1. #1
    MVC Premium


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    Polish Nationalist Youth March Draws Thousands in Capital..

    Crowd of mostly young people carries banners that read ‘Europe Will Be White’ and ‘Clean Blood’

    WARSAW—Tens of thousands of Poles marched across downtown Warsaw on Saturday, in an independence-day procession organized by a nationalist youth movement that seeks an ethnically pure Poland with fewer Jews or Muslims.

    The largely young crowd shot off roman candles and many chanted “fatherland,” carrying banners that read “White Europe,” “Europe Will Be White” and “Clean Blood.” Some of the marchers flew in from Hungary, Slovakia and Spain and waved flags and symbols that those countries used during their wartime collaboration with Nazi Germany.

    A number of people in the crowd said they didn’t belong to any neo-fascist or racist organization but didn’t see a problem with the overall tone of what has become Poland’s biggest independence day event.

    “There are of course nationalists and fascists at this march,” said Mateusz, a 27-year-old wrapped in a Polish flag, “I’m fine with it. I’m just happy to be here.”

    The march, organized by a group called the National Radical Camp, underscores the rightward politics of a growing section of Polish youth. The Radical Camp presents itself as the heir to a 1930s fascist movement of the same name, which fought to rid Poland of Jews in the years just before the Holocaust. A second group, All Polish Youth, also named after an anti-Jewish interwar movement, co-organized it.
    Officials in the city government said they thought the march reflected poorly on Poland, but they said they had no choice but to approve the demonstration, as it fulfilled the legal requirements: It qualified as a celebration of Polish history. “This is not the type of event I would take my children to,” said Agnieszka Kłąb, spokesperson for the Warsaw City Council.

    The Radical Camp has been holding independence-day marches since 2009. Until several years ago, it struggled to attract more than a few hundred people. In the past three years, it has become the largest independence-day occasion in Poland, and one of the largest nationalist marches of its kind anywhere in Europe. Saturday’s was expected to be the largest ever. Police estimated the crowd at 60,000.

    “It’s getting more and more vicious,” said Jakub Skrzypek, 25, one of about a dozen counterprotesters standing behind a banner that read “We Are Polish Jews” and surrounded by police. “We are really in fear.”

    The Radical Camp’s followers argue, on their social-media accounts and in their literature, that the influx of Syrian refugees into Europe is part of a conspiracy driven by Jewish financiers, who are working with Communists in the European Union to bring Muslims into Europe, and with them, Shariah law and homosexuality.

    The group has regularly held events to mark a 1936 pogrom against Jews. Its symbols were displayed on a banner that appeared over a Warsaw bridge, reading: “Pray for Islamic Holocaust.”
    This year, the group said it was adopting a new slogan, a quote from a July speech here by President Donald Trump : “We want God.”

    “This march is just an expression of a bigger social phenomenon, which is definitely very troubling, and is the growing acceptance of extreme nationalism and xenophobia among young people in Poland,” said Rafal Pankowski, a political-science professor at private university Collegium Civitas in Warsaw. “It is a contrast: Polish parents and grandparents are paradoxically more liberal than their young.”

    Richard Spencer, an American until recently banned from 26 European countries who wants to create a country just for white people in North America, was invited. The Polish government asked him to stay home, and he didn’t show up. Roberto Fiore, an Italian anti-immigration politician who describes himself as a fascist, was scheduled to appear.

    Some Poles on Facebook and Twitter said they were staying away from the city center on their country’s independence day, to avoid potential violence. Three previous years’ marches devolved into tear-gas-clouded scuffles with police. Police detained at least 45 people Saturday.

    The crowds drawn to Saturday’s march reflect the politics taking hold in the soccer clubs and youth hangouts where Radical Camp recruits. The group holds a staunch nativist standpoint, saying the European Union and Russia represent equal threats to Polish sovereignty. It argues that Polish people should nationalize the assets belonging to foreign corporations and distribute the profits across an ethnically homogenous state.
    Similar movements have taken hold—even captured seats in parliament—in Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic. Some of these countries are among Europe’s most prospering. Poland is the only country in the EU that didn’t experience a single quarter of economic contraction after the financial crisis.

