aware of it.”
Qur’an 2:245 “Who is he that will loan Allah a beautiful loan, which Allah will double to his credit and multiply many times?”
Bukhari: V9B87N127 “The Prophet said, ‘I have been awarded victory by terror so the treasures of the earth are mine.’”
Qur’an 59:8 “The spoils are for the Emigrants who were expelled from their homes and from their belongings while seeking the bounty of Allah, and aiding His Messenger: such are the sincere ones. They are loyal.”
Qur’an 63:10 “Spend out of the substance [booty] which We gave you before death comes and you say, ‘My Lord, why didn’t You give me respite for a little while? I wish I had given (more).’” [The Noble Qur’an footnotes a Bukhari Hadith to explain this verse.] “The Prophet said, ‘Everyday two angels come down from heaven. One says, “O Allah, reward every person who spends in Your Cause.” The other says, “O Allah, destroy every miser.”’”
Tabari VII:106 “Abu Azzah, you are a poet, so aid us with your tongue. Join our expedition and I swear before Allah I will make you a rich man.’”
Qur’an 3:14 “Beautified for men is the love of the things they covet, desiring women, hoards of gold and silver, attractive horses, cattle and well-tilled land. These are the pleasures of this world’s life.”
Qur’an 3:181 “Verily Allah heard the taunt of those who said, (when asked for contributions for the war): ‘Allah is poor, and we are rich!’ We shall record their saying and We shall say: Taste you the penalty of the Scorching Fire!”
Qur’an 8:69 “So enjoy what you took as booty; the spoils are lawful and good.”
Ishaq:327 “Allah made booty lawful and good. He used it to incite the Muslims to unity of purpose. So enjoy what you have captured.”
Ishaq:324 “Allah taught them how to divide the spoil. He made it lawful and said, ‘A fifth of the booty belongs to the Apostle.’