1. #1
    Bijna Lid


    lessen over geo-politiek.. goed om gelezen te hebben :)

    Rene Veerman
    15 minuten · Amsterdam ·
    peacefan is one of the nicknames i use for online political forums..
    i want to share this thread of discussion with you all; it helped me understand a lot more about the war on terror and geo-politics (international politics) :

    'US, Israel agree to record military aid deal worth at least $38 billion'
    Sources say 10-year agreement is due to be signed within days. [IMG] Trial of the Iron Dome system in the US.. (photo credit:RAFAEL ADVANCED DEFENSE...

    Ik ben inderdaad Rene AJM Veerman, bouwer en eigenaar van http://seductiveapps.com, en mijn facebook pagina staat op https://facebook.com/ReneVeermanSeductiveApps ..
    Hierboven vind je m'n post op facebook van een discussion-thread op defence.pk waar ik veel van geleerd heb en op een prettige manier..

    De URL waar het om gaat is : http://defence.pk/threads/us-israel-...2#post-8684127

    En inderdaad, Ik, Rene AJM Veerman noem mezelf peacefan op defence.pk/forums en tevens vredefan op forums.marokko.nl

  2. #2
    Bijna Lid


    Noted. I absorbed it into the sponge that my mind and brain are at times like these.
    This is indeed an excellent article and i wont forget a word of it..
    I'm going to re-read this article a few times to make sure i don't forget anything said in this article.

    see also
    and the playlist index for that video (made by me Rene AJM Veerman aka peacefan at defence.pk/forums and vredefan at forums.marokko.nl) can be found at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...qrVO6hEbsZOZWo
    EDIT: sorry, i posted the wrong playlist's URL (website address).. But hey, i'm only human and make mistakes too sometimes..

    i emailed my largest emailing list (USA + Israeli + Netherlands' governments AND massmedia outlets in The Netherlands and USA) about (almost) everything that i posted or read on this beautiful forum defence.pk/forums.
    Certain link-in posts were also made to the "tea-lounge" subforum on forums.marokko.nl , for instance : http://forums.marokko.nl/showthread.php?t=5489141

    Last edited: A moment ago
    disclaimer : for reasons of effectiveness, i can't always share the details of the nagging i do to my own NATO+Israel+allies political/intel/military/religious camps..

    Source: http://defence.pk/threads/generation...#ixzz4KCQDNrox