    Still, the fear that Poland is under siege by distant elites has captured the imagination of some here, as has the worry that hordes of immigrants could soon pour over the border. Government-controlled media broadcasts near-nightly reports on crimes committed by Muslims in Europe. On Saturday, Polish state television called the procession a “great march of patriots.


    nazi's zijn weer terug in de Europese steden..
    "Wie voor slavernij kiest, zal de afwezigheid van vrijheid niet voelen"

  2. #2
    MVC Premium


    MVC Premium MVC Premium
    Tienduizenden neonazi’s marcheren door Warschau voor ‘wit Europa’

    Tienduizenden neonazi’s hebben zaterdag een mars gelopen door het centrum van Warschau in Polen. Daarbij werden romeinse kaarsen afgestoken en leuzen gescandeerd als ‘Voor het vaderland’. De deelnemers droegen spandoeken bij zich met daarop teksten als ‘Wit Europa’, Europa zal weer wit worden’ en ‘Puur Bloed’. Behalve Polen liepen er ook Hongaren, Slowaken en Spanjaarden mee.
    Een aantal deelnemers benadrukt dat ze vooral geen deel uitmaken van een racistische of neo-fascistische organisatie, schrijft de Wall Street Journal. Of zoals een deelnemer, de 27-jarige Mateusz het zei: ‘Tuurlijk lopen er ook nationalisten en fascisten mee. Dat vind ik prima, ik ben gewoon blij dat ik er ook bij ben.’

    De mars werd georganiseerd door een organisatie die zichzelf het Nationaal Radicale Kamp noemt en zich vooral op jongeren richt. Ze zien zichzelf als de opvolgers van de fascistische groepering uit de jaren 30 van de vorige eeuw met dezelfde naam. Die groep was in de jaren voor de Holocaust berucht wegens het actief verdrijven van Joden uit Polen.

    Volgens de deelnemers aan de betoging is Europa in gevaar als gevolg van de toename van Syrische vluchtelingen. De komst van die vluchtelingen is volgens de organisatie weer onderdeel van een complot: Joodse financiers zouden samenwerken met communisten in de Europese Unie om moslims naar Europa te brengen, en daarmee zowel de sharia als homoseksualiteit. Enkele deelnemers hadden een spandoek over een brug in de stad gehangen met daarop de tekst: ‘Bid voor een islamitische Holocaust’.

    Het stadsbestuur van Warschau liet weten dat wat hen betreft de betoging slecht afstraalt op het land, maar dat er niets was dat ze konden doen om het tegen te houden. Volgens hen hebben de organisatoren alle juiste aanvragen ingediend en voldeed het aan alle eisen om een officiële viering van de Poolse geschiedenis te zijn.

    De neonazi’s organiseren al dergelijke betogingen sinds 2009. Tot enkele jaren geleden kwamen daar nooit meer dan een paar honderd mensen opdagen. In de afgelopen drie jaar groeide de ‘onafhankelijkheidsdag’ uit tot het grootste nationalistische evenement in Polen, en daarbij een van de grootste in Europa. De mars van zaterdag was de grootste tot nu toe, met volgens de politie zeker 60.000 deelnemers.

    Jakub Skrzypek, een van de enkele tientallen tegendemonstranten maakt zich ernstig zorgen: ‘De betogingen worden steeds feller. Wij zijn Poolse Joden, omringd door politie, en we zijn echt bang.’

    "Wie voor slavernij kiest, zal de afwezigheid van vrijheid niet voelen"

  3. #3
    MVC Premium


    MVC Premium MVC Premium
    "Wie voor slavernij kiest, zal de afwezigheid van vrijheid niet voelen"

  4. #4
    MVC Lid


    Die Polen zijn grappig. Ze vergeten dat Hitler en het nazi ideologie ze categoriseerde als slavische untermenschen.

  5. #5
    Ask me anything!


    Nutteloze actie van het Pools blank uitschot. Nergens op de wereld zal nog blank zijn, de wereld is al kleurrijk, zo ook Europa.

    Dat ze dan maar lekker in hun blank achterlijk landje blijven. En van de vluchtelingen hebben zij geen last gezien ze te racistisch zijn om hen op te vangen.

    Dachten de Polen dat ze het uitverkoren volk waren? Grappig zijn ze inderdaad.
    The most precious jewels you will ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.

  6. #6
    MVC Lid


    Citaat Geplaatst door DEMO Bekijk reactie
    Indrukwekkende beelden.

  7. #7
    MVC Premium


    MVC Premium MVC Premium
    Citaat Geplaatst door _Felix_ Bekijk reactie
    Indrukwekkende beelden.
    de volgende beelden waren het ook..

    "Wie voor slavernij kiest, zal de afwezigheid van vrijheid niet voelen"

  8. #8
    MVC Premium


    MVC Premium MVC Premium
    Citaat Geplaatst door DEMO Bekijk reactie
    Crowd of mostly young people carries banners that read ‘Europe Will Be White’ and ‘Clean Blood’

    WARSAW—Tens of thousands of Poles marched across downtown Warsaw on Saturday, in an independence-day procession organized by a nationalist youth movement that seeks an ethnically pure Poland with fewer Jews or Muslims.

    The largely young crowd shot off roman candles and many chanted “fatherland,” carrying banners that read “White Europe,” “Europe Will Be White” and “Clean Blood.” Some of the marchers flew in from Hungary, Slovakia and Spain and waved flags and symbols that those countries used during their wartime collaboration with Nazi Germany.

    A number of people in the crowd said they didn’t belong to any neo-fascist or racist organization but didn’t see a problem with the overall tone of what has become Poland’s biggest independence day event.

    “There are of course nationalists and fascists at this march,” said Mateusz, a 27-year-old wrapped in a Polish flag, “I’m fine with it. I’m just happy to be here.”

    The march, organized by a group called the National Radical Camp, underscores the rightward politics of a growing section of Polish youth. The Radical Camp presents itself as the heir to a 1930s fascist movement of the same name, which fought to rid Poland of Jews in the years just before the Holocaust. A second group, All Polish Youth, also named after an anti-Jewish interwar movement, co-organized it.
    Officials in the city government said they thought the march reflected poorly on Poland, but they said they had no choice but to approve the demonstration, as it fulfilled the legal requirements: It qualified as a celebration of Polish history. “This is not the type of event I would take my children to,” said Agnieszka Kłąb, spokesperson for the Warsaw City Council.

    The Radical Camp has been holding independence-day marches since 2009. Until several years ago, it struggled to attract more than a few hundred people. In the past three years, it has become the largest independence-day occasion in Poland, and one of the largest nationalist marches of its kind anywhere in Europe. Saturday’s was expected to be the largest ever. Police estimated the crowd at 60,000.

    “It’s getting more and more vicious,” said Jakub Skrzypek, 25, one of about a dozen counterprotesters standing behind a banner that read “We Are Polish Jews” and surrounded by police. “We are really in fear.”

    The Radical Camp’s followers argue, on their social-media accounts and in their literature, that the influx of Syrian refugees into Europe is part of a conspiracy driven by Jewish financiers, who are working with Communists in the European Union to bring Muslims into Europe, and with them, Shariah law and homosexuality.

    The group has regularly held events to mark a 1936 pogrom against Jews. Its symbols were displayed on a banner that appeared over a Warsaw bridge, reading: “Pray for Islamic Holocaust.”
    This year, the group said it was adopting a new slogan, a quote from a July speech here by President Donald Trump : “We want God.”

    “This march is just an expression of a bigger social phenomenon, which is definitely very troubling, and is the growing acceptance of extreme nationalism and xenophobia among young people in Poland,” said Rafal Pankowski, a political-science professor at private university Collegium Civitas in Warsaw. “It is a contrast: Polish parents and grandparents are paradoxically more liberal than their young.”

    Richard Spencer, an American until recently banned from 26 European countries who wants to create a country just for white people in North America, was invited. The Polish government asked him to stay home, and he didn’t show up. Roberto Fiore, an Italian anti-immigration politician who describes himself as a fascist, was scheduled to appear.

    Some Poles on Facebook and Twitter said they were staying away from the city center on their country’s independence day, to avoid potential violence. Three previous years’ marches devolved into tear-gas-clouded scuffles with police. Police detained at least 45 people Saturday.

    The crowds drawn to Saturday’s march reflect the politics taking hold in the soccer clubs and youth hangouts where Radical Camp recruits. The group holds a staunch nativist standpoint, saying the European Union and Russia represent equal threats to Polish sovereignty. It argues that Polish people should nationalize the assets belonging to foreign corporations and distribute the profits across an ethnically homogenous state.
    Similar movements have taken hold—even captured seats in parliament—in Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic. Some of these countries are among Europe’s most prospering. Poland is the only country in the EU that didn’t experience a single quarter of economic contraction after the financial crisis.

    Still, the fear that Poland is under siege by distant elites has captured the imagination of some here, as has the worry that hordes of immigrants could soon pour over the border. Government-controlled media broadcasts near-nightly reports on crimes committed by Muslims in Europe. On Saturday, Polish state television called the procession a “great march of patriots.


    nazi's zijn weer terug in de Europese steden..
    duizenden nazi's marcheren door de straten van poolse hoofdstad en de politici en media zijn muisstil hierover..
    "Wie voor slavernij kiest, zal de afwezigheid van vrijheid niet voelen"

  9. #9
    Bijna Lid


    Citaat Geplaatst door _Felix_ Bekijk reactie
    Indrukwekkende beelden.
    Heeft je opa toevallig gediend in de ss? of was hij een verzetsstrijders zoals 99% van de Nederlanders